Writing an "arttist's statement"

Posted by: ariadne54

Writing an "arttist's statement" - 02/22/06 05:20 AM

The subject of my grad class tonight was writing our artist's statement. There was lots of information, and suggestions. It has to be concise, yet describe what you are creating.
At the same time, nothing "personal" was recommended, however, I have read artists' statements recently, by women in my age group (55), who reflect on their life journey, and how they have arrived at the present stage of creativity, and I liked reading about that.
I will try to share with you all here what I eventually write and submit. Welcoming your critiques.
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Writing an "arttist's statement" - 02/22/06 09:00 AM

So...will you be writing of your life's journey?
What will you be creating?
Sounds, as if you are enjoying the class.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Writing an "arttist's statement" - 03/28/06 06:38 PM

Ariadne54, please tell us more on this "artist's statement'.