A 10 year old kills father in self-defense

Posted by: Anno

A 10 year old kills father in self-defense - 05/26/07 02:46 PM

Yesterday, in St. Paul (Minnesota) a 10 year old was questioned and released to relatives for killing his father with a kitchen knife.

Seems his father had pounded on the boy's mother's door at 2am. Neighbors heard arguing, then a woman screaming when the man stumbled out into the apartment hallway bleeding. The boy was screaming that he was going to jail because he just killed his father.

The police are investegating. The father had some "minor" previous arrests, one for carrying a sawed off shot gun. The boy stated he was trying to save his mom.

I find this one of the most tragic DV stories that I have heard in a while.
Posted by: Casey

Re: A 10 year old kills father in self-defense - 05/26/07 06:55 PM

Anno, this is truly terrible! I feel sorry for the boy, it will be difficult for him to heal, no matter what the story really was.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: A 10 year old kills father in self-defense - 05/27/07 05:22 PM

How totally destructive to this little boys psychique. God only knows what this and the abuse he witnessd of his mother will do to him in later life. I hope he gets GOOD help now when he needs it. That poor child...
Posted by: Dianne

Re: A 10 year old kills father in self-defense - 05/28/07 11:02 AM

I also watched this on the news, Anno. It made me sick. He was his mother's only defender, a position no child should ever be put in.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: A 10 year old kills father in self-defense - 05/28/07 11:04 PM

How tragic this is. I pray for this family. It's unspeakable! So hard on this kid, and this whole family. Whatever the reason, no child should have to find himself in this awful position. May he get help now.
Posted by: Anno

Re: A 10 year old kills father in self-defense - 05/29/07 06:12 AM

No new news on this topic that I have heard of so far. I have not been able to get this boy out of my mind all weekend.