a little dittie

Posted by: celtic_flame

a little dittie - 01/24/09 12:23 PM

it made me smile anyway
Posted by: jabber

Re: a little dittie - 01/24/09 12:52 PM

I don't get it? What's the little dittie? Celtic,
Whatschu talkin' 'bout here, girl?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 01/27/09 04:46 AM

lol opps posted under the laughter forum sorry thought id cleared this one compleatlie.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: a little dittie - 01/27/09 04:54 PM

If I might inject a word here, I have always thought of a 'little ditty' as a short song or story, is it the same meaning across the pond as well?
Posted by: Lola

Re: a little dittie - 01/27/09 07:02 PM

Yep. It is the same over here, Chat.

From Oliver as sung by Nancy:

"There's a little ditty
They're singing in the city
Especially when they've been
On the gin
Or the beer
If you've got the patience,
Your own imaginations
Will tell you just exactly what you want to hear..."

Here's the part when one gets carried away and cannot stop. Everybody now... you guys ready?...

"Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
That's how it goes,
Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
Ev'ryone knows...."

Posted by: jabber

Re: a little dittie - 01/28/09 01:46 PM

Okay! Got it now! You had me wonderin' there for a while!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 01/28/09 09:50 PM

"Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
That's how it goes,
Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
Ev'ryone knows....

yep i did get carried away with that coruse. Marvel of the english language would't you say? lol
Posted by: jabber

Re: a little dittie - 01/29/09 10:04 AM

Yes, ma'am! I would say 'tis the marvel of the English language.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: a little dittie - 01/29/09 04:59 PM

DIT, is a small dittie, lol!.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: a little dittie - 01/29/09 05:34 PM

And then of course, there is the dreaded ZIT, a cousin of the DIT, but larger.
Posted by: jabber

Re: a little dittie - 01/30/09 10:40 AM

Here's to the DIT 'n ZIT 'n you know_ _ _!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 01/30/09 09:59 PM

lol and what would be the last bit of illitarasion (dose it need to start with same letter?)

or is ryming enough lol.

i wonder when poetrie was gonna be written in this thread for this topic. Thanks for filling the gap jabber lol smile
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: a little dittie - 01/31/09 02:53 AM

A bit of a dittie,
Is music that's witty.
Sing it in harmony,
From America to "Garmony" (ouch)
Then we got ourselves a hitty.
Posted by: jabber

Re: a little dittie - 01/31/09 08:40 AM

Edelweiss3, What's a "Garmony"? Just wonderin'!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: a little dittie - 01/31/09 05:31 PM

Might I say, "oh brother," to that one Edelweiss...Garmony, shame on you, poets everywhere are turning over in their graves. LOL!!!!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 04:30 AM

I think I make poets spin in their graves, Chatty. lol
Posted by: jabber

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 10:25 AM

You make me laugh! And that's a good thing!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 12:30 PM

"Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
That's how it goes,
Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah!
Ev'ryone knows...."

just singing thast fdwen the pub last night.....oh would't it be lurverlie...(singing that lol)
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 12:30 PM

EW your giving me the giggles again, thank god for you sometimes smile
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 02:10 PM

Celtic sweety, only sometimes? lol...What I would give to meet you in a pub! You and Chatty, and Jabber, ...oh gosh the list is endless...I better not continue, incase I forget to name someone...Then let's all drink a pint or two or three ....and get a teeny weeny bit ... "oom pa pa".

You know how that saying goes.---"I feel sorry for those that don't drink. They go to bed feeling exactly the same way they felt in the morning." haha, I think Dean Martin said that.
Posted by: Anno

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 02:58 PM

Aw, I want to drink a pint with y'all, too. My father hated Dean. I loved him. Hmmmmmm........
Posted by: Lola

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 03:55 PM

I'll have a Coca-Cola. LOL! Howeveeeeeer, in the summertime, I may have a half a pint of cider or Pimms. You'll have to keep me from finding a pole and dancing though. LOL!!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: a little dittie - 02/01/09 05:38 PM

I would pay to see you dancing the pole Lola. The thought of me dancing on one is too funny for words.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 02/02/09 07:06 AM

iv never heard that quote from dean before.

LOLA i pole dance with ya and i be sober too lol.

Iv a trick if skint or not wanting to drink (yes its possible for a scot around alcohole not to do that)I waite untill my frends get drunk then i mis behave or carry on and no one know if i am drunk or sober

this sounds bad but was very funnie at the time.

last time po was heer we were in our local bar, i think i was sober and been getting high on cafine and suger in coca cola but i could't get past a bunch oof people to finish dancing with po so i climbed onto and crawel along an 8-10 foot table to get beside her to finish the dance. If i have done that drunk too but then the onlie difrence would be i would have probably spilt the drinks on it or burned myself on the candles lol.

and i wase't put out or offended anyone they saw the hummer in it, beside first thing i do when becomming a regulare is be nice and be chummie with door staff, saved my bacon loads of times, lol. smile
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 02/02/09 07:08 AM

chattie i glade its too funny for words you dancing a pole all that says to me is its be quite a good thing to see lol. smile

i heer its great exercise for strenthing and tonning up slack muscles. might be a worthwhile hobbie to take up. smile
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 02/02/09 07:09 AM

Anno would you be dancing too , as your now way fitter from wii fit?

HL or EW whats your partie peace?

mine is being possed by elvis on occasion lol.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: a little dittie - 02/02/09 07:38 AM

Hmmm, ... I can sing like Louis Armstrong.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: a little dittie - 02/02/09 07:55 AM

and i saw to myyselfffffffff what a wonderfullll worlddddd

se i can too. :)did ya heer me!? lol

ANNNO a pint of guinness for you to then!
Posted by: celtic_flame

dancing the pole - 02/02/09 08:56 AM

Originally Posted By: chatty lady
dancing the pole

Po says thats not the same as "poll dancing" as in england its a whole other activitie .........my juries out on that one and you'd best talk for yourself chattie!

if it was then thats a very very funny play with words lol. if ts not then smake poppie!
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 09:59 AM

I would be willing to bet, if all of us got together, we would
have a ball, with or without a pole! You are my kind of people!
Posted by: Poppie

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 12:33 PM

OM GOLLY GOSH!!! The thought of all us ladies in the pub skullin' pints...what a night. I think we would re-define what 'ladies night' meant/means!! I somehow can't get my head around a collective of boomers singing 'Um pa pa'..well not after the beer kicks in anyhow! Celtic, as usual you editied/forgot a little bit of you snaking along the table to get to me on the dance floor. Yes, I was jiving with another bunch of lasses in good humour....but here how it realy went my love.
It was nearly the end of the night and as per the DJ/Drag Queen Tina was playing certain obvious gay floor fillers..the usual 'I will Survive', 'I am what I am' etc. Then Tina got more subtle and playfull diverting slightly with a track from the musical 'Dirty Dancing'. You hollered at me from our table as the start of the song went out....'Oh Silvia..how do you call your lover boy'...you were gesturing appropriatly mimicing the scene from the movie/musical..I played along and shook my head in defiance....next thing you were on the table with a crowd of our friends clearing the table to allow you access to the dance floor and me...gesh..I laughed so hard. It was brilliantly executed and I won't make 911 jokes because I am stil seeing it in my head and giggling and thinking of further ways to tease you...lol.high five to Celtic ladies for such fabulous spontanious fun!


Not quite pole dancing but close enough for me..lol
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 01:52 PM

How great to see you Po and Celtic chatting from one computer!
I can just imagine the place rocking with the two of you!

I table danced once. Haha…that was at the Muenich Octoberfest. And got to admit;…everyone was up on their benches or tables.
Wow, what a night that was. We ladies all felt so sexy in our dirndls,…and the men were all so zonked, I think a cow would have looked sexy to them.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 03:23 PM

EW po was on the phone to me! she phoned when i was posting and i commented on this thread and snowed in lola lol. theirs still the irish sea between us lol.

thanks for that vivid storie po lol but no one would ever belive id dance to such a naff song!

octoberfest; never been but so so so much wanted to have done that one....thers a place for a bommer reunion for those that do or do not drink respectivlie lol. iv even been in a chat with a bunch of scandanivian harlie riders who have very very found memories of that fest many do travel...

ew is a dirndls the female version of ledderhosen?
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 03:58 PM

Oh, Po was on the phone. Okay.
Dirndle is a low cut feminine dress. Although many of the ladies wear tight fitting lederhosen too. Actually anything goes at the Octoberfest.
Yes, Celtic...if we boomers could meet there, we would make the place rock!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 05:26 PM

When I speak of POLE DANCING ladies I mean like in America, where half nude and nude women slide around, up and down a pole. Its suppose to be sexy????? Personally, once down, I have a devil of a time getting back up up again. OH! Be nice, I'm old remember and crouchity!!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/02/09 09:42 PM

tight fitting leather, chattie getting dowen.....what a scean lol.

never mind po, chattie its her wee mind obviouslie and not you having a cleaver wordie giggle...I forgotten about the half naked or naked part of pole dancing.

did i mention they offer it as an aerobic class at some of the health centres and gymes lol seriousle lol...boxercise used to be all the rage now its state sponserded get fit for life pole dancing... but i sure thir clothed, not that iv been but i am sure they will be
Posted by: Lola

Re: dancing the pole - 02/03/09 04:09 AM

I don't care much for the shimmy and gyration associated with pole dancing myself, Chat. But, what fascinates me is when the dancer can hold on mid-pole bare-legged then slide down gently and gracefully. If that were me, I'd go squeak squeak squeak on my way down. That is, if I can even get myself up to mid-pole.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/03/09 08:25 AM

in all honestlie iv never seen pole daancing apart from on tv.

what you mention lola about hanging on mid way up the pole with legs is exactlie why its so good for toning and shapping legs.

if i got up id be too bissie going ouch ouck ouch on the way dowen never mind squikking, it sounds too too painfull.
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/03/09 10:46 AM

TV is the only place I saw pole dancing. I saw Go-Go Dancing
once back when it was a fad. And I saw guys dance on the bar at an Hawaiian theme restaurant. I'm with Chatty. If I tried pole dancing, I'd get down and never get up.

Poppie, You painted quite a picture of celtic partying. That was a trip!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/03/09 11:44 AM

did't she just jabber.. blush....i prefare my qicker less descriptive version lol. cry lol
Posted by: Poppie

Re: dancing the pole - 02/03/09 03:33 PM

Oh I bet you do Missie...lol. My version is defo more pictorial(glad to process it well for you Jabber), but hey, thats how I write gals and I wrote jest exactly what I saw. Don't be blushing Celt...you did yourself proud woman.

Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/11/09 10:09 AM

Hey Poppie,
I like the way you write: It's colorful and entertaining.
Love upbeat stuff!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: dancing the pole - 02/11/09 12:21 PM

Pole dancing has become another type of exercise class wehre I live. Of course it can only be offered at places where they've installed poles, but I heard it was great exercise. I sent out an email to my Girl's Night Out gang to see if they were interested in trying it once as a group, and not one wanted to do so. That' tells you how wild we are. It's usually, "Hmmm, where can we meet for dinner next month?"
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/11/09 05:48 PM

Dotsie this is a situation kind of like getting the wheel chair for you dad. "Don't tell, just do!"

Plan a girls night out and have everyone meet somewhere where they have pole dancing and after a few drinks the prudiest of the bunch will be gliding up and down that pole and having a ball, trust me, thats how we did it. Oh, and bring your camera!!!
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 09:51 AM

I don't of one place around here, where they have pole dancing.
Even if I did, I wouldn't. Too chicken!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 12:21 PM

id be too chicken too jabber, i only be practicing being a fre-persn on one but it dose sound fun!
Posted by: Lola

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 04:20 PM

Celt, girls do it all the time in the Tube for a laugh.
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 04:26 PM

What's "The Tube"?

I know. It does sound like fun. And it looks like fun.
But, I'm still too chicken. I never was good at dancing, just
the normal stuff in public.
Posted by: Lola

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 04:31 PM

Tube is to London as subway is to New York, Jabber.

The inside of the Tube train. See that yellow pole? Dance away, they go. Especially on a Friday night when they've got more beer than brain fluid in their head. LOL!

Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 04:34 PM

Oh. I see, The Tube! Know what you mean, now!
Posted by: Lola

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 04:40 PM

Gosh, it's blindingly big! Now that you've seen it, I must delete.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 05:53 PM

okay, pole dancing party at my house tomorrow night at 7:30. Be there or be square. Check it out at this link:
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: dancing the pole - 02/12/09 06:44 PM

I'll be there, but I won't be wearing skimpy outfits! I'll try (almost) anything once!
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/13/09 10:01 AM

What a cool bachelorette party. That pole primadonna is something
else. I must admit, it does look like fun. I've been to some
neat bachelorette parties in years passed. In fact, women from
our snowmobile club had weekend, bachelorette parties at my
cousin's cabin out near Penn./NY State Line. 'Twas a card-playin', snow-machine ridin', shuffleboard playin', good time!
Oh yes...

Don't forget: Dotsie's place. Pole party!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/13/09 04:14 PM

Who's bringing the pole? Someone could bring a handsome, tall drink of water we women could use as a human pole and slide around on...Yep, this is "SIN CITY" and its done here.
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/14/09 09:41 AM

I'll bet it's done there. Ummmmm, a tall drink of water, hey...
Well, you know lots of neat people. Do you know Tom Selleck
by chance? How about Sam Elliott??? Can't get that one out of
my mind!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/14/09 04:39 PM

I have had the hots for Sam Elliott for more years than I can count, but either my spies aren't doing their jobs or Sam has never been in Vegas. Tom Selleck is okay but not my cup of tea...
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/15/09 09:43 AM

Don't blame you one iota for having the hots for Sam Elliott;
I know the feeling. I liked Tom Selleck in Magnum PI; my cousin like his butler and the boys.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/15/09 03:03 PM

Anyone here watch the new show LEVERAGE? There a guy, don't
know his name, dam, that has shoulder length hair and is just so adorable. He looks so much like my first husband its spooky, only Eddie didn't have that long hair. Oh and by the by, its a great show!!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/16/09 08:25 AM

Originally Posted By: Lola
Tube is to London as subway is to New York, Jabber.

The inside of the Tube train. See that yellow pole? Dance away, they go. Especially on a Friday night when they've got more beer than brain fluid in their head. LOL!

i be in london start of next mounth so maybe i just cruse the tube friday nights watting for some giggles. it save a lot of cash to do that instead of going and paying club fees lol.
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/16/09 11:00 AM

I never saw Leverage! Never heard of it, even! By the bye,
that was Magnum's boss's butler or estate keeper I was thinking of. Can't remember his name: Something like, Higgy or some such thing and he had two Dobberman Pinchers he called, "the boys".

I know what you mean. I've been on the Subway in Toronto and
NY City. Never saw anybody dance on the pole but have seen that sort of scene in nightclubs on TV. Celtic, I think you're cool!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: dancing the pole - 02/16/09 11:06 AM

John Hillerman WAS the guy on Magnum PI...his name on the show was Jonathan Quayle Higgins. Magnum just called him Higgins.

You can read more about him here!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/16/09 06:06 PM

Seeing Higgins two Dobermans on the Magnum P.I. show, is the reason I went out and bought a doberman and then adopted an abused one from somewhere else. Mine were Shadow and Raven.
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/17/09 09:16 AM

Thank you, Jawjaw. Think Magnum called him Higgy sometimes; that's what I remember. After I posted that post, I did remember the Higgins version.

I think that's cool; you adopted and bought Dobermans due to
the suggestive power of the PI show. I really think miniature Dobermans are really neat. Never owned a Doberman but they sure are nice! Both of us had a dog named Shadow! I still miss my Shadow and Cherrie and Casey and Pepper and Buddy and Nicky and Penny: Those were dogs I have lived with over the years that went to be with The Lord. Each one has a special place in my heart!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: dancing the pole - 02/17/09 02:59 PM

I absolutely adored my two Dobermans. They were fierce, yet sweet and loving and as smart as any dogs I have even seen.They had a good life and added so much to our family.
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 11:18 AM

I know what you mean: They had a good life. Friends say if they had to be a dog, they'd want to be my dog. My dog lives like a queen. Some children in this world are not treated so good. Love dogs!
Posted by: jabber

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 11:23 AM

Personally, Pit bulls, Dobermans, and German Shepherds scare me a bit: I was severly bitten in the face as a child, small scars remain. I had eight stitches my forehead from that attack. So some of the larger breeds frighten me a mite. But I still love
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 12:17 PM

Originally Posted By: jabber

I know what you mean. I've been on the Subway in Toronto and
NY City. Never saw anybody dance on the pole but have seen that sort of scene in nightclubs on TV. Celtic, I think you're cool!

feeling mutule my dear lady smile...and if i do find people on thee tube in london pole dancing i video it and show you heer lol or u -tube it...if allowed
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 12:18 PM

i am nerviouse of dogs big or small that i don't know well. Once i know them and thir nature then i relax. Dogs have personalities like people and horses do lol.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 12:19 PM

oh and motorbykes have personalities too lol.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 12:23 PM

jabber, I was also attacked by a german shepherd when I was young. New neighbors moved. For some reason, their dog got loose and ended up in our back yard. The dang thing chased and bit and chased me a bit more as I ran up the slidingboard. I recall going to the doctors, but disn't get stitches. Gosh, I haven't thought about that in ages.
Posted by: Lola

Re: dancing the pole - 02/18/09 02:04 PM

Originally Posted By: celtic_flame
oh and motorbykes have personalities too lol.

Posted by: chatty lady

Animal dangers... - 02/18/09 05:47 PM

Having as much experience as I have with dogs especially, I am far more careful about the little nippers. They will let you get really close to them and then for no apparent reason lash out on your nose or face. They give little warning where as a large dog will. You generally know before they bite by their demeanor... But it is always good to approach any dog besides your own with caution.

How about the 200 pound pet chimpanzee that ripped the woman owners friend face and hands 'off,' last night, before being shot by police. How devastating for that poor neighbor just trying to help, her friend get trhe animal down from a tree. He went beserk and oh well.....Wild animals are not pets!!!!!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/19/09 09:59 AM

Not a fan of motorcycles either. First hubby and my son both
owned them; hubby's I flipped. My son scared the life out of
me, he drove so fast when I was riding with him. Horses: I owned one and was thrown at least a half dozen times. Once I got a
concussion and was bedridden for a month; took years to recover
from that one. Some horses spook easily.

I was five years olds when my aunt's dog bit me in the face and threw me against the radiator. But it was my fault. I stepped on its tail, accidentally.

That chimp attack was a scary ordeal. I feel sorry for the victim. The owner seemed "out of it" a might. It would be a cold
day, you know where, before I'd sleep with a chimp, let alone some of the guys out there. I can't figure people? Snakes? Chimps? Alligators? What's up with that?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/19/09 05:32 PM

Don't ask me! This womans family owned the chimp since he was three months old. He was a working chimp and did hundreds of commercials in his life. They treated him like their child, a son. After the chimp retired and the womans husband passed away, it was just her an the chimp. He was known by all the neighbors and their kids, including her best friend who he atttacked. Everyone said he was friendly and they weren't afraid of him. Apparently he had a cold or something and the owner called her neighbor over to help her get him down out of a tree. She had just given the poor animal Zanax. Why? What the hell for, its dangerous and not for animals.

The next thing anyone knew was they were all in the house and the woman made a move and was attacked viciously. The poor owner hit and even stabbed the animal trying to free her friend and as we all know he was shot and killed by the police. This is so sad for all concerned. Hopefully, maybe out of it might come stricter regulations about owning exotic animals. That would be a God send for the animals being exploited.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/20/09 10:03 AM

Xanax, I know is nasty stuff. Caretakers gave that to my aged
friend; it nearly killed her. Man, she was so spaced out. Her
personality did a 180 degree turn. Some of those drugs they
give to help, only hurt. And nobody cares!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/21/09 09:44 AM

I said to a caregiver, actually she was the head nurse at the time, "The drugs they're giving these people, create chemical
imbalance in their brains." She said, "We know. But it keeps 'em calmed down."
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/21/09 03:48 PM

To me thats just criminal, giving a person drugs that they do not even need just to make them more manageable. My God!!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/21/09 08:08 PM

Anne if someone is viloent and might hurt themselves or others then this is a necessary medication for them.

Its the calvalier attitude of medicating someone to make it easier on staff that galls me.

My sister was very small, 4 ft. 11 in. and she weighed in at about 95 pounds. I could manage her okay but she was a scratcher. I use to make a game called Beauty Shop where I clipped her long nails and filed them and painted them and then everyone told her how beautiful they looked short and that helped a great deal. I still have a couple of bite mark scars when I wasn't paying attention.

I NEVER medicated her to keep her quiet. I did put a lock on the outside of her bedroom door, in case I dozed off she couldn't get out and maybe wander away. I also had small padlocks put on the fridge and freezer doors so she couldn't get into mischief.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/22/09 04:54 PM

The aged get depressed. Then they're given meds that make them
feel worse. Pretty soon they hate themselves and everybody
else. They hit you just because you're there. My friend was the
most loving, giving person in the world. But she doesn't have any hope. She needs hope!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Animal dangers... - 02/22/09 05:19 PM

All her doctors, the ones in Indiana and here in Vegas, said my sisters dementa was the result of her MS. The problem when someone is far gone with dementa is its near impossible to help them because they can't reason...Once reasoning is gone, theres nothing to work with.