Why do men seem to think that bald looks good? I've been seeing a nice guy for a short while, and he has curly brown hair. Really cute on him.

He had mentioned that it was getting too long, and that he used to shave his head. I said "cut it or keep it short, but PLEASE don't do the bald thing." My ex used to do that, and I'm sorry, but bald that isn't God-given doesn't look good (in my eyes anyway) on anyone.

Now before I get blasted, if it was due to a medical condition or just what nature ordered, that would be totally different. But a five o'clock shadow on somebody's head? Ugh.

Anyway, tonight boyfriend showed up with a shaved, bald head. And I'm sorry, but it's just ugly.

I know I have to deal with (and put up) with it (to a point anyway). But darn. The physical "wow" is definately gone.

Why do men always want their women to look good, then they don't care about what stares back at them in the mirror?

No replies expected, I just needed to vent.

