I have been asked to post the following to get some feedback for a woman who wishes to remain anonymous:

She is a boomer enjoying the most exciting time of her life. She looks and feels better than when she was raising her two kids. She was a super mom; full-time job, room mom, sports mom, active church member, etc. She rarely slept more than 5 hours a night.

Getting older has been a great relief. Now it's her turn she shouted to everyone that would listen! Now she wants to wear attractive clothes, perfume, jewelry, the works. No more panty hose and Mama hair-dos. She threw away her Tupperware...no more covered dish events.

Here's the rest of the scoop:

She dated and had a wonderful courtship with her hubby. She was and is totally in love with him in every way you could love a man.

He's knowledgable, funny, sweet, kind, talented, industrious...all the qualities a woman looks for in a man and thinks she'll never find.

He has lost interest in sex during the past few years. They have tried Viagra, Cialis, etc. Nothing worked.

He went to a urologist who suggested surgical implants. Together they poured over the literature and decided it wasn't for them.

Hubby shared in a sweet manner that that he was very sorry and if she chose to be discreet he wouldn't mind her taking other measures, he wouldn't ask questions, he loves her and doesn't want to lose her.

She has remained faithful. She's a Christian. She loves and respects him more than any other man. They compliment each other in every other way.

Men find her attractive and she doesn't know what to do. She does not want her sex life to be over at this stage in her life. She feels too good.

She is beginning to feel like her husband's mother. She really wants to be his wife.

Ladies, this is a very serious and sensitive situation. Please think before responding. I know you always do.