Special dog diets

Posted by: Seth

Special dog diets - 07/29/04 04:18 AM

Has anyone out there experimented with special home made diets for dogs? Our little cock-a-poo has a serious heart condition (she's 17) and it makes her have a very dry cough all of the time.

A friend suggested she is making her own dog food for her dog who has another health condition.

It's killing me hearing her cough! Besides the cough, she seems just fine. Eats, likes to walk, naps, everything except of course she's a bit slower at her "advanced age".
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Special dog diets - 07/29/04 05:40 PM

I remember hearing about a diet for dogs that consisted of only raw foods. Is this what you're thinking about? If so, they said you had to gradually introduce your dog to it. Any change in diet or amount fed can lead to gastric problems. How is your dog's weight?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Special dog diets - 07/29/04 09:43 PM

I just wrote to a friend of mine who's hubby is a VET...maybe he can help??? We'll see.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Special dog diets - 07/29/04 11:38 PM

This Andel is on the downside of a very long life and to be honest you should just give her whatever she likes best. No new diet will stop the coughing. I've been there and I know what you mean. I have had my own dear Maltese's (2) of them suffer the same fate. I also foster old and injured animals and the best thing you can do is make them as comfortable and HAPPY as possible. If shes eating fine etc. let her alone. She's too old now to irritate with any changes. Give her all the things she loves and make her comfortable and happy for whatever time she has left. There may be some medication she can take for her cough but NOTHING will stop it.
She has had a long and apparently happy life with you. Be strong and if the coughing gets too bad and she starts to fail or seems in pain BE STRONG for her and let her go peacefully.
Posted by: Seth

Re: Special dog diets - 07/31/04 11:33 PM

I appreciate your thoughts. This is way too hard. For the last couple of days she has seemed better. The coughing isn't as hard or as consistant. However, she used to run several miles with me every day. This summer I quit running her and we just walked. The other day she collapsed after only 2 blocks. I thought that was it, but we got home and she has revived again. Who knows what God's plan is, but it's a day to day thing.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Special dog diets - 08/01/04 02:56 AM

Oh gosh Seth...I'm so sorry. The poor thing. I did ask my friend to tell her hubby the vet about the situation and see what he says. She said it would be Monday before she'd get back to me...so we'll see then. Let's keep our fingers crossed anyway.

Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Special dog diets - 08/01/04 06:43 PM

Seth, this is a difficult time for you, and I'm sorry you're having to go through it. We lost our first dog to lymphoma cancer. I agree with Chatty, give as much comfort and love as you can and keep your little one as comfortable and happy as possible.

As for the cough, I don't think there is anything you can do to the diet to make it change. You could check with your vet to see if there's something they can give you to help sooth the dog's throat and help the cough and make her more comfortable.

Be brave. Remember we're here for you.

Posted by: Seth

Re: Special dog diets - 08/07/04 11:18 PM

So, we're on the new diet. It's turkey sausage, cooked and rice and vegetables and oatmeal. Then I give her the meds from the vet, and add some things from the health food store. About a week ago, she collapsed again, and in fact died, but we gave her CPR, and she came back!! [Smile] It's incredible, though. She is much better. She almost never coughs now, she breathes much better, almost like normal, and she seems perkier. However, we've decided no more walks. She ran 2 miles with me until a couple of months ago, but no need to push the envelope here. We're just thrilled to have her with us still!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Special dog diets - 08/08/04 01:29 PM

Speakermom, thanks for the compliment but one never knows where a wealth of wisdom might come from and your ideas are good ones. My Reeta would rather eat veggies and fruit than meat, while little sister Rosee looks at me like I've lost my mind when I offer her anything but meat, oh, I forgot she loves spaghetti too and they both like smashed, mashed almonds, go figure. I hope you are as happy with your new baby as you were with your other little helper. I love his name, Opie.... [Big Grin]
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Special dog diets - 08/09/04 08:57 PM

Jack just loves carrots. I buy the baby carrots in a big bag. I put them just inside the drawer in the refrigerator. Jack hears that fridge door open and it's like he's shot out of a cannon. He has to have his carrot snack.

I used to buy the carrot bones, but real carrots are fresher and they don't stain my carpet of bedclothes orange.

Some other kinds of fruits and veggies I've given Jack is grapes (he loves frozen ones), celery, and watermelon. He goes absolutely ga-ga for watermelon. When I take it out of the fridge to slice he's standing up, front paws out sniffing the air.

Strange little creatures, aren't they?