Sorry to hear about your accident. That has got to be hard using just one
hand. Hope you're feeling better soon.

In response to your question, "where to find sources to submit to
magazines?" I can give you some helpful information. Strange you should ask
at this time---for it is the best time---because I can across a link in
www.writersdidgest.com that gives this kind of information. The following
link will take you to this information--links, email, names and addresses---
http://www.writersdigest.com/topics/wdtop100_listing.asp. Just found this a
couple of days ago and it's great!

Before I found this information, I used my Writer's Market book, emailed
editors and used addresses in the magazines that interested me. Doing this
has been frustrating, time-consuming and all-around awful! This one link
will make letters and queries to editors much easier, . Hope this helps
you, too.

Keep in touch, if you want on how it goes for you. I love to write and it
sounds like you do, too.

Take care and I hope you're feeling better, soon.

Ann (also known as Toni)

Toni Star
Freelance Writer

My Websites: