Eek! I feel so guilty

Posted by: mrs_madness

Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/01/07 08:07 AM

Mr. madness and I are having our fair share of issues and I see posts from single women here looking to find companship and the tribulations they go through with dating later in just on a silly whim I filled out one of those online datine personality things and signed up.

I was pretty honest with the questions except that I said I was, uhhhh, a few years younger than I actually am, that I was single....and that I was looking for a man within 250 miles of my home in eastern Washington.....which is about 12,000 miles from where I actually am. Just to see if I didn't have a husband what I'd be facing.

So I've gotten a bunch of pings from men on this dating website. They all seem like nice sincere men who are looking for a woman partner in their lives. Fair enough. But I actully did tell some pretty substantial lies about my circumstances and now they've pinged me with interest and I feel terrible. I've got 2 interest notices in my email right now.

Should I just blow it off and forget about it or should I write to these men and apologize for my misleading profile? I think it was not a nice thing for me to do and I shouldn't have done it.

What do you think?
Posted by: katebcca

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/01/07 01:09 PM

Yes, blow it of. People on these sites are used to not hearing back. In the real world if you actually spoke to someone that would be different. In cyber world it's expected that you may not get responses and people just move on. There are loads of fishes in the sea especially in cyberspace.

I would not write back to apologize for your misleading profile. You don't owe them an explanation. I would take your profile off immediately so no one else can contact you.
Leaving it up there for longer would be deceiving as you are not single. There are married sites for that although I would not recommend going there.

Believe me, they are not all sincere men, some are married like you and just curious.
Posted by: mrs_madness

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/01/07 02:00 PM

Ack. I've just been looking at it and can't figure how to get rid of my profile. There is no delet option.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/01/07 06:23 PM

This is so funny. What a riot. You are stuck in the cyber dating world and can't get out. Does your hubby ever see your email? Ack...
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/01/07 10:38 PM

i was wonderring that too dotsie, you may have been just couriouse or testting how things would be if and when etc. but hubbie finding out about this may be hurtfull for him, one thing it couse a stink in the house.

seriousness aside its kinda funnie (or is that just my whicked sences of humer)don't beat yourself up over it relax, you not harmed anyone, your not gonna do anything with it so keep it in proportion....and away from hubbie.

hope it all ends innocentlie for ya.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/02/07 02:23 PM

Oh, Mrs Madness, such a naughty girl!

Blow it off. Delete your complete profile and forget the men who wrote to you. Take it as a lesson learned; there are not only lots of men out there, but men who will be interested in YOU should you ever decide to be single again. And, don't lie - another lesson!

Are things any better at home?
Posted by: Casey

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/02/07 02:28 PM

contact their help support if you can't figure out how to delete -- and I agree -- learn lessons, delete and move on!

(Glad to hear that there were nice men out there -- which site did you use?)
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/02/07 10:57 PM

I find this entire thing silly, kind of school girlish. Theres a saying that is rather crude but true:
Posted by: mrs_madness

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/03/07 12:17 AM


I find this entire thing silly, kind of school girlish. Theres a saying that is rather crude but true:

This was hardly meant to be a life altering topic....but thanks for your sentiment anyway.
Posted by: mrs_madness

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/03/07 12:33 AM

And after much looking around at the site I did the best I could to disable my profile. As it turned out an entry can't be deleted, the only thing I could do was put myself on temporary 'not available' status. I guess when it sets itself back on active search I can do it again untill my free singles application finally expires.

So beware of signing up for free AOL dating. You may not ever be able to extract yourself.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/03/07 03:22 AM

I bet most women, who have had a crisis in their marriage check out those internet dating portals to see what other fish are out there. I sure have; but never registered…just looked. The guys that I found attractive were all looking for women much younger than me. I think it must be extremely hard to find a suitable mate this way.

Actually, when I do have stress in my marriage, I tend to think that I don't ever want to marry again.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/03/07 07:41 AM

Hannelore, I think more boomer women are finding happiness in being single. It seems like lots of single women here at BWS are settled in to finding happiness within themselves and putting the life partner on the back burner. If something flickers, fine, but if not, that's seems to be fine too. I think it's a healthy way to live.
Posted by: Casey

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/03/07 04:46 PM

I had quite determined never to marry again when I met my sweetheart on the Internet seven years ago. I truly believe that when you are content with yourself and your life it's when you are most attractive to the opposite sex.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Eek! I feel so guilty - 08/04/07 08:36 AM

Casey, I didn't know you met him on the internet. That's great. I think you're right about getting right with yourself, loving yourself, and then exuding that love makes you more attractive.