Hi All!
I thought I'd touch on this subject as there are changes we need to make as we get older. When we are young we can afford to look like scarecrows and like we have black eyes but as we age, there are things that make us look better with regard to product and make up!

- First, use no powder that will settle in lines and wrinkles! Agh! How horrid when powder, (not minerals, but powder,) settles in our wrinkles and show them off like mountain crevices when they might just be little lines! To avoid this, avoid regular powder! Use the mineral powders out now, one being Bare Minerals but there are others out as well, It is a 100 % improvement!

Slow down on the foundation! Yes, take off that thick foundation that also settles in small lines! It gives us a mask, looks "old," and helps everything slide into those little lines. Instead, use a non-oily, moisterizer w/tint or use a Smashbox product for stopping oil that is worth it's weight in gold. It comes in tint or no tint and it's called anti-shine, anti-Brilliance. There is another product in Chanel called T-Mat, Shine control, and more products in the lower lines. These products help oily skin, or skin that is overly moisterized stay matte without color. You can find Smash box at Sephora, in their store on line or in their standing stores. You, Yonah, can find it at Product. MAC has an oil control lotion and as I said, you can find one in lower lines at the drug store. Wearing something to tighten our pores helps our skin look more finished without showing lines or wrinkles and making them stick out! The formula could be: Using an anti shine product over your day moisterizer and than adding a mineral powder over that. This will hide any lines, make our skin look perfect as possible and feel as light as air! It's a good idea.

Get rid of all mascara and eye liner on the bottom of eyelashes! This is SO important! It BARELY works for the very young but for boomers, you don't want to apply eye liner to lower lashes for it shows droopy eyes and looks terrible! Try to forgo mascara on the lower lashes too! Try it and see yourself loose ten years!

You only have two options for staying alive looking and not like you are 100 years old when it comes to lipstick:
A red like no other red,
light color that is covered with a lip moisterizer.
Other colors on our lips ages us and looks bad. There is a designer or two that say that ONLY women over 40 can wear red lipstick and this is true. IF you wear it, wear very little other make up and you will look smashing! If you decide not to wear red, make sure you put something on your lips because our lips fade! After you brush your lips, ( LOL,) put a light coat of lipstick with your finger, (and use a lip liner you rub into your lips,) and put a nice lip product over it. Just a bit o color works on us!

If you are any ethnic group, like I am, with black hair or eye lashes and eye brows, DON'T wear too much make up PERIOD! We only look like we are working the corner and that's not our best look! Ethnic is our best look and it comes in handy as we get older! Plan to look your race and make that look as natural as you can.

Don't succomb to that feeling that "nothing looks good and I'm too old for make up." This is NOT TRUE, and a little goes a long way for us! We can look glamorous with out much effort as you see here.

Try to loose the eye liner completely or use a brown one that does not show well! Go ahead and use mascara if your lashes are light, but try to get out of the liner habit. Liner on older women ages like all H*ll! It's better to look like you have your eyes natural.

WATCH OUT for EYE SHADOW! We don't need it, it gets into lines, and it's for funny young women who, like we did when we were young, want to look older! No older woman has a need for eye shadow no matter WHO gives you a make over! IF you have to wear it because you are stubborn, limit it to the crease in your lid and spare the rest of the eye! ARG, it's such a mistake, yes?

As I said, make those nails BOLD. It's our right of passage as women of the sexy middle age! Use a french manicure, (and go ahead and use a different color than white on your tips if you want) or use RED. Red/blue if you have dark skin or Apple red if you have very white skin! Take the time to go to a manicurist and give yourself a break! Get acryllic on your nails if you dare! Go ahead and ger gel nails or another form of false nail that requires filling! Why? Because unlike little girls, we KNOW what we are doing with our hands and we can make that color and those nails look like they BELONG! If you HATE false nails, have your own nails done as above and FLASH those things! Longer nails look fabulous on women who are Boomers! If you want, have your nails buffed and wear them natural but whatever you do, let yourself have that manicure and know you are worth it! I get mine done every two weeks and my nail teck, Justin, is fabulous and loves to do them! If you know what to ask for, the nail tecks with love you!

Your feet, girls! Paint those toe nails! Clear polish looks sexy if you have a tan but use the rules above for color! Our feet can take a beating when they are older and we have to fight back! I had both feet done with regard to bunions and it's the best surgery I ever had! My feet look lovely and I take care of them! Take care of them and then display them!


Such fun. These are some ideas for make up. Next, when I catch my wind again, I'll write about skin care I know, or have heard, that works! We must take care of our bodies from inside to outside so I'll give up some model, dancer tips for that!

I hope you enjoy this!


"Question your privilege"