Arthritic or Old Pets

Posted by: chatty lady

Arthritic or Old Pets - 07/16/08 07:38 PM

There is a great new product out that is so easy to use , your pet never even knows tbhey are taking it and I have seen over the past several m onths how well it works...

Its for old cats and dogs just having trouble getting around and the ones with severe arthritis pain. You simply add a few drops to their water bowl once a day...

JOINGT PAIN RELIEF by Veternarian Dr. Ken Frank
Call 1-800-649-5192 for information.

I an tell you it really works, your pet will run, jump and play just like they use to. I'm not sure if, or what their website is.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Arthritic or Old Pets - 07/18/08 02:38 PM

I saw an ad 4 product mentioned. Shadow had arthritis and gave her Glucosamine, Chondroitin; but, I think I'll start Xena at a younger age. I'm glad 4 your post because I wondered if that really worked or was just a hoax. Xena says, "Woof, woof; tanks, tanks!"
Posted by: Pat Jones

Re: Arthritic or Old Pets - 08/03/08 09:24 PM

Glad to hear that this works, Chatty Lady! I have the most wonderful elderly white cat, missing one front leg, and it breaks my heart to see him hobble around, knowing it must pain him, sometimes. He could really benefit from this product. Can't wait to try it.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Arthritic or Old Pets - 09/05/08 01:40 PM

I recently ordered some of that joint pain medicine you
recommended. I'm waiting for it to arrive in the mail.
I got a bottle for Xena and also a bottle for my cousin's
dog. Cuz adopted a rescue dog too. Her dog had been
thrown out of a car and has trouble getting around.
Hopefully the drops you mentioned, will help ease her puppy's pain. Thanks for the info!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Arthritic or Old Pets - 09/05/08 08:47 PM

IU am sure you will like the results. We use it freely here on some of the rescue dogs and they seem to relish the relief from the pains they had before. My Rosee and Reeta are 11 years old and are able to move around like puppies most of the time since they've been taking it.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Arthritic or Old Pets - 09/06/08 09:53 PM

Glad I stopped by this thread. My pet toy poodles are 16 and 17 years old. They are for sure having trouble getting around. One has calcified discs in his back and he has lots of problems.

I'm going to call the number and see what they say. Thanks for posting it Chatty.