Now in print, guide for physically challenged

Posted by: Phyllis0618

Now in print, guide for physically challenged - 07/06/06 06:27 PM

After years of helping seniors organize their home and networking with other service providers, I became legally blind and homebound. There became a strong need to put all this information and my own journey into a book format. Well, it is completed and on storefront. They offered me the chance to download by document, make choices for covers, etc. and create a finished product. The ability to make something a reality without financial support was incredible. They allow me to choose my royalty, handle the money and shipping. I recommend them to everyone not interested in paying to become a best seller. has special services for a cost such as marketing, proofreading, and graphics. They will create bookmarks and business cards to promote your book. I now have a storefront just for me. To accommodate a variety of readers and service providers, different covers and resource listings were necessary. Please visit and preview the guide.

I am looking for other authors in the same area to develop another project. Just a thought .. have one guide that previews each of our books and offers the resources to read all of our books. Multiple voices for one market. Then we can pull together to market that guide and bring people to all of our creations.