Lay-offs and the economy

Posted by: ladyjane

Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 12:28 AM

My husband was laid off from his job today. We are so devastated this evening. We've become a small part of this horrible economy. Frank is shocked. His job seemed so secure...there was no warning. Several people left his company with him. What now? All plans have changed. You never think it will happen to YOU. We watch the nightly news every night and see the numbers but never believed it would hit home so close. How scary!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 12:34 AM

First of all LadyJane, my heart goes out to you. It is so devastating, you are so right. I was laid off three years ago. It is personal, I don't give a rip what anyone says. It hurts.

But then there is the financial side of things as well. I so hope that Frank can find something else that he wants and needs.

Tell him, after the dust settles some, to maybe think of doing something he has always wanted to do. That's what I did. I took a crack at writing, and while I don't dine out every night, I do love my life. So there is hope, my friends!

In the meantime, I'm holding you both close to my heart with prayers going up to the big guy for HIS help!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 12:39 AM

Lady Jane, I can sort of understand your situation. My husband came home last night and told me that they are cutting 40% off the budget for his team. I thought his next statement would be that he was laid off and my heart was in my stomach. But he said he'll know more in a week or so, so we are hoping for the best. We always thought his job was very secure, and now we know it's not.

Hang in there TOGETHER. This can make you stronger, and as JJ said, see if there's something else he would like to do. My husband was laid off once before about 20 years ago, and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened.

I'll be thinking of you both, please take care.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 02:02 AM

LadyJane, I'm sorry and please let us know how we may help. Whether through support, to listen, offer suggestions, provide info, together we can all endure.

I'm worried, too. The laws are changing, thus changing the way we practice law, and with less cases, I may be out of a job soon, too.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 02:06 AM

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for those of you in this situation. I guess none of us is immune and nobody's job is secure. I will be keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers and hoping something good will come out of this.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 03:05 AM

LJ, I'm so sorry to hear this. It's really heartbreaking when this happens at our age, at any age really. I'm sure you're surround him with love because I'm sure he needs it right now. YOu are both in my thoughts and prayers.

DD, sounds like a similar situation to my sons. Last year, his company was listed in Baltimore magazine as either the number one or two place to work in Baltimore. They got in to financial trouble and are in the process of a buy out. They laid off 400 people and another 400 will be laid off shortly. He was in the first batch. It's one thing to be laid off at 23. Quite another to be laid off at our age. God help us all.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 09:40 AM

It's settling in a bit this morning. There are three other women whom I work with whose husbands were laid off from jobs in the past month. The thing is Frank is 59 years old and can't hide that fact. There's always the worry that finding a job for that reason will be difficult. I know it shouldn't be but discrimination does happen! He's a hard worker and will not give in easily. He's willing to do most anything. Last night it all came in waves to him, as grief does. He loved his job and was close to a lot of people there. He received several calls of support during last evening. He also cried. It was heartbreaking. We're not alone and will survive. Thank you all for words of wisdom and support. I do know that good things can come from events like this but it's just so frightening when you're hanging on even with good jobs. I've got to get through a work day today and then will be off tomorrow. I think we need the time together then. Thank you!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 11:12 AM

Lady Jane, I'm so sorry to read this. You're right. Age discrimination is big,…everywhere! But I did see a show on TV. They hire only older people because they say they are more dependable and their work experience is so very valuable. Hopefully your Frank will find a new company that thinks that way as well.
Oh boy...where will all this lead to. And where the heck have all the billions gone to save those money monger banks? Something is so wrong here! German banks are getting now billions to keep them alive as well. Instead, the government should support small businesses and keep jobs intact for the average "Joe"...jeez...So much is wrong with this picture!!!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 02:45 PM

LadyJane, you probably know I was laid off last Wednesday. I'm still spinning out from it. I'm 61 and have some disabilities. Who wants me? I'll find out soon. My company sent out a press release last year that 4,000 employees would be let go. We knew it was coming, but still a shock.

Last night a friend told me her 75-year old mother was axed after 19 years on the job. She's a nurse and worked at a nursing home. They called her in on her day off at 9AM to let her go. Hasn't gotten out of bed yet. I so get it.

Ageism is alive and well. I can't hide my age either.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 07:22 PM

LJ, I just realized I dreamt about you last night. You were calling your husband over to snuggle with him and comfort him. Isn't that wild? I rarely dream, but was at the OR with my daughter until 6:30 this a.m., came home and went to bed so it was a weird sleeping pattern for me. Maybe that's why. Plus you were on my mind.

Daughter is fine. We thought it was another kidney stone, but it was a urinary tract infections which was a much better diagnosis. So yahoo.

EW, I totally hear ya about the small businesses. I tsickens me that we/they get no help. Fortunately, Ross had great insurance for the fire, but had he not, who would have helped him? Still in temporary office waiting for his office to be renovated.

Saundra, I'm sure you're still spinning. I hope you got a severance package of some sort. If you need encouragement to get back out there, feel free to come here. I'll gladly give you some boosts and thoughts about what next.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/15/09 10:35 PM

Saundra, this is just soooo bad! I'm so sorry. You reel for a long time. I came home today to find Frank busying the pellet stove like it's never been cleaned, installing a new bedroom ceiling light that he's had to put off for so long. The calls kept coming in today....people he worked with and love him. There's a lot to be said for such support. For that, we are grateful. I returned his uniforms after work today. Such a sad place and everyone walking on eggshells wondering who will be next. A very frightening time in history it is! My supervisor offered me overtime and I gratefully accepted for whenever she needs me. Still, Frank thought that was nice but got very tearful saying he didn't want me to over do. He hits men in their ego and self esteem, I suppose. They so want to provide. So I guess we work and wait.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/16/09 12:18 AM

LadyJane, I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish I had some good words of advice.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/16/09 12:32 AM

LadyJane, please excuse my question, yet does your husband qualify for unemployment?

A local law firm has cut their attorneys and staff by half, the remaining staff (admin, secretarial, paralegals, etc.) are only allowed to work 30 hours per week and no more health benefits. This is fearful b/c the other law firms seem to follow suit like dominoes. Thus, I'm not certain how unemployment works and the qualifying factors. I imagine it is different state by state.

Another thought, that being how will this affect our Social Security?
Posted by: orchid

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/16/09 08:44 AM

I'm really sorry to hear ladyjane about your hubby. It is a tremendous shock to be terminated from a job due to economic reasons of a company.

And I feel for you sandra on the latest upset for you. It did happen to me a few years ago to me, but not for economic reasons. I did get a good severance pkg. --probably to shut me up. Anyway that was awhile ago. I did consult (and paid) for advice of an employment lawyer. One of the things he recommended was to request the former employer a good letter of reference which is necessary when applying for and explaining to other prospective employers about your work history.,....when asked.

I'm I glad did the above.

Yes, I do think there can be subtle age discrimination. To counteract that I don't mind mentioning in extra-curricular activities that are relevant that make me....less conservative in thought and that I cycle...a strong message that I am a healthy mature and active person, in addition to the work experience, etc.

And every opportunity to define software and technology skills that you are particularily good/expert with live examples if one has a blog, website with decent/useful content. I try to show a history of software generations/ demonstrate technology application flexibility and to learn, and adapt to change. YOu have to show this somewhere in a resume nowadays minimally-- no employer wants to invest in training a employee with zero computer literacy.

I have been unemployed on an aggressive job hunt for 18 months, and another time, for 2 months.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/17/09 01:24 PM

yea iv had a few self employed frends go bust in last two mounths, they also owen a lot of cash too. Again its the mid to small busnesses thats getting the worst kicking.

what is the deal with the banks and car companies, its prettie unfaire ?

lady Jne and sandra i hope it goes werll for you and your son dotsie.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/17/09 01:53 PM

There have been many small businesses go belly up 'round here. But, larger factories are also giving employees their pink slips. Almost daily, news reports 600 lost jobs at this plant and 400 lost jobs on the other side of the city. The economy is currently very scary. Obama gets in, in a couple of days. I hope he and his people can turn it around. Fact is, I pray Obama and his staff will revive the global economy, create a national
health care system, and orchestrate world peace! Now, those are high hopes! Don't ya think? I'm at the point in life, where I aim for the moon and reach for the stars! LOL...!
Posted by: browser57

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/17/09 03:43 PM

I live in the Detroit area - so that about sums it up. Actually, just yesterday, DH received a coupon from one of our beautiful ski/golf resort in Northern MI. They are offering a wonderful Valentines Day package for x-country skiing, romantic dinner and brunch next day, unlimited skiing... Unfortunately, every couple that we used to do things like this are now in very dire straits. Even at this bargain price - it's out of the question.

A very dear friend who has his own business (for nearly 30 years) just met with the bankruptcy lawyer last week. His main business is GM related and they are over 60 days in arrears in payment with no promise in sight. The bank that he has dealt with for ages will not lend him a dime. It is just insanity. They have mortgaged everything they own and now it is all teetering on the brink. At 62 - what does he do now?

Another dear friend lost his job after Sept. 11. He never did recover from that. At 54years old at the time, and having been at the high end of his earning years - no one would give him the time of day. He started a business of his own - refurbishing homes for resale - and the housing market died. He lost a bundle on that. His wife has a stable position (if there is such a thing anymore....) but at least they have medical coverage and she has a 'retirement package' for now.

I would just like to see some justice here. All these bankers and CEO's that have walked away with millions (billions) someone should be going to jail - for a long, long time.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/17/09 04:10 PM

I am so sorry Lady Jane to hear about your husbands lay-off. And Saundra, I am sorry, I did not know that you, too, were laid off.

I don't really know what else to say. I will hold you all in my heart and I hope that you find some bit of treasure in the midst of the devastation.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/17/09 11:44 PM

This situation we all are facing in our country today is just awful. Even if a person doesn't work in an industry thats shutting down so many other industries will eventually be affected. Causing a ripple effect spiruling downward.

Where will this end? Many of us have never known hard times before or felt so scared and helpless. I fear the crime rate is going to go balistric when food, and everything else is in short supply.

Possibly all we can do is use our resources wisely, stock pile what we can, and PRAY.....Pray hard!
Posted by: Lola

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/18/09 07:21 AM

LJ, I am so sorry to read that Frank was laid off but at the same time, greatly admire him for finding ways to keep busy at home in the meantime. It's also a relief that you are employed.

One prays for all who are unemployed at the moment. We do not know how long this current economic climate is going to be but, one wishes and prays that the bother it causes be light as foam.

Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 01/18/09 09:41 AM

You've all summed it up....scary! I do know Frank and he's willing to do most anything at all. His pride won't get in the way. I told him to be good to himself this weekend but still came home yesterday to find him slaving away here. Actually he's doing little projects that have been pushed aside for quite awhile due to more important things and no time. I'm in healthcare....well, hospice...and do feel somewhat safe because there will always be a need. He worked in the heating and air conditioning field and that's one reason why we were so's an ongoing need. What we're finding is that even in companies that will always have a market, EVERYONE is tightening up and trimming....thus his job in this case. There are people at his workplace who have now been delegated all those jobs that were lost on top of their own duties. It must make for very poor morale, not to mention that everyone is walking on eggshells wondering when round two of the lay-offs will hit. Onward....
Posted by: homebusiness

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 02/03/09 08:21 PM

Hi Lady Jane,

I"m sorry to hear of your struggle. My husband has worked for the same company for 30 yrs. and retired this year. They hired him back contract, and do periodically lay him off for a week at a time. So far, this has worked out ok.

I do hope your husband is able to find something he can enjoy working at. It's a hard time.

Blessings to you both.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 02/20/09 10:23 PM

Just to update you all on our status....we are a tiny spot here of unemployment. We're in huge company across the U.S. Frank is still unemployed since January 14th. Looking for work is an absolute joke. Every company appears to have a freeze on hiring, of course. There is still some hope that he could get called back when things pick up in the Spring but I don't have much hope personally of any of it. We're chugging along here doing what we can. Thankfully, I still maintain my 40 hour job at the Hospice House which holds our health insurance...that is, when I'm not home sick with bronchitis and pneumonia. I hope to go back on Monday but didn't need the lack of day's work right now. We're trying to stay positive and he is keeping busy doing things around here. Thanks for allthe warm thoughts!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 02/20/09 10:32 PM

Ladyjane, I've thought of you because my son also lost his job, and I kinda pray for all those in the same boat. I'm so grateful you had your job when he lost his, because it wasn't that long ago when you weren't working this job, right? Have to find something to be thankful for, right?

I know what you mean about finding a job. Hardly a soul is hiring. My sister lives in Charlotte, NC and she said it's so bad that people have signs on their businesses that say NOT HIRING. I guess they're sick of people asking if they're hiring.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 02/20/09 10:42 PM

Yes,'s also so bad out there that Frank asks about hiring most anywhere his travels take him...all for his work search log. In my lifetime, I've never seen anything like it and from what many say we've barely begun this journey.
Posted by: fernal

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 02/22/09 11:38 PM

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. It seems like Frank needs to think outside the box. I know here in CA, people who get jobs never ask for them -they research companies that they like and find a project or service where their skills can add considerable value to the company. They present that to the company and then it is hard for them to say no because they have proven that they know that can add to the bottom line and they have what it takes to do that.
Hope that helps.
Posted by: Bella Luna

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 05/05/09 04:39 AM

My husband just got laid off two days ago. It has been very hard on him these past years since 9/11. He got laid off after that when all the companies were in a panic and has not kept a job for more than a few years since because of age-ism and also (my opinion) because he is not in the "good ole boys club) meaning they already have old established friendships;golfing;yachting etc in the higher ranks and quickly figure out he is a believer and maybe this makes them unfomfortable with their 'talk around the water coler' figuratively speaking. I really have felt just from listening to him speak and it's not what you know it's who you know. There were people who were promoted to very high positions within companies that had not even graduated college then would come to my husband to put "bandades" all over there work. He seems to fix everyone elses blunders and messes and then when they have their big meetings they give credit to the guy in the clique. I can't believe men have cliques but I don't know what else to call it. Today I brought him home from his second biopsy for prostate issues so now we await the results. Personally I have been in the ER 2x over the last 3 weeks. I now have four staples in my head from a dizzy spell......but I get great radio reception:) So we are on our rollercoaster ride in our houseold.....we tried to scale down with the house this past yr. in case this happened as we don't have much equity in it only having been here for 7 yrs but it would not sell in this market and we lowered the price a couple times or so. There are for sale signs everywhere around here and also up for aution signs and foreclosures. I am taking one day at a time........and wearing my old Karate helmut) :)(not) Also can't go job hunting as my hair is about 3 or 4 different colors now and looks terrible and I can't get it done until my stapels are out the the wound is completely healed. Anyway nice to talk to you all again........
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Lay-offs and the economy - 05/05/09 01:41 PM

Bella, I can only hope that you have insurance. Yipes! How devastating this must be to your husband. I'm so sorry this has happened. I don't have any words of wisdom but I can tell you that I share the angst with him.

I was laid off four years ago and at 54, it did several things for and TO me. It woke me up to the fact that I'm single, unemployed, and no insurance. But....being of a Pollyanna nature, I started looking at the bright side...I was free of the corporate world and NOW, I could do whatever I wanted to do. I retired from that company instead of trying to wait it out and see if I would be recalled.

I decided to begin writing full time, published my book, had another one published with five other women, and started speaking to audiences everywhere. As my granny used to say, "who would have ever thunk it."

At first my family was YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHATTTTTT????!!!!! They thought I was nuts. Now, they are my biggest fans.

So tell hubby that he might want to try to look outside his normal employ....and there just might be some dream worth following.

Oh...and so that I don't mislead you, I eat alot of cardboard nowadays...but honestly? I couldn't be happier.

I don't know if this resource would be any good, but I happen to see it just this morning.

Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways For Creating Work That You Love by Barbara J. Winter

The subtitle gives you an idea of where she is headed: that you can make a living and have a life that you craft for yourself. One liberating idea was her concept of multiple profit centers--earning income in different and creative ways so that all of your sources-of-money eggs are not in one basket.

She also has a subscription-based print newsletter called "Winning Ways" and a free electronic newsletter called Joyfully Jobless.