Boomer Women Speak APRIL-MAY Writing Contest
My Favorite Memory of the 50's, 60's, or 70's

Deadline: May 31, 2007

Entry Fee: NONE - Great prizes including $50.00 and New Membership or Renewal to NABBW!

Remember "Hey Jude" or "American Pie?" Maybe you remember riding around all week on $2.00 worth of gas. Or … eating footlongs at the local Dairy Queen? When your memories stir, does your heart race back to prom night? Don't let "what happened at Woodstock stay in Woodstock!"

Why not share your favorite memory with us and win prizes? We want to know your favorite memory of the 50s, 60s or 70s. Send us your fav and let us all travel with you down memory lane. Just think, this time you don't have to buy gas!

Please read and follow the guidelines below and good luck!


Please pay attention to these simple but important guidelines:

Submit an essay in a WORD document as an attachment. NOT in the body of email.

Your submission must have a TITLE.

Edit your work. If edits are needed, the entry will be deleted. SEND YOUR BEST AND FINAL!

Word count should be below 800. Use 1.5 spacing between LINES. Put ONE space between the each sentence. (This means when you end a sentence, put ONE space after the period before you begin the next sentence)

Make sure to include your NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, and SHORT BIO either at the beginning of the essay, or the end, not in the email message.

In the Subject line, write "APRIL-MAY Writing Contest."

Submit entries to Georgia at ONE entry per person, please.


The winner's story is placed in the Our Voices section at Boomer Women Speak, and they will receive the following:

$50.00 CASH!

FREE membership or renewal for the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, NABBW, the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.

Baby Boomer's Almanac, by Tim Brolus

What Happens Next, by Chloe JonPaul

Send your entries to Georgia at

For more information, please visit:

Contact Information:
Georgia Richardson
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.