Antibiotics for cyst

Posted by: Saundra

Antibiotics for cyst - 04/25/07 07:32 PM

I have a cyst on the left side of my left breast near my ribcage. It exploded Sunday night. My doctor examined it and gave me antibiotics Monday. The pills are Levaquin and they're making me nauseaus and dizzy, which is why I haven't been here. Terrible. Case of cure killing patient? Four more pills to go...

And for over $3.50 a pill I was hoping they'd at least make me happy!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/25/07 08:51 PM

Wow, that's no fun. Hang in there - is it one pill a day? Try to use this as an excuse to rest.

Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/26/07 11:00 AM

Hope you're feeling better real soon!
Posted by: Laurel

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/26/07 03:45 PM

Bless your heart, Saundra.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/26/07 04:03 PM

Saundra I never heard of that term cyst exploding... so I googled it and came up with a forum that might help you come to terms with it.
Hope you feel better soon!

exploding cyst
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/26/07 05:19 PM

Hannelore, I can't believe the site exists. Thank you and everyone else for the good wishes.

I have a subcutaneous cyst. Here's what happened. I use baby powder (now I know better) under my breasts during the summer because I work outside in over 100 degree heat and I sweat a lot. Last year a pore got infected and my GYN gave me antibiotics and it went away.

No baby powder yet this year, but the antibiotics last year didn't kill the bacteria so my regular doctor put me on these killer antibiotics that should kill it.

Meantime, I reported my GYN to my insurance company for refusing to treat me in March and last Sunday night blood and puss was squirting out (sorry)). Bacteria is smarter that we are and it's learned how to survive the old antibiotics so they developed tougher ones. Four pills left!

I swear, it's always something!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/29/07 10:44 AM

My neighbor is a nurse-in-training and has advised me to take probiotics when my antibiotics are finished to help boost my immune system. I didn't know such a thing existed. They're sold in health stores.
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/29/07 05:36 PM

That is one the sight affects of the" Levaquin" and I cannot take them at all ... You should tell you doctor and not take them anymore . Levaquin has made me terribly ill and you need something else . Baby powder has "Talc in it and should not use that only good old corn starch is lots, lots better . They should not even be using baby powder for babies .

Take care and talk with your doctor . All the best !
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/30/07 12:43 PM

I took my last pill last night. I was sickest on Friday. I never want those pills again. Back to work tomorrow feelin' human. Yay!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/30/07 01:06 PM

Ouch! The cyst and meds sound awful. I found a cyst on my wrist last week or should I say, my parrot did. I let her get on my hand and she laid her beak on the cyst. I hadn't noticed it until then. I'm the queen of cysts and tumors anyway. Geesh.
Posted by: Laurel

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/30/07 03:32 PM

Baby powder? Who knew? And here all these years I thought it was safe.

What about baking soda? Is it safe? I use it in the summer to dry moisture and kill odors.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/30/07 06:59 PM

Let's hope so Laurel, I use it in my frig.

You poor thing Saundra! I had no idea. I've been away from the forums for a few days and today is my day back. Good grief! You are right though, it is always something.

I'm glad to hear that you've taken the last of the nasty pill. How is the wound? Is it healing nicely?
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Antibiotics for cyst - 04/30/07 08:05 PM

It's healing, thank you. I found out the drug stays in my body for ten days after I stop taking it. Jeez. I was so sick I almost missed my book coming out.

A friend told me to use baking soda and water instead of baby powder. Now that I'm better I'll get the recipe.