Ever since we moved into our home in 1976 we have put up our American flag on all important and pertinent holidays that require it.

Only one other person on our street flies a flag and that at best is sporadicly done.

After 9/11 flag sales were booming and everyone on my street was flying a flag. In fact nearly everyone in this city suddenly had a flag. It did my heart good to see them all.

Now that 9/11 has come and gone it's back to business as usual. The flags are all gone except mine and a precious few others. My husband inherited this flag from his dad. It's nearly 50 years old. He dutifully puts it up in the morning and takes it in at night. He gets so upset when he sees it improperly displayed. He taught me all the rules conerning it's proper display and disposal.

Where did all the pride and patriotism go? Was it a superficial, fleeting thing?