I love old fashion remedies! Here are a few of my favorites. How about you all......have any favorite remedies?

To eliminate Hiccups: swallow a teaspoonful of white granulate sugar. Don't drink any water after it! (this works, I've tried it!)

To help ease Headaches: Drink 2 glasses of Gatorade.

Burns: If you have a slight burn or scald, apply honey immediately and it will heal the burn rapidly.

High Blood Pressure: Eat 1 banana everyday. It will help lower your blood pressure. The potassium in the banana helps counteract the sodium in your body. Eating celery helps too.

Ear Ache: To get rid of an ear ache, mix together 1 Tablespoon vinegar and 1 Tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Use either an eyedropper or a cotton ball, and drop 4-5 drops of the mixture in ear. Your ear ache will feel better and most likely be gone in a day, if not sooner. The alcohol dries out the moisture in the ear and the vinegar restores the natural PH. You might smell like a pickle for awhile, but it is a good remedy!

Allergies: Take a spoonful of honey everyday. (or more, if you like honey) The honey needs to be locally produced in your area that you live in. This will take a few months or longer to help reduce or eliminate your allergies to outdoor pollens. The honey is like an all natural allergy shot.