new blog post

Posted by: copygal

new blog post - 09/06/10 12:33 PM

Morning Ladies,
Just wanted to let ya'll know about my new blog post. My wedding anniversary is tomorrow and I've been having a hard time this year. It would have been our 42nd anniversary and I've been missing Mel a lot lately. I do fine for a while, then it hits me again, and anniversaries are hardest for me. So, I do what makes me feel better-I write. Hope you'll take a look-

Alanna aka Copygal
Posted by: yonuh

Re: new blog post - 09/06/10 08:34 PM

Hi, Copygal. I can only imagine how that feels. ((hugs)) coming your way.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: new blog post - 09/13/10 07:31 PM

Hi Copygal, A belated but heartfelt kudos for your blog post. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are feeling a bit better by now. I am off to "like" your Facebook fan page...
Posted by: copygal

Re: new blog post - 09/22/10 05:35 PM

Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support over the years. I couldn't have made it without you! And thanks Anne for hitting that "like" button. Everyone is welcome to come by, post their thoughts or make suggestions. If there is something in particular that you want to discuss, just let me know. Visit me on Facebook, on my blog or PM me here. I'm happy to answer any questions or help in any way I can. And I hope you'll consider buying my book. My ultimate goal is to help other widows make it through this journey, find their purpose and create a new future for themselves.

Alanna aka Copygal
Posted by: jabber

Re: new blog post - 09/23/10 10:25 AM

I think of this oftentimes: where happily married couples are concerned, it seems one or the other of 'em are taken to Heaven.
Unhappy couples get divorced and remarry. Life isn't fair, really.
Posted by: copygal

Re: new blog post - 09/24/10 02:55 PM

You know I've thought the same thing so many times, when I see couples squabbling and obviously not getting along, how unfair that I had to lose the guy with whom I got along so beautifully. I guess that's life.
Posted by: jabber

Re: new blog post - 09/28/10 06:13 PM

So many things seem unfair. Some people who want kids, can't have them. Some people who have kids don't want 'em. When you're
young and need a big house, for your growing family, you can't afford a big house. When you're older and can afford a large
place, there are only the two of you. Things seem so unbalanced
at times. But, like you say, that's life!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 10/03/10 10:59 AM

I have come to the conclusion that the word WIDOW is a terrible word, it brings such sadness.
Posted by: copygal

Re: new blog post - 10/05/10 05:39 PM

I agree that the word "widow" has definite negative connotations. That's precisely why I'm trying to reach other women in the same situation and show them there is joy to be found in a new life & a new purpose, so they don't get lost in the sadness. Sadness & depression can become comfortable old friends & difficult to get away from; not a good thing. Perhaps we can coin a new term. How about spouse challenged?
Posted by: Laurel D Rund

Re: new blog post - 10/11/10 06:15 PM

Hi All, It's been a year and eight months since I lost my husband of 42 years. I was a warrior during the year he was ill (trying everything I (we) could to keep him alive) and then wondering who would I be without him.

I truly believe my husband's spirit surrounds me ... but I also know that he wanted me to find my purpose and to live ... life goes on! I turned to my creative side - producing artwork and poetry which expressed my grief, and then expressed finding my joy. I am so grateful for the time my husband I had together. It enabled me to go on, and to discover the new me, and ultimately ... to a wonderful new relationship. Romance and love is possible in our sixties. I am glad to be alive, grateful for all of my experiences good and challenging. It brought me to who I am today, and I really like this woman named Laurel. For those of you going through loss, my book "Emerging Voices" will take you on a gentle journey of self-discovery. Laurel
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 11/09/10 08:10 PM

It takes some longer than others but once we discover who we are and are happy with ourselves, we have it made. I am going book shopping soon and looking for your book.
Posted by: jabber

Re: new blog post - 11/29/10 10:18 AM

I'm sorry that some of you gals are widows. I agree. It sounds
like a sad word. But I'm glad that many of you have strong
spirits and healthy self-esteem. Prayers and blessings...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 12/02/10 07:11 PM

I have never exactly been the Merry Widow myself but have learned to be a self sufficient one and although I still at times talk to my dear departed, I am doing fine. It takes a while but does happen.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 01/01/11 09:59 PM

I find it sickening that I lost two wonderful husbands when they passed away and this one, number three, seems to be indestructable. My mom said today on the phone that, "The devil takes care of his own." I believe she is right about that...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: new blog post - 01/02/11 05:33 PM

Laurel, you mention a marriage of 42 years. You hardly look that age in your photo.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 02/19/11 04:12 PM

This post made me think and I would have been married 53 years this coming April and don't even look 53. How cool is that?.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 03/03/11 08:54 PM

Being a widow is no fun especially if all your friends were couple friends and they are still both together. I was shocked how many of my married girlfriends had stopped calling and inviting me to things. They acted like now single I was some sort of hungry predator after their man, geesh!!! I will say that some of the men did try to getr a little too friendly BUT that wasn't my fault!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 04/14/11 08:54 PM

There are a group of women here in town calling themselves Gals Galore... They are all widows and live alone or with older children. I was invited to join and told it was something like the Purple/Red hat women. They are very social and help one another every way possible. They travel together, go dancing, biking, walking, bowling etc., and even have a community garden on one womens property, but mostly they just have fun. Sounds interesting so I am going to check it out.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 05/04/11 05:23 PM

Went to the first meeting and thanks but no thanks! I could trell just by quietly listening to what went on it wasn't for me. Too much back stabbing when someone left the room and too much worry about fashion and makeup etc., Oh well, I will keep looking sround for some down to earth ladies.
Posted by: copygal

Re: new blog post - 05/09/11 03:48 PM

Sorry the gals group didn't work out for you, but you'll find another one that's perfect for you. I'm still hanging out with several other crocheters/knitters a couple of times a week. We call our group Chains & Purls & we've been together for about 4 years now. We've gotten to know each other, celebrated birthdays & mourned along with two of the gals who've lost their husbands during that time. We laugh about the knitting/crocheting being just an excuse to get together & have fun, laugh & be silly. One member calls them therapy sessions. LOL! Maybe it's not a group of widows you need, just a group of happy gals who enjoy each other's company. It's a pity you don't live near here, you'd make a great addition to our little group. smile
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: new blog post - 05/09/11 09:23 PM

What a nice thing to say copygal, I appreciate the thought. I started a bike riding group last year called Pedal Pushers and we have begun riding as a group again. Last night we went for a night time ride once everyones kids and family left from Mothers Day, and stopped at the custard stand for frozen custard, sat under the shops awnings at the tables and had a ball talking and laughing about some of the happenings of the day. Surprisingly enough some of the funniest stories were from our men members. So maybe this is the group for me, we always seem to have fun.
Posted by: copygal

Re: new blog post - 05/09/11 11:23 PM

Sounds like a great group for you. You'll have loads of fun & stay fit at the same time. It's just important to get out, connect with others of like minds & have fun. That way you keep a balance to your life. Enjoy!