
Posted by: Dotsie

fianaces? - 07/21/04 12:36 PM

I'm not single ladies, but I'm sure this has to be a hot topic. It is for us marrieds too.

How do you ladies cover all the bases on one salary?

Hope I'm not being too nosey.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: fianaces? - 07/22/04 03:54 AM

Let me ask you something since you posed that question...ahem...How do you eat? You eat just like me, one meal at a time.

No, I'm not being silly (or maybe I am) but the point is this. I manage the same way you manage. I only buy what I can afford. If I had two salaries to depend on, then I would probably buy what TWO salaries could afford.

I guess what I am saying is that it isn't any different for me than it is for couples, with the exception that their toys are bigger than my toys. teehee...

And even then, that's not always true. I know singles who make approx. the same amount as some married couples I know, however the single person can afford more than the married couples...why? Because they manage their moola better.

And now you've opened a can of worms cause THAT is a pet peeve of mine. I don't listen to whiners and complainers who tell me they are always broke, woe is me...poor pitiful me...then go out and buy every piece of scrapbooking material on the market...or get their children a cell phone because they didn't like the one they had, it didn't show pictures....or they can't pay their car insurance but they have call waiting, DSL, and every cable show known to man...Yet when I point out that if they took off the call waiting, three way calling, caller ID and such, they could save X amount of dollars and put that money in savings for an emergency, they say "but we HAVE to have some kind of enjoyment." Uh huh...

I don't believe it matters how much money you earn, but what you do with the money you do earn.

If you don't believe me, checkout and read the theory behind it. Tell Mary I sent cha...<Queen stepping down from soapbox>

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: fianaces? - 07/21/04 10:06 PM

I agree wholeheartedly with da Queen....I have lived both ways and she's right when there is just me I am very frugal yet comfortable and cut the frills that aren't needed. My biggest mistake is not having Health Insurance, since my hospital bill for a 7 hour stay in the emergency room was $11,665.00. Can you believe that one? I can't especially since hardly anyone at all paid any attention to me for those hours. But two salarys or one or five wouldn't help. Oh well!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: fianaces? - 07/22/04 03:12 AM

Well, Dots, I tried to keep up with society's 'Jones's' but it nearly drove me nuts and for sure broke. Most of my son and daughter's friends had the fringe benefits of a two parent household's inconme...the cell phones, weekly shopping sprees to buy expensive shoes that go out of style in a month, nicer cars w/insurance for a teen...whatever. However, most of those very children had something else in common. LONELINESS.

My daughter and I figured it out after a series of talks with those friends with the 'nice toys' frequented or nearly moved in with us. They wanted a mommy/daddy's TLC. Or, those parents were having issues which would lead them to the comforts of our 'peaceful' home.

It was an ajustment, still is at times, not to have that extra income to fall back on. I was 'laid off' recently. Certainly, the thought of me not having a husband's income as insurance in the event something happened like this crossed my mind. I really thought more of how it will affect my daughter since she's a senior this year. As you know, that is a very expensive year.

We have a game plan and working on a few more. It's stressful, for me at least, but not as stressful as staying or being with someone JUST for the sake of money.

Posted by: Whirlwind

Re: fianaces? - 05/14/05 05:35 PM

I know this is a very old post, but I just ran across it and wanted to put in my "two cents' worth."

I actually have "more" money now that I am divorced than when I was married, because my hubby loved the expensive toys and thought nothing of putting $500 or more every month on credit cards.

It took me awhile to dig out and get back on track after the divorce, but I did. There are still things I want that I have to plan and save for, but these days I contribute to my 457 (and have even managed to squirrel away just a bit into a Roth IRA). We had NO savings when I was married, it just wasn't possible.

Now, my furniture is OLD and needs to be replaced, and the time has come for some new work clothes. But for the most part, being frugal isn't painful. In fact it is sort of liberating.

Posted by: Whirlwind

Re: fianaces? - 05/14/05 05:49 PM

I checked out Cheapskatemonthly. Great site. But, you've got to subscribe to access the message board.

:- (

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: fianaces? - 05/16/05 03:53 AM

Whirlwind, great post. I can see how that could happen. I think it must be hard to have differing values about money in the same marriage. This was one of the topics the priest addressed with Ross and I before we were married. He advised us to always keep our money together, and to discuss spending money on purchases that were over $100.00. That was 25 years ago so maybe the amount has increased, but we thought it was a good idea.

Enjoy your independence!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: fianaces? - 05/17/05 03:41 AM

My ex went through money like a fish threw water, my money no less and could never hold onto any of his. I do much better alone, eat for much less and eat well too. Dress for less, no cleaning bills monthly like his, hell everything is cheaper who am I kidding? Good for you for doing better on your own.... [Razz]