I just had a "friend" ask to buy my soap at wholesale. I'm kinda miffed at this!

They will be custom bars for her 35th HS reunion,which take extra time. At first, I offered her a 25% friends/family discount since it will be quite a large number I'll be making,but she "did not understand" why I would not sell wholesale to her.

A good friend of mine once told me to "never cheat your friends" when it comes to business. If they offer a discount, fine. But you would not otherwise ask for "wholesale" from a stranger, would you?

I'm leaving it at the 25% discount and,if she wants it fine. If not, then I won't offer more. This products takes time, energy and resources. HER business consists of product that is manufactured/packaged elsewhere so she does not have to do anything but sell.

Would you be mad or am I thinking wrongly? I know we are all in business to make money. I'd purchased a gift set from her a few months ago from friends on her internet site and never asked for money off.

The sad thing is we have been good for one another in helping "brainstorm" for business prospects and selling tips. NOw this!

[ February 03, 2006, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Di ]