Acts of God...!

Posted by: jabber

Acts of God...! - 07/25/11 04:01 PM

Just lived through the worse storm I've ever witnessed in this
part of the country, i.e.: huge hail, high winds, lightening,
thunder. It scared the stuffing out of the dogs and me. The sky turned black as night. It's an hour after the fact and
still thundering in the distance.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Acts of God...! - 07/25/11 06:03 PM

I'm glad the worst is over for you, jabber. Those kinds of storms are 'normal' for us during monsoons, but they are still scary!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Acts of God...! - 07/25/11 07:31 PM

As far as I know, we didn't have hail last week, Jabber, but otherwise it sounds a lot like like the series of T-storms we had here in the Midwest last week...

I believe it was Friday night that it started, and it was still thundering the next morning when we woke up.

Normally I love to listen to storms while I'm safely in bed, but this one had me worried we would find ourselves homeless by morning.

Combined with the temps on the 100's, I have the suspicion that our weather is becoming more severe than it has been in my lifetime.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Acts of God...! - 07/26/11 01:31 PM

The storms here are getting like Florida's weather. One minute
the sun is shining, the next minute it's raining, then the sun
shines again. But that storm yesterday was really scary. And I don't remember the heat index around here being over 100 degrees before. And more hot, hot weather is on its way this weekend. With extreme heat, comes extreme storms!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Acts of God...! - 07/26/11 11:02 PM

I agree with you Anne, this weather is strange to say the least and bad in places it hasn't been bad before. Tornados in odd places and they are fierce. Here in the Nevada deseret it is hot but cloudy with intermitant rain showrs and terrible lightening and thunder. Today its 102* with showers off and on. People have reason to be afraid never knowing what it coming our way.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Acts of God...! - 07/27/11 01:18 PM

Current weather patterns are certainly anything but normal. El Nino's quasiperiodic configurations seem to be occurring more
rapidly than its reputation indicates.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Acts of God...! - 08/04/11 09:17 PM

Well its 106* today but with very dark skys, cloudy, and you can hear thunder somewhere in the background. God I hope there is never a tornado here in town.