Mothers Who Cry in the Night

Posted by: Rev. Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett

Mothers Who Cry in the Night - 01/02/06 03:14 AM

Hello! I'm new to the Boomer Women Speak site and think it is great. Dotsie does a wonderful job helping us all connect. My book, Mothers Who Cry in the Night is featured on the Home Page this month. My son was killed in 1997 and it is the story of how I transformed my life and what I learned from this experience. I have helped so many mothers who have lost their children or who have "problem" children. I hope it helps the women here. Blessings, Rev. Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett Mothers Who Cry in the Night
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Mothers Who Cry in the Night - 01/02/06 03:35 AM

Betsie, welcome. I look forward to you connecting with other boomer women in our neighborhood.