Marriage Book

Posted by: mrsmuzz

Marriage Book - 05/27/04 06:30 PM

I was just reading the post about kindness and I wanted to share about a book I was given recently. Our marriage had been going through a period of strain and a good friend gave me the book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. My first reaction was quite negative. While I thanked my friend for giving me the book, I was secretly hoping she would trip on the way out! Now, I don't have anything personally against Dr. Laura but usually she is a little grating to my nerves and I don't make it a habit to listen to her program. At that time, I had no intention of reading the book much less applying any of her ideas. I stuck the book on my nighstand with about 20 others and imagined it staying at the bottom of the pile till it disintegrated. One evening I picked the book up and plopped into bed, and since I was too lazy to return it to the pile, I decided to read the introduction. It had this quote "Men are only interested in two things: If I'm not horny, make me a sandwich." OH MY! I decided to read the book for a laugh. If this was the attitude that prevailed it was sure to be a hoot.

As it turns out, the book was most provocative. It ultimately gave me a new perspective. "As simple as it sounds, treating a husband well hinges on the Golden Rule" Wow, what a concept. So simple, yet so underused. "Try giving him some of what you'd like." I think this sums up the message, but I do recommend checking this book out. Some of the real life stories are very sad, some are even pathetic. But it gave me a new way to look at marriage and that in itself has been a blessing to both of us.
Posted by: Agate

Re: Marriage Book - 05/28/04 05:10 AM

I probably feel a little more dislike for Dr. Laura than you do, having a gay son and all, yet, I have the book reserved at our library. It must be very popular because I've been waiting a month for it to be available.

I've heard some bad reviews that the book blames all marital problems on women and leaves it up to them to fix everything. Others rave about it. I just figure you can always take away a few good ideas from someone (no matter how much you don't like them personally) and ignore the stuff you don't agree with.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Marriage Book - 05/28/04 05:43 PM

Dr. Laura, there was a time when I listened to her while waiting to pick up one of the kids from school. She doesn't mix words !

I've heard about her book and I'm glad to hear from someone who read it. I also think it's good to hear from someone who read it that wasn't necessarily a fan.

I think many times these books that promote marriages are good. Taking in a couple hundred pages of insightful information can certainly have an impact on us. It can change our outlooks and sometimes that's the kick in the pants we may need.

So many times in society when it comes to marriages we hear only about the bickering, separtions, negativity, ignoring a spouse for days, etc. Reading books that lift us up and share the good points of marriage can only help give us a new perspective. I'm glad she wrote the book. I think we need it in this day and age.

Due to my faith, I try to fill my head by listening to wholesome songs and reading books and magazines that stand for what is right and just. It helps keep me focused. Reading Bible passages daily also helps.

Mrsmuzz, thanks for sharing and I'm praying for you to stay focused onthe good things in your spouse!

Agate, hope you don't have to wait too long for the book. Oh, I certainly understand how you feel about her with regards to yur son. Like Mom always said, "Until you've walked a mile in someone's shoes, you keep your mouth shut".