Cute Pet Idea

Posted by: Dianne

Cute Pet Idea - 01/02/07 09:36 PM

What will they think of next. They make them from a picture of your pet.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/03/07 05:20 AM

I can just see miss Sammie bobbing away now, LOL!
Posted by: TVC15

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/03/07 01:07 PM

Too cute Dianne!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/03/07 03:28 PM

They also make human ones. Just send a picture. Cute gift idea. I'm not sure if they make parrots.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/03/07 06:58 PM

$134.95 for a bobblehead? Hmm.. I might have to pass on that. It doesn't look like they do parrots. Their only options are a dog or cat.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/04/07 04:26 AM

Yikes! I never checked the price, just saw the bobbleheads.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/04/07 10:40 AM

You could buy a real dog or cat for that amount, geesh!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/05/07 08:19 AM

Sounds like a mountain lion to me, here kitty, kitty, kitty!!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/11/07 03:24 PM

That is not a "rather large" cat. It's huge! Bigger than my dog!
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/12/07 06:31 PM

Bigger than my dog too! So, how much do you indulge your pet? Do they sleep with you? on the covers? Under the covers? Do you share meals with them? Do you buy them special outfits? Designer? Come on, tell us.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/12/07 06:49 PM

My beagle is pretty spoiled. He has me trained so that when he gives a little woof by the pantry door I'll usually go get him a treat.

He doesn't sleep on the bed with us, but he does have three different beds all over the house. And even with those, he would rather have you throw some old blankets on the floor that he can scooch around to make a cozy bed.

Luke even has play dates with our neighbor's dog Biscuits. Sometimes Rocco goes over and plays too. Luke gets so excited when I say "Wanna go play with Biscuits?" It's almost as good as "Wanna go for a walk?"

My dog is also psychic, or else is so tuned in to me that he knows I'm going for a walk before I even know! I think he pays such close attention to my habits, that when I put shoes and a sweater on early in the morning, he's pretty certain I'm going out and I'd better bring him along!

How about your pets?
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/13/07 10:11 PM

Our dog sleeps with us under the covers but they were bred to be bed warmers years ago. Really radiates body heat. We now have a queen size bed so the hub usually gets rooted out of bed and sleeps on the sofa.

Italian Greyhounds cannot stand cold weather so I've trained her to go on pee pads that are in our closet. When I buy them at PetSmart, the clerk always asks me how old my puppy is. Eight Years! She must have a bladder the size of a peanut and pees a lot and if it wasn't for the pee pads, I'd have to go down 10 stories and take her out. Not my cup of tea.

She does have quite a few cute coats and a Harley Davidson T-Shirt that says, "Hog Dog" on the back. I bought her leg warmers and she kept them on for about three seconds.

So Vicki, what do you put on your critters?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 03:04 AM

You'd all get a laugh. I have a Queen size bed and my two little girls (Yorkies) sleep with me. The only problem thats ever arisen was when one or more of my house guests (rescued dogs) wanted in on that too. So there I was with my two and a huge over 100 pound Great Dane all together in my bed. Actually it went pretty well. Another time it was me, my two, and a family of 5 minature sized poodles. Oh and a cranky tabby female cat. One thing about this place, never dull moment...
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 03:36 AM

It's 12 degrees outside right now and our neighbors behind us haven't been home all day. Their black lab was trying to knock the door down to get into the house, so I went over and brought him home. My, he's an energetic guy! He's finally starting to settle down.

Not sure where the owners are; left them a note. They seem like responsible pet owners so I hope nothing happened to them. And I'm hoping they don't let this dog sleep with them in bed, because he's sure not crawling in with me!!
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 03:10 PM

Jack sleeps with me until he gets too hot then he lays down on the tile in the bathroom. In the mornings, he waits until my husband gets up and then he hops up on his side of the bed and lays on hubby's pillow. That's our snuggle time.

Jack is really fuzzy and long haired, so he looks funny in doggy clothes. When he was younger, we let him wear a Tampa Bay Buc's t-shirt before he got his full coat.

Jack is super spoiled. Whenever I'm making a salad he gets to have tomatoes. When I'm making peanut butter and celery he gets celery then gets to lick out the peanut butter from the cup. He loves broccoli and baby carrots so we keep extra in the refrigerator for him. Whenever he can, he'll take one of us to the refrigerator and stand there until we open it and get him a carrot.

He has his own website and loves to ham it up for the camera.

The only thing I can't get him to do is wear something on his head. He refuses. So, no cute hats.

Now, Bailey, he's spoiled too. I'm the one he's bonded to, (probably because I'm the one that's home all day) and he misses me if I'm not around. I give him treats of sunflower seed kernels on occasion and sometimes put them in a pinata for him to find. He doesn't like my husband and will only tolerate him if I'm in the room too. He loves to tease Jack by tossing out pieces of food from his dish to the floor so Jack will come over and eat them. Then he pecks at Jack through his cage. He's not afraid of anything except hands. We have our moments and special night time rituals. He gets only filtered water. Good thing we have a water filter for our house. When I take him to be boarded we bring our own water.

They're my babies. I love to spoil them.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 04:02 PM

Our pets have a routine now. Both dogs start out on the bed. Then one of the cats gets on the bed. When we turn out the light one dog leaves and gets on the couch; the other dog gets on the floor next to my side of the bed; the cat stays. The other cat won't get on the bed 'cause the dogs have been there. She thinks dogs are disgusting - you should see the looks she gives them! LOL

Some nights I am "trapped" with one dog on each side of me and a cat on my legs. We're gonna have to get a queen or king-size bed when the renovations are finished so we can at least stretch out in bed!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 04:09 PM

Vickie, love Jack's website!
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 04:30 PM

Thanks, I have such a good time with it.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/14/07 04:55 PM

I'm picturing Chatty in bed with all those animals.

Sammie always wakes when I do and I put her on her perch and feed her. Diz waits until she hears me put her food in the bowl. She eats and goes back to bed for her morning nap. I should have such a life.

Diz now roots her way up between hub and I and lays her head on a pillow. Just the three of us, with two of us pretending we're actually getting some sleep.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/15/07 12:44 AM

Dianne you've seen Reeta and Rosee in person, so imagine Rosee the littlest one, well she snores. I mean she SNORES. Its hysterical cause the sound she makes is bigger than she is. Sometimes the snoring wakes her with a start, and she'll growl at her sister Reeta, like why are YOU making all that noise??? Like I said, never a dull moment.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/15/07 12:35 PM

How funny! She's no bigger than a minute. I wish you gals could see Chatty's dogs. They make your heart melt.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/15/07 12:41 PM

Chatty is there a site out there with pictures of dogs like yours? Maybe you could send us the link, huh? will ya? huh?
So cute...a dog that snore bigger than she is. lol
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/15/07 05:31 PM

Snoring dogs are cute. Jack snores when he's really zonked out.

Dianne, I just took Bailey in for a yearly physical and he passed with flying colors. (well, minus the blood work and fecal tests) We won't get those results for a few days.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/15/07 07:52 PM

Diz is a Diva and would never snore. She just runs in her sleep all the time.

Sammie did well on her physical too. Great Vet! Do Conure's talk at all?
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/15/07 09:44 PM

Some conures have been known to talk. I don't know about Sun Conures. Bailey doesn't talk. He squawks. He screeches. He yells. When it's bedtime, he's really loud. He tells us when it's time to go to bed.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/16/07 02:55 PM

Really? That's amazing.

I decided to start putting Sammie in her acrylic carrier for sleeping at night and placed it by our bedside. I thought she would enjoy being close to us and she seems to like confined spaces. Well, I could see her little feet beneath the night cover and she was on the bottom scratching! I've never seen her scratch before. I think this was a hint...I'm trying to get out of here and I don't like your new idea!
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/16/07 09:14 PM

Bailey is very particular about his bedtime ritual. Where he sleeps, when he sleeps and our little "night night" chat. Of course, that's also for Jack's benefit, because when he "helps" to put Bailey to bed, he gets baby carrots as his reward.

Sammie sounds like she'd rather be back where she was. Maybe she doesn't like the feel of the acrylic?
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/16/07 10:23 PM

It has a perch in it so it's not the acrylic. The bird is just strange sometimes. You have the night night chat and we have the nightly loving. You can tell who rules this household.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/17/07 09:46 AM

Hannelore, Reeta and Rosee are both purebred Yorkshire Terriers. I keep them in puppy cuts rather than all that long silky hair because they love to rough house and hate to be brushed. Plus they are so small they look like puppys even though they'll be 10 on February 9th....I imagine if you google their breed a picture may come up. I just bought them those stairs that are all padded with 4 steps so they can get up and down on/off the sofa easier....
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Cute Pet Idea - 01/18/07 03:01 PM

This morning I'm in the shower and yell at the hub to please check the hot water heater and right after I did it, I knew he was going to come into the bathroom and say, "I'm sorry?" because his hearing is so bad. Instead, Sammie, who is on her perch by the shower, says it! I laughed so hard I had to sit down in the shower.