
Posted by: Dotsie

Legos - 04/26/08 01:58 PM

I don't recall htese from when I was little, but my kids had tons of them.

I recently read that kids spend 5 billion hours a year playing with Legos.

We are now buying them for our great-nephew and teasing his dad about spending his days helping put together the million piece sets. I don't know who likes it more.

When the kids were little, we had a little dance we called the Lego Dip. It happened every time we stepped on one in our bare feet.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 02:10 PM

Legos, as well as a few favorite stuffed animals, are the only toys my sons have NOT given up since they've grown up. We have a huge box of them in the closet; they are never played with, but if we have a yard sale and I ask the boys if we can sell them, they say NO!

They must have so many wonderful memories of building all their grand creations. Last summer, I babysat an 8 year old for 3 days. We played logos for a couple of hours each day, me on the floor with him, building things and creating scenarios.

I hope that kids today are still given toys like these and allowed to use some of that inherant creativity, instead of only sitting in front of the tv or the computer, like my 16 year old is doing right now!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 02:21 PM

My brothers received Legos every birthday and Christmas...I think they eventually amassed a trunk full of them. I enjoyed playing with them too, but since it was considered to be a "boy's toy" in those days, I didn't get to play with them as much as I wanted to. My middle brother has them now, I have a feeling they'll be passed down through the family for generations to come!

We started buying Lego for our granddaughter when she turned 3, and also bought a 500-piece set to keep at our house. It's one of our favourite things to do together. She used to get frustrated because we always ran out of time to finish any projects, so I bought a special tray, and now we keep the "works in progress" on the tray in the spare room for subsequent visits. We usually end up dismantling pieces and redesigning the project according to any new and improved creative ideas, but at least we already have a good foundation to build on...
Posted by: humlan

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 02:41 PM

Dotsie..was the little Lego Dance so that you wouldn´t swear when you stepped on a piece of Lego? I am sorry to say that we swore when we stepped on some Lego..boy, did that hurt!!!

Lego is still a very popular activity among kids..we have both the larger and the smaller Lego pieces at our preschool..and they are found in EVERY preschool in Sweden..I am sure!

I don´t think it was around when I was a kid..way back the 50´s, I guess..
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 02:48 PM

Do they have Lego parks in the US? they have them here. I haven't been to one yet, but it's supposed to be a fun day...everything you can imagine is made out of Lego...except the hotdogs.
Posted by: gims

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 02:55 PM

check out this ABC News video...
the artist was on Good Morning America a day or two ago... and the sculptures were better seen that way, but this will give you an idea ... I love the blue man (about midway through the video)...
I hated stepping on the tiny ones, which my grandchildren left laying around...
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 03:29 PM


Do they have Lego parks in the US? they have them here. I haven't been to one yet, but it's supposed to be a fun day...everything you can imagine is made out of Lego...except the hotdogs.

Yes, there is one in San Deigo. We went when my boys were about 8 and 4. It was great for them!

And yes, I've seen creations like the ones on TV. It's amazing. I always tend to make little box houses with windows, doors, and flat roofs... I just don't know how they do that!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 05:09 PM

Never seen one anywhere I've lived but my two sons had an empty washing machine cardboard nearly filed with these tiny time consuming and creative toys. They had an entire town built in our basement at one time. Every holiday or birthday when asked what they wanted, it was LEGOS! I can't remember whatever happened to them but I do believe they were given to the Salvation Army for the poor kids when we moved from our home.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Legos - 04/26/08 10:36 PM

There is a huge Legopark in Copenhagen. there is a website and it truly sounds like an inspiring place for creating stuff.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Legos - 04/27/08 03:59 AM

We have a Legopark in the UK as well.

What's a great-nephew, Dotsie? Would he be of the same generation as with grandchild, or younger? I once did a Lego dance with a vacuum cleaner for a partner. I can only be thankful that they were small enough during my son's time to hoover up. He always tidied up his Lego pieces since then. I cannot threaten my grandchildren in the same way because most of the Lego pieces they have are much bigger and the youngest one plays with Duplos. A greater threat to the arches of the feet.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Legos - 04/27/08 12:23 PM

I've read about Lego parks and seen photos, but never been to one.

A great-nephew is my nephew's child. That's what I call them. It may not be the proper terminology.

Our kids started with Duplos. Great toys and much more managable for me. HA.

Kathy, we also have huge containers of Legos in our attic. I can't bear to get rid of them.