Posted by: Dotsie

SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/29/05 09:46 PM

im seperated from my husband of 21 years & just been seperated for 3 years were the best of friends, is there others like this to? hes called me sweet heart. which he never did & were both learning from just wondering is more out there thats best friends with husband & seperated like me?
Posted by: ladybug

Re: SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/29/05 10:14 PM

peggysue, maybe this separation will bring you two closer than ever. Who knows, you may both realize that there is still a lot of love between you.

Sometimes we can smother each other and not even know it.

It's wonderful that you two are good friends. Frankly speaking I know of no other separated or divorced couple on such good terms with one another. The fact that you are says a lot about both of you, ( good things, of course.)
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/29/05 10:38 PM

welll it was like.....he did things & i did things...i feel very at ease with you all here. i cheated on him & he gambled & were both learning from this BIG experience..ill tell more later if you want to (((( HUGS )))
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/29/05 10:41 PM

Just a note to make sure you know everything you post is in the public domain. In other words, the entire world can view it, not just the people in this forum. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of this. Please know you have the freedom here to say whatever you want to, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware that anyone googling your name, for instance, could/would be lead to these post.

Posted by: norma

Re: SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/29/05 11:03 PM

hi Peggy... my husband and i have separated three times, we are back together, but we are friends living together now. Our problems have had long reaching effects on my decisions and my daughters' decisions. They and i finally came to the realization that we do not need a boss or a bully directing our personal lifes, we may want good friends, but we are able to survive quite well without 'a man' . That was the beginning of liberation for all of us. And the beginning of friendships...., maybe Peggy, this is a bit similiar to what you are now going through ...

i might add it also gave him the opportunity to
realize that hurts he had known as a child, were absolutely wrong, but he had to come to terms with those hurts, we had found out what they were, we realized then the reasons for his inner angers, but cycles of hurt, no matter what type had to stop.....

[ November 29, 2005, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: norma ]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/30/05 03:52 AM

There is a saying Peggy that is: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder. Sometimes thats the case. For me the saying to my ex was: Good Ridance Glad you're gone...oh well!! [Eek!] [Roll Eyes]

[ November 29, 2005, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: ladybug

Re: SEPERATED FROM HUSBAND.......... - 11/30/05 07:02 PM

Just like that song Chatty huh: Thank God and Greyhound You're Gone.