325 lb.Tiger Python

Posted by: chatty lady

325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/24/09 04:20 PM

Here in Vegas yesterday a 3 year old child was bitten near its armpit by a 325 pound Tiger Python and the snake had the head of the child in his mouth as the mother enterted the bedroom where the snake was kept.

She had gone to the bathroom and the child somehow wandered into the room where the snake was kept, and was bitten and the snake then began constricting around the baby.

The mother ran to get a knife while calling 911, and stabbed the snake 17 times until it loosened its grip and she was able to free the child. The police she had called arrived and opened the door to the bedroom only to find a really ticked off snake and the fight was on with officers flying every which way, when animal control arrived, and the snake was finally darted and subdued, it was taken to the local pound and put down.

The police said the animal paid the price for the neglect of the owner. The woman is being charge with child endangerment and keeping a dangerous pet in the city limits.

Imagine a 325 pound, 17 foot snake in your home. That woman must be nuts!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/24/09 08:42 PM

Would you allow a reptile this large to live in your home??? I am an animal lover 'big time' and nope, no snakes or spiders for me.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/24/09 08:48 PM

Snakes are okay, but not a python that big. What was she thinking?? I don't think exotic critters like that are meant to be confined in our homes.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/24/09 11:27 PM

Here's a link to the story:


I can't even picture a 300 lb snake!
Posted by: jabber

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/25/09 04:12 PM

I saw that story on the news. I don't understand why anyone
would have a snake as a pet to begin with. I heard where a woman was sleeping with a large snake and it latched onto her butt. Some people have alligators, lions, tigers and all sorts of critters. A pet gorilla attacked someone not long ago. Why???
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/25/09 04:56 PM

Some, no, many npeople forget these are WILD animals. They may appear domesticated but never truly are. At least most of them, of course there is always the exception but I am not willing to find out some WILD animal I am keeping isn't one of the good guys!!! And never in this lifetime will I keep snakes or spiders.
Posted by: Lola

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/25/09 05:24 PM

What does one feed a pet python anyway? I know that mice can be bought for smaller snakes but, one would need buckets of those to satisfy a python's appetite.
Posted by: jabber

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/26/09 08:38 AM

I'm with you: No snakes; no spiders. Not this kid!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/26/09 07:58 PM

They feed then live gerbiles and larger white rats from what I can find out. I wouldn't even want something like that snake across the street from me. Why would anyone? Its not like they are warm and fuzzy. I don't ever want to have a pet that looks at me as FOOD!!!
Posted by: jabber

Re: 325 lb.Tiger Python - 01/28/09 10:34 AM

Me neither!