I don't often brag about what a great guy I have, but I think I should start! He works more hours than any member of my family, extended family and all of my friends. He never complains about all those hours and the long distance he travels to and from work. On his day off (in the middle of the week) he does laundry, vacuumns and dusts the furniture! He drops off and picks up dry cleaning. The girls I work with call him a saint. I agree he is wonderful, but he knows that while he is working on Saturday and I am home, I am doing the rest of the chores. We simply have a 50/50 relationship....at least while we are both still working. I can't get over the gals at work that say their husbands refuse to do anything that is conceivably a woman's job! I consider what we have as normal, but now I wonder if what I have is really rare. How about the rest of you?

I am so thankful to God for such a super guy.