Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls

Posted by: Mother Mystic

Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 05/25/06 07:56 AM

Remember when girls couldn't wear pants to school except on freezing winter days and we had to wear a skirt over them? My kids actually don't believe me when I tell them about the dress code. I took part in the protests that eventually ended the dress code in high school. It was exciting, first there were only 2 or 3 of us sitting outside the principal's office in our bell bottoms waiting to get sent home, then more and more until they finally caved in and let us wear pants. I'm proud to have been a dress code pioneer!
On the other hand, I don't approve of the sexy bare as much as you can Lolita look some kids wear these days...can't believe the parents buy their kids these duds!

Mother Mystic
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 05/24/06 08:01 PM

Oh yes, I loved rainy days when I got to wear pants! Then I could twirl on the bars and no one would hollar that they could see my panties...

Quite a few girls at my son's high school actually wear pajama pants and slippers to school - what's up with that?

Posted by: Still Crowded

Re: Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 05/26/06 08:06 AM

Yes, the dress code has gone from one extreme to another. I never did get to wear pants, slacks, bell bottoms or . . .jeans to school. Now I rarely wear a dress at all.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 05/26/06 10:45 PM

My daughter often wore pajama pant over her bathing suit when she went to swim practice. Whatever!

I wore a uniform to school and tried everything I possibly could to add accessories so we didn't all look the same.

How about when we entered the work force and wore pant suits with dress dhirts and little ribbons as ties?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 05/27/06 04:34 AM

I always appreciated the dress code as there were children in school with me that were bused a long distance from poorer neighborhoods and it was hard to tell by our clothing/uniforms who came from where. I liked that because some of the spoiled rich brats were very cruel to these children. Thank God some of our parents taught us better than that. We wore pleated navy blue jumpers (remember those) with white blouses. We had navy knee socks. The boys wore navy trousers and pale blue shirts with clip on navy ties. We were a spiffy little group... [Wink]
Posted by: Di

Re: Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 07/21/06 02:36 AM

We could wear pants under our dresses on gym day. But only in sixth grade were we allowed to wear pants suits (remember them?).
Posted by: Lola

Re: Dress Codes in School No Pants for Girls - 07/21/06 07:40 AM

We wore uniforms 7 days a week. Mondays through Saturdays were the regular ones then, a white version for Sundays. Our uniforms were also numbered. And those that were not, were confiscated. Hems were supposed to touch the floor when you kneel. It was also compulsory to wear a chemise.
We were only civilians at night in our pajamas. No nighties. Modesty was the order of the day.