What is your style of dressing? Poll

Posted by: dancer9

What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/29/08 11:45 PM

Clothes make the woman! Which of these might be you?
Why is that?
Posted by: gims

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 12:07 AM

Style isn't the issue for me, so mine would fall under comfortable, but nice.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 12:25 AM

I don't think I've ever figured out what my style is...when I was single, I was too poor to buy new clothes, so always bought second-hand; when I got married, I started to buy nicer stuff, but then we end up giving almost everything away when we go to Cuba, even the shoes off our feet (I always bring a spare pair of cheap flip-flops...that's often all I have left to wear back home.)

So I don't have any style...whatever's on sale in my size and a colour I like!

But I do like to look nice...
Posted by: orchid

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 06:36 AM

Probably classic, conservative. That's why I still wear pieces from...10-15 years ago.

Just to give you an idea what I wore to work (in an office at a construction site) in past few days:

same old black chino casual pants too baggy in the bum (honest the lycra in pant has stretched abit) and different coloured turtlenecks each day...solid colours: dove light grey, next day: deep ultramarine blue and today: deep royal purple. Then wore a fitted fleecy jacket on top...building heating isn't perfect. Purple leather tie-up walking shoes that are bunged up from walking across rocky gravel and mud...every day. (Please I don't want to invest in steel-toe workboots for a 15 min. walk across construction mess.) Earrings: a pair of dangling, silvery arty triangles and last few days, a pair of tiny silvery leafy tree boughs.

Yea...fashion at work.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 08:43 AM

There are two style me's -- the one who sits at home most days working on jewelry or computer, and the one who actually goes out now and then. The first me is wearing sweats. The 2nd me has all sorts of bright funky stuff.

My wardrobe probably contains items in all categories except glam. Maybe I have some glam items, but I'd pair them with hand-painted Converse or something more arty.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 09:18 AM

I'm with Eagle and Meredith somewhat. The "two me's"! My home attire if I know I'll be hidden away can be quite scary. I'm also a person who loves the backyard and my gardens! I have my conservative clothes for work or business and I have some items that would make your jaw drop when I'm going out on the town!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 10:29 AM

Like most of you, I love to be comfy at home. I usually wear jeans and a pretty t-shirt.

When I go out, I like to look chic...but I pulled that off better when I was younger. I really don't like to stand out in a crowd, so I go more the conservative style.

About half an hour ride from us is a Spa City. I don’t know if they have anything like that in the States. There are hundreds of luxurious hotels with gigantic bathing facilities. Wellness, cafés, and flowers islands, are seen everywhere. Outside, concerts take place and a wide pedestrian area is there for people to flaunt their stuff. You don’t see jeans here. Beautiful boutiques with unusual and classy clothes are lined up along the boulevard. You can find the best quality and one of a kind items. The prices?…Well that’s another story, but I have learned quality does pay off.

Here’s a link if anyone is interested: They even have virtual tours. SPA CITY
Posted by: jabber

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 01:40 PM

There are two me's, too. But everyday dress and go-in-public dress are both sporty, because I like to be comfortable. I was raised on a farm; I don't know how to be glamorous. Cows and horses don't give a rat's butt what you look like.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 04:50 PM

There are those who say they don't care about their clothing. This can make those of us who do feel badly, like we are focused on ourselves instead of on the art of dressing. Everyone cares about dressing. It may be the color of their sweat shirt, or the clothes they wear when working out. They DO care if their clothing is comfortable sometimes or if it fits. They care about color, fit, and sometimes where it is made.

No matter who tells you that they don't care about such things, look at them and what they wear, they won't have picked any old thing out of goodwill! They will not be wearing their husband's or neighbors big ol baggy pants! They will be wearing a color they like, or matching things or even a sweat suit of the same color!

It is too long a cop-out that women use to say they don't care about fashion, they do. If not, they would let their hair grown down as long as it can and never trim it, wear any clothing they find, and in any color they find it in! They would never shave their legs or anywhere,and their faces would have mustashes or beards and their skin would be dirty.

They do care, ladies. Don't feel badly about yourself if you choose to put your best look forward, it makes the world beautiful and colors your personality it's own shade.

Never feel guilty about caring about how you look and about your body!

Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 04:59 PM

You should be able to pick two styles...
Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 05:00 PM

Then pick 2 styles, I think I set it up that way, I tried!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 05:02 PM

A true classic can last most your life! I buy my "wear alot," pieces in good quality and conservative so they last forever!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 08:28 PM

Dancer, I absolutely agree with your comment about fashion choices: blue jeans are a fashion choice. So is color. Every time we buy something or put it on our backs, we've made a choice.

For example, the sweats I'm wearing now: super-comfortable, fairly warm so we don't have to run the heat much (high of 60 today.) My favorite sweatshirt, black background with large bright fish in purple, bright orange, yellow, teal, fuchsia. Underneath is a bright orange cotton turtleneck. Sweat pants are bright purple. (And not a single person who has been here longer than 15 minutes is surprised by my color choices ) Would the sweats and turtleneck be equally warm and comfortable in gray and navy? Yes, but as you already suspected, I don't own those colors. So even within this genre (sporty) there are choices.

I would say to the ladies who mostly wear one style -- that's fine, but if you see something you like that's different, don't be afraid to buy it because "it's not my style." Occasional change can be fun.

The limiting factor, of course is practicality. I can love a ball gown all I want, but I never go anywhere that formal, so buying one would be a waste of closet space (and $$$.) Same for high heels, which make my feet unhappy.

I have a strong streak of Fashionista running through me -- one of the (many) reasons I chose this house is ample closet space, where I store all my clothes. My taste is quite eclectic -- there are many styles I love, and also a bunch that don't suit me at all.

I just have to comment on one more thing (before I crawl back to my room to work on business taxes *gag*)

A true classic can last most your life! I buy my "wear alot," pieces in good quality and conservative so they last forever!

I buy a lot of good quality weird stuff that never is IN fashion, therefore it can never go out!
Posted by: Anno

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 11:26 PM

While I voted, I must say my style was not included in the list. I guess I just have that Anno style. LOL!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/30/08 11:39 PM

Meredith, I love orange! Orange is my all-time favourite colour to wear, and there's a lot of it in my closet! Some of the style of the clothing doesn't suit me, but the colour always makes me feel better when I wear orange. Same with bright purple, fuschia and neon turquoise.

I'm sorry to say that there is too much grey and black in my wardrobe - too many funerals lately - but I try never to wear them around the house...I deliberately choose to offset the dark patches of life by wearing the brightest, warmest colours possible...it sort of makes me feel like I'm laughing in the face of chaos, or dancing in the darkness, or choosing life over death.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 12:11 AM

Interesting question. I do care how I look, but it is FAR from my focus in life and I rarely dwell on it. I don't read fashion magazines, other than to see the pics and comment "If that doesn't look cute on a skinny model, then I KNOW it won't look cute on me!"

I am with Gimster; I am dress comfortably and look nice. But I have zero glam items in my wardrobe. I choose more for the texture and color than for the "style". I do want to look good, but I feel my other qualities are much more important than looks, however that being said, first impressions are important.

Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 12:18 AM

It's interesting, I'm a city girl. In the city, at my Jazz concerts, there are women into their 70's that dress up and come down to sit and listen who have a great time. They have the most glamorous jewels at times and dresses. They are the old gaurd, the respected ones at these concerts or when I am out to eat and one tries to learn from them. They own businesses that they have had for years and years and dress and go to work daily.

They are quite inspiring!

It seems I am on a site of women who are not that sort. Perhaps this was a question I should not have asked!

Posted by: orchid

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 07:19 AM

I guess I described what I wore at work this week, as the best accurate reflection of my workplace reality, given my work environment. In a way, to be working among a bunch of fairly good male colleagues and senior managers, it is immensely liberating, for once, to be with an employer where if a woman looked hip, fashionable and tastefully dressed, she would be appreciated. But if she was not competent and swift in her work habits, most likely she would be thought as not adding a whole lot to a high-paced work environment. (In fact, some people have been told to leave because of such work habits.) There is enormous work drive infused in my workplace...we have a deadline to complete a major highway bridge with multiple highway approaches ..to be done within 3 years. Otherwise, there are late penalty costs running into hundreds of thousands of dollars. A common practice used in large construction projects..in order to get things done within a reasonable time.

It would be nice that I could wear my closetful of sharper, tailored business attire, and I do...occasionally. But to do it daily, when there's construction dust floating in the air..just isn't practical for certain outfits. The dust even collects in our photocopiers...causing streaky copies.

I do have some occasional glam wear for parties, but still classic cuts and solid colours.

Right now I wear at home,....what I do regularily ...shorts..in year-round, even winter.

I do care about how I look...it is best expressed in the choice I've made casually and slowly over the last decade or so: I choose my health and fitness over fashion.

Dancer you just have a profession where you can practice both...and get paid for it!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 10:53 AM

I see this site as having many very, very hard working women. Because of this, we choose what is comfortable to us personally yet nice. Time is a factor. We use it wisely.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 11:16 AM

Comfy at home but not sloppy. Going out.Classic long cardigans over skirts and trousers..matching v neck underneath.Sometimes blouse if dressing up.Amber beads.. braclets.I search for shoes that look pretty whilst accomodating in arthritis.I wear scarves a pasmino and aim for comfort.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 01:46 PM

Oh Dancer, of course you should ask the question! Everyone here has different opinions and that's what makes this forum so interesting to me! You should feel comfortable asking whatever you want.

I look at the ladies you describe and admire them. They always look so put together and classy. Many times, I wish I could do what they do, however I never seem to have the money or the time to try to learn how to dress like that. I can't even accessorize! I throw on lipstick, mascara, blush and earrings, and I'm out the door. Many times I've said I need a personal shopper; wouldn't that be fun, to have someone "dress" you?

I do have money and time for other things, so I guess that means it's not truly important for me to dress like that. If it were, that's where I would be putting my energy.

I too have owned a business for many, many years. I've had my web design biz for 11 years, my RJ biz for two years, and during that time I also was Director of Operations at charter school for two years.

I think it has a lot to do with where/how you were raised. I was raised in a more rural setting, and wore hand-me-downs. It was great fun to get a big box of clothes from my cousins! If I had been raised in the city, or exposed more to city life and city styles, then I would probably be more interested in style.

While many of us may not be glamorous, that doesn't mean we don't like to read/hear about others who are. Keep the great questions coming!

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 02:58 PM

Like Kathy I grew up in a small place.Always had uniform and sunday clothes.Hand knitted sweaters.Then I learn to sew.My teacher(I have mention her in another post) taught me.I had an older cousin three years older and she came from Liverpool.She worked in a fabric shop so she too brought me up to speed.A shify made in an evening..gypsey skirts and black belts.
When teaching I made my self attractive for the children wearing street cred...whatever. but as I got older developed a distinct style which I feel comfortable and attractive in.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 03:29 PM

Well, I didn't mean to imply I don't give a rip. Sure I care. I just like comfortable jeans more than I like a fancy dress. But I like to feel feminine and pretty and lacy, too. I like soft and silky and cuddly. Sexy isn't listed there. I like black lace and silk; red lace and silk! You know?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 03:55 PM

Can I use the British actress Judi Dench as an example of a smart woman.She shines from within..still sought after at her age..she has a style unique to her and recently was in Cranfoed a TV series worth watching.All the actresses went without make-up to allow the age of the characters to be authentic.Judi drapes her pashmina over her shoulder.I have two..one lavendar one a gift from China and a cheaper one.I ise it as a wrap not having Judi's style.Like helen Mirren Judi is still a star.Helen Mirren has a different style and I put her in a league of her own.Maeve Binchy the author is always smart ..she has a dressmaker who keeps her dressed in exactly what suits Maeve best.I like diversity in style and love magazines where I can appreciate all ages of woman.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 01/31/08 04:20 PM

Mountain Ash,
Judi Dench is a beautiful woman and a wonderful actress as is Helen Mirren! I love them both! The British actresses seem to not mind letting their hair gray and they look lovely doing it! We could learn a lot from these women as far as class and aging!

They are a great example, to be sure!

Posted by: diamond50

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 02/01/08 08:33 AM

My style is a little bit of everything, but living in
Hawaii I lean toward sporty, trendy.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 02/01/08 03:03 PM

This is an excellent topic; I don't want you to think, I think otherwise. That expression "rat's butt" I stole from Judge Judy. She's always saying that and I find it funny.
I'm always looking for a good laugh because I've got some heavyduty stuff in my life right now. The thing I want to point out is: when a subject presents itself to a person,
it depends what stage of life that person is in, as to how much importance it holds. When I worked I liked Liz Claiborne, Alfred Dunner, London Fog outerwear and naturalizer footwear. But I've been retired for sometime now. So clothes don't hold a high level of forcus for me any longer. When ladies are out in public everyday, it's a different story. Of course, it's important, then. Plus, I'm out in the country, and see fewer folks' than those that live in the city. I dress up when I go to dinner or some social event. But that's seldom. I'm just trying to apologize for my first response. I know it was jokingly brief and I didn't want to minimize the importance of this thread. Like diamond, sport, trendy is good here too.
Posted by: euphrades

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 02/01/08 07:59 PM

black or white or cream. must be an all natural fabric. must be able to go in the washing machine. it can be ironed or not ironed I don't care. i use to be a clothes horse. now i'm just a comfortable, very happy, grandmother of 5 boys, married to my husband twice, nice job on wall street,
antique and art collector very happy person. Much Love my sisters.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 02/01/08 08:06 PM

Welcome, euphrades! Glad to see you jump right in....this is a great place to "just be," something we all need. Let's hear lots more from you!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: What is your style of dressing? Poll - 02/01/08 08:24 PM

Although I am on a break from the forum, I wanted to post this in honor of a woman I knew...

There was one woman who to this day has the most style of anyone I ever have met.
It was a dance patron I had in my twenties. She was in her 70's and although her face was lined, she was beautiful by anyone's standards. Men found her attractive and so did women.
As a singer and a dancer fighting to prove myself in a feild that contained some masters of music, I was nervous when she came to my shows. She would come, be dressed in a nice dress and have a ring on, a cocktail ring as big as you can get, on one of her fingers. It was her trademark, if you will, to have a cocktail ring on her finger.

She could not stay late but she brought her lady friends and watched me sing or dance with such joy and she was SO generous to me, I was pushed along in my career by her. She could not dance, she never sang, but she loved music. She said she saw something special in me and wanted to help me along. I was ever so grateful and loved her greatly because of it. It was like the "Flashdance," movie, and she was, again, stunning to everyone!

She cared about arts, literture, dance, song, and painting were her favorites. We all loved her very much. She had the most wonderful collection of fine books.

The point here is that she was relevent to all of us who were artists. Not just those she sponsered but to those she did not. Her taste was trusted.

I used to look at her and tell myself, "I want to be just like her when I am that age!" I want to be proud of myself, and age gracefully. I want to be relevent.

I wanted to put this here even thought I am bowing out a lot now because I wanted to tell everyone what I thought was beauty in a woman and what other artists agreed with. We also loved and admired O'Keefe.

Age makes a fine wine finer. It is the same with women, but if you have something inside you that is a personality flaw you don't work on, you are like wine being aged that is not going to taste well at all.

It's about the inside and yes, the outside.

dancer, still on break