leather furniture?

Posted by: Dotsie

leather furniture? - 09/01/05 06:22 PM

We are thinking about redecorating our den. I'd love to know if anyone has leather furniture. If so, are you happy with it?
Posted by: TVC15

Re: leather furniture? - 09/01/05 06:58 PM

I have it and love it Dotsie. It's easy to clean and stays nice looking for a long time. It's great if you have pets.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: leather furniture? - 09/01/05 07:12 PM

We don't and wish we did. Our big project for 2006 is redecorating the living room...repainting, crown mouldings, replacing carpet with wood, new lamps and furniture...so we're wondering the same thing about leather. We love the recliner sofa we have now and will find it impossible to not get another one, but might look at getting it in leather this time, depending on the comments you get here.
Posted by: Fiftyandfine

Re: leather furniture? - 09/01/05 08:49 PM

Hey Dotsie,
We avoided leather furniture for years, thinking the kids would trash it. Finally, when they left for college, we bought Colorado cowboy leather, saddle brown and already "distressed." Grandkids have been all over it, and haven't harmed it a bit. Hauled all the pieces,(including an oversized sofa, a loveseat, a chair, and two oversized ottomans all the way from Colorado to Florida. I was convinced it would look weird here, but it has turned out just fine.
The only cautionary notes I have are to make sure you use a good leather cleaner and conditioner (two separate items)faithfully. I make sure I do that once a month. Also, be ver-r-r-y careful about sun fading. I had the chair and one ottoman in a corner by a sliding glass door in my bedroom, but now that all the pieces are back in the living room, there's definitely a color difference.
I wish I'd gone with leather years and years ago.
Posted by: TVC15

Re: leather furniture? - 09/02/05 02:38 PM

Yes, you do need to use the leather cleaner and conditioner but it is so much easier than using upholstery cleaner and when you are finished the leather looks great!
We moved ours across country also with no problems.
And I have 4 cats and a dog, no problems there either. I was always afraid that they would put holes in it, but I've had mine for several years now.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 09/02/05 05:17 PM

Ah, this is sounder better every day. Thanks for the comments. I'll tell hubby. He's in charge of redecorating the den. It's going to be his room after the kids leave for school.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 09/06/05 04:56 PM

I've heard leather was excellent if you have pets. I'm still doing the basics in my house such as flooring, painting and the such, but will definitely look into leather when it's time.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: leather furniture? - 09/07/05 02:35 AM

I have nothing but powder blue and tan Italian leather in my home, its butter soft and as strong as nails. With all the visiting pets coming and going in my home plus my own, its the only thing that makes any sense. Leather can be quit beautiful as well and has no smell you need to use Febreeze on...I love the material. I dress mine up with all kinds of colorful prints on pillows....You can wipe it off with just a warm wet cloth as well... [Wink]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 10/06/05 01:30 PM

We ordered the leather sofa and chair. YOur input really helped. It will take a couple months for it to arrive. I can't stand that. You get all excited and then it takes forever to get here.

Thanks for your help.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: leather furniture? - 10/07/05 06:31 PM

I just want to be in a position to afford it! LOL!

I got rid of my coffin sofa... you know, the one I'm always writing about. You sat down on it and it was so old it would wrap around you like a shroud. I'd had the old thing for 20 years and had it recovered 2 times. It was time. Now I'm down to two recliners and one loveseat. And they look sad.

I wish I had a truck. I would haul off most of the items in this house. Well, okay, maybe not most of them, but a good many!

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 10/07/05 09:18 PM

Last week I was browsing in an upscale furniture store - you know the kind, you can only afford the accessories - and I found the perfect leather sofa. Oh, I want it SOOOOO bad! It was a little over-stuffed, but not too much, was available in a dark red and the leather was comfortable and so soft. It was way too expensive, but I'm not the kind to settle. I'll keep my old one until I can afford what I really want.

Posted by: Louisa

Re: leather furniture? - 10/14/05 02:46 AM

When we bought a new living room set, we got leather. My husband wanted it and I didn't but I loved the set we were looking at and gave in. Now I love it. The sofa has become "mine."
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 10/14/05 02:16 PM

We just ordered our leather furniture. Now i'm wondering in our dog can scratch it with her nails...anyone know?

Daisy, keep your eye out for their sales.

Louisa, I always think of leather furniture as being cold. Is it?
Posted by: Dianne

Re: leather furniture? - 10/14/05 02:26 PM

Dots, they usually can be wiped away with a damp cloth as long as the scratch doesn't go too deep.
Posted by: TVC15

Re: leather furniture? - 10/15/05 03:03 AM

Cats can if they really want to but dogs usually don't have sharp enough claws. I had a German Shepherd with mine and it was fine. (she used to sneak up on it when we weren't home. We always knew because she shed constantly.) Now we have a pomeranian and she hasn't scratched it yet either.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 10/15/05 03:13 AM

Dotsie, It was on sale. If I get a bonus this year, that sofa is mine! When I sat on the leather sofa at the store, it was so soft, it didn't seem cold at all.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 10/15/05 01:09 PM

Dianne and TVC, thanks. I think we're making the right move.

Daisy, I hope you get that bonus so you can take that baby home!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: leather furniture? - 10/15/05 09:34 PM

Daisygirl possibly the store has a layaway plan. I swear by them...

Dotsie keep the dogs nails not only trimmed but filed on the tips just in case theres a sharp one. My leather furniture is anything but cold and I get compliments on it all the time. I also bought the higher cushion. Did you all know that some of the furniture mfgs. are making the cushions higher so that the many Baby Boomers coming of age can get in and out of it easier. You don't sink to the floor upon sitting down.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 10/16/05 12:40 AM

I would like to get a reality check here. The leather sofa I'm interested in is $3,500 on sale. Would you pay that much for a quality sofa that would last a lifetime? It's a major purchase for me. Chatty, they do offer a lay-a-way plan, but I don't want to owe that much until I have the money in my hand.

My sister just purchased a very inexpensive sofa, but I think it's a waste unless I love it.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: leather furniture? - 11/22/05 03:27 AM

For those of you w/ animals, what type of leather did you purchase? Semi-aniline leather, Aniline, Pigmented/Topcoat, Nubuck/Suede, etc?

Also, do you think there is a particular color that does not show wear and tear readily?

Also, what brands? i.e., Ashley Furniture, Broyhill, Lane, etc.?

Thank you for helping w/ my research as I would like a new sofa, my present sofa is 13 years old and the springs pop!
Posted by: TVC15

Re: leather furniture? - 11/22/05 03:36 AM

I'm not sure what type of leather it is but we spoke to the sales clerk and told them we had animals and they were able to recommend which type we should get.
Mine isn't the softest leather.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 11/22/05 03:43 AM

Mustang, I've been researching leather because I'm overdue for a new sofa and have a dog. I think it depends on the quality of leather and you can upgrade the leather in most brands. When I make my purchase, probably in Feb., I will choose a leather that is thick and a little rustic looking so scratches will not show. The leather should be dyed through so most scratches can be wiped off. I've also heard you can get some type of insurance, but I haven't looked into that.

As for the brands, I've only looked at Arhaus, The Sofa Express and Ethan Allen. Before I purchase I will look at other brands.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: leather furniture? - 11/21/05 04:44 PM

Daisygirl, thank you and good idea to choose a leather that is rustic looking! I think a cinnamon color would work well and my needlepoint pillows would look well.

TVC15, has your sofa endured the pets so far? My dog likes to lay on the sofa, which I do not mind (w/ his blanket), but he sheds like the dickens. My cat likes to sit on the back side (always at my neck), thus my many questions!
Posted by: TVC15

Re: leather furniture? - 11/21/05 05:11 PM

My dog hasn't left a mark but the cats can make holes when they stick their claws into it. I have a few marks from them on the back side of my loveseat from when I didn't let them out as soon as they wanted to go. They don't leave marks just by walking on it, they have to really want to leave the marks.
Only you know your cat's personality. Mine can be a bit spiteful sometimes...LOL
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: leather furniture? - 11/22/05 12:32 AM

My sofa is a butter sofa Italian tannish color leather and I have a teal blue big comfy butter soft Italian leather chair and ottoman that cost me $1600.00. The sofa was near $3000. several years ago. I wash mine with warm water and mild soap if it gets diry or marked. My animals and the ones I foster are not allowed to jump on them but do lay around on them with no problems so far.... wouldn't buy a cheaper one unless you want to be buying another one in a couple of years. I figure mine will out last me, LOL

[ November 25, 2005, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 11/22/05 01:50 AM

Chatty, that's exactly what I'm thinking. I would like this to be my last sofa, or at least one I will keep forever. It may be less expensive in the long run if I pay the price for a good quality leather.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 11/22/05 10:07 PM

Oh boy. This is itneresting. My husband is in charge of redecorating our den. He ordered leather furniture that won't arrive until January. I hope he told the gal we had a dog.

Have fun furniture shopping....
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: leather furniture? - 11/26/05 12:11 AM

Your dog is fairly small Dotsie just keep her nails trimmed and filed as well, no sharp edges and there should not be a problem at all. Even Italian leather is stronger than we think.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 03/06/06 01:16 PM

The sofa and chair have arrived. Woo-hoo.

The den is shaping up. The furniture looks great and it's so comfy, but guess who else loves it? Our dog Kelly. So far, so good. No scratches, so I think we are going to be okay.

Daisy, did you bite the bullet and get your new sofa yet?
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 03/06/06 01:35 PM

Yes, I've had it about 3 weeks. Daisy doesn't like it very much and doesn't sit on it unless I am. I have a thick dog blanket she sits on. I just have to keep her sharp bones away from it...she likes to sit and chew.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: leather furniture? - 03/06/06 04:30 PM

Dotsie...you sound so happy about your den!!!
That's exciting... [Smile] What color leather is your furniture? We have cream leather sofas and chairs
down the shore and my dogs ( 2 cockers) love sleeping on them..and we haven't had any problems..I was freaking out a little in the beginning when they wanted to sit on them..but we've had them for 6 years now and no problems at all...and they get alot of use because we rent our places out in the summer...I think the beauty of leather pieces is that they get prettier with age...use them in good health and enjoy... [Smile]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: leather furniture? - 03/07/06 12:34 AM

aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! never bones, let alone sharp bones for your pet. Heres a true story: My Mothers sick friend died and she took in the ladys medium sized dog, Champ. Mom took him to the vet to be checked and asked "what kinds of bones should I give him?" The vet frowned then smiled and said; "elephant bones." Mom looked quizically at him, thought then smiled and said, "oh I get it no bones, right?" Too many pets have died of bones stuck in the throat, in the bowel etc. or bones slivers penetratring the esophagus or intestines....Maybe you could try beef jerky for his chewing delight instead?

Oops, nearly forgot Dotsie, glad the furniture is everythig you hoped it would be. Just keep the dogs nails trimmed and even filed smooth. My leather has withstood many doggy visitors of all sizes and shapes, still does...

[ March 06, 2006, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: sami

Re: leather furniture? - 03/10/06 08:55 AM

I have two leather sofa's (dark red, almost brown)
they are about 10 years old and my daughters two boxer dogs, Polo and Bo have christened them with their claws
so much, it now looks like a pattern, a warm weathered look.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: leather furniture? - 03/10/06 02:49 PM

Sami, whatever works, right?

I can't imagine keeping our dog off the furniture. I wouldn't want to. I like her right up there with us, snuggling.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: leather furniture? - 03/10/06 02:56 PM

My BIL asked said I should try to keep Daisy off my new sofa and I told him that I bought leather so she COULD get up on the sofa!