Well...how to begin....oh okay....my sex life is over all because of Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we were getting snuggly and one thing led to another and Merry Christmas! Now, fast forward to Christmas morning....my 13 year old daughter, with smirk on her face, says..."have a good time last night?". I thought she was referring to the christmas eve dinner I'd hosted for my inlaws (argh)....but no...apparently she and her 15 year old brother were in his room watching a movie. Our bedroom shares a wall with his and apparently the headboard is loose and there was some rythmic tapping if you get my drift. The kids heard it and drew a logical conclusion but apparently were horrified that their parents would have sex at all let alone on christmas eve! So Christmas morning brought me a dressing down from my daughter about how "you and dad are disgusting".

So regardless of how desperate I become....or how healthy my sex drive....I can't bring myself to get "close" to my husband because I imagine those damned children, little voyeurs that they are, listening in....I told my mom about this and after laughing hysterically she said, "well dear, your kids should be happy that you still like sex with their father after all these years". So I told my daughter this and she said "well then nanna's disgusting too!".

So ladies....how about it....does life with kids,
especially teens, reduce us to having to rent a room? Help me please.....I'm not ready to be a nun (spelled none!)