Although my feelings of faith and religion are ambiguous at best, being raised very Catholic and being raised with Christmas music and holiday movies and television specials still leaves me with a sense of magic and beauty at Christmas.

So here are a few of my favorite Christmas songs and moments for this night. I hope you enjoy a few.

This was redone by the Carpenters, but this is the original that I fell in love with.

There are a zillion versions of this song, many I love, but I like this with just regular folks singing along (well, and the stars too):

O Come All You Faithful (by my favorite singer):

I love all the Mannheim Steamroller Christmas CDs, but the "blue" one is my favorite. This is "Still, Still, Still"

And, of course, I love the whole show, but this is my favorite telling of this story:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. smile