garden site

Posted by: Dotsie

garden site - 04/17/08 01:53 PM

Check out htis site to learn tons about gardening. They even have a forum where you can pose questions to learn about difficult gardening issues.

Love the title!
Posted by: Sadie

Re: garden site - 04/18/08 12:14 AM

Oh, Dotsie,
I have read somewhere about this site . I clicked on the link , but I am not hugging a tree . I am getting ready to chop one down before it's roots go into my water line . Nice site though and put it on my favorites . Thanks

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: garden site - 04/18/08 04:43 PM

The flowers here in Vergas are in bloom for the most part and the farthest parts of the desert are erupting in floral splendor. Who'd believe cactus could be so beautiful...I didn't until I saw it for myself.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: garden site - 04/18/08 04:46 PM

Do cactus hav3 any color to them? The only ones I have are Christmas cactus and they lossom pink. Htye're beautiful when in bloom.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: garden site - 04/18/08 05:41 PM

Oh sure, there are bright yellow blossoms, deep red, pink, and orange too. Some have striped red, or kind of a blueish. Its a site to behold when you drive out into the vastness of the desert and it's all in bloom. There are also some wild purple ground flowers everywhere, don't know what they are but they look like lavendar. Then of course the wild Oleanders bloom in white, pink and red...

Thye cactus plant itself is different shades of green or yellow depending on its age and type. Some cactus don't have any flowers at all, ever. Just giagantic, nasty, long sharp thorns... OUCH!!!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: garden site - 04/18/08 08:42 PM

Renee, we had the same issue with tree roots, but we now use Copper Sulfate flushed down the toilet about once a month - it keeps the tree roots away - they don't like the stuff at all.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: garden site - 04/18/08 08:44 PM

Oh my, yes, Dotsie. I have cactus blooming in almost every color! I have one that is starting to bud that will be a glorious shocking pink-red; another that's yellow; one white; and others in shades of red. Although the blooms may only last one night on some, they sure are worth it!
Posted by: jabber

Re: garden site - 04/19/08 09:09 AM

You gotta love it, Dotsie: That site was started by "Gayla
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: garden site - 04/21/08 04:20 PM

jabber, what a riot. I didn't see that.

Renee, that must be a Baltimore thing. It has already happened to us! You should try yonuh's suggestion.

Thanks for filling me in on all the colors of cactus. I've never been in the desert before. The closest I've gotten was when chatty drove us to the casino near her home and all I could see was red/brown mountains without color.

Meredith had brought me some to take home, but I was afraid they'd ban me from the airport if they found them. And actually, they had be open by suitcase because they saw a bottle of suntan lotion that was bigger than it should have been. I bought it out there and totally forgot. They let me keep it. We did carry-on so I would have been in big trouble if they found the cactus Meredith brought me.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: garden site - 04/22/08 03:02 AM

It's the liquids they're looking for at the airport, so you can't make bombs! The only thing you can make from cactus is tequila Somehow, Dotsie, you don't seem like the type to do either

It's not illegal to transport plants, except certain agricultural states like Cali which won't let you bring them in.

Right now, the huge prickly pear cactus is blooming yellow-orange, which is the color its fruits will be in a month or 2.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: garden site - 04/22/08 01:25 PM

I know when we've traveled to the islands, there have always been comments about not taking anything live back home. Maybe if you are in the states it doesn't matter?
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: garden site - 04/22/08 01:49 PM

You cannot bring in agricultural products from out of the country, period.

However, traveling within the states -- Cali is one of the few that doesn't permit plants being brought in. How you can tell -- when you travel out-of-state, are you given a form asking about agri on the flight back? If never, then no rules as such in your state.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: garden site - 04/22/08 04:07 PM

Oh boy I love the prickly pears that the prickly pear cactus produces, so sweet and juicy...Can't wait.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: garden site - 04/22/08 08:38 PM

for the past 3 summers, I have had literally hundreds of prickly pear fruits. I beg people to take them! Just can't eat that many, or pull that many stickers out of my hands.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: garden site - 04/23/08 10:35 AM

Good point Meredith. I've never filled out those forms while traveling within the states - only when we hit the islands. Thanks for clearing that up for me. But dang, I guess that means I could have taken your plants!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: garden site - 04/23/08 08:43 PM

If we're meeting in/near Baltimore next year, I'll bring a bunch!