Just wanted to let you all know that I had to put my sweet poodle, Rembrandt, to sleep last evening. He was 17.5 years old. He had been holding his own for a long time, but a week ago he had a seizure (which he hadn't had in over 5 years) and it was so hard on him. I took him to the vet a week ago today. We talked about letting him go, but the vet said to see how he did last week. So I took him in Tuesday and he seemed okay.

Then yesterday about 4:30 he had another bad seizure. He didn't come out of it very good. Had lots of trouble standing and walking. Cried a lot seeming confused bad. I called the vet and they told me to see how he did overnight but if I needed, the emergency vet was opening. So I waited for about an hour and a half but he kept crying and falling and being dizzy. So I took him to the emergency clinic and had him put to sleep.

I think I've cried a river of tears and still have more in me. Very hard thing to do even though I knew he was ready, you know. Had my little grandson today so that helped, but now tonight I'm missing him badly. He was such a kind, gentle, good dog and everyone loved him.

Sorry, but just had to tell you all about my sweet Rembrandt.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008