Well, I am back at the computer, although not back to speed in my life as yet. It's been a bear of a four weeks or so and I am not the better for it this time.

I had my thigh and leg surgery on April 18th. This was THE worst surgery I have EVER had. Every other time I was ever operated on, I was up and about within a week, 10 days at most. This one really kicked my butt. I am severely anemic, was passing out from that, had a devil of a time with the drugs, ended up with a 104 degree fever and an infection, and now have a three inch long, two inch wide and two inch deep open wound on the inside of my left leg that has to be dressed with wet-to-dry packing and meds twice a day. Dad is my saviour once again...he took complete control of the house, dogs, me, etc.

I have had pretty good luck with the weight. I lost another 29 pounds from this surgery, so now I am in 16's instead of the Omar-the-Tentmaker sizes that I used to wear. I am not looking to be super-skinny...I am just fine like this, although I know I will lose more as I can walk to exercise again.

Thank you for all your thoughts, calls, prayers, cards and well-wishes.