Hi everyone,

I posted before Christmas that we have a parakeet who is a "houdini". He got himself out of his cage, and into the cage of the two cocketiels who live next door (in the same room).

Well, the three birds live in the large cage quite happily.

After christmas we brought the large cage downstairs becuz my daughter thought the birds weren't getting enough attention in her room. (this is a LARGE, decorative, free standing cage)

Well, anywho, we are enjoying having the birds downstairs.

My shephard/heeler mixed dog...LOVES one of the birds. The birds' name is "Peeves"...he is a curious george...always sticking his head out from between the bars. My dog "bella"....LICKS the bird all over its' head and face, and the bird loves it. The bird just sits there and lets my dog do her thing.

How funny is that.
