Luggage Issues

Posted by: Songbird

Luggage Issues - 04/03/07 04:18 PM

Ever lost luggage? Was it ever returned or found? Although it's been 13 days since I traveled, my luggage isn't here yet. Each time I call the airline, I just get the answering machine. I've left messages, both on the local (Boston)number and on the general office for luggage claims of that Airline.

Have any of you needed to search for a more resourceful solution? It's been a week since I last received a call from them saying they're still "looking for it"! I have the luggage well-identified, so still have hope that it might turn up somewhere, it it's God's will .
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/03/07 05:00 PM

I've had luggage lost but it was always returned within a couple of days. I hate to say this but I have a feeling you may never see it again. How frustrating!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/03/07 05:07 PM

Wow, that is way too long, Song. I think it is time to file a claim. Write to the airlines and send it with a return signature receipt.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/04/07 10:53 AM

Thanks for the tip, Anno. It IS way too long to not have any info yet.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/04/07 09:01 PM


I'm assuming you reported the loss at the airport on the day it didn't arrive?

What airline were you flying?

I worked baggage for alaska airlines - their not calling you back is totally unacceptable.

Their "central baggage" should have contacted you by now so that you may place a claim.

I would call the airlines main customer service number and place a complaint with them

Posted by: Songbird

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/05/07 06:22 PM

---It's Jet Blue airlines---
I did report it at the airport. All they did was give me a report #. 3 days later they called and asked for description and color of some cloting, still searching.
Last time I heard from them was tuesday, 3-27th, saying "still searching".
But I've called a number of times and all I get is an answering machine, leave a message and wait.
TODAY I finally was able to speak with a live rep. who gave me a number to call (with an extension # and the name of my assigned Claims Rep.) I called and left yet another messate. Hopefully she'll return my call. It's been 15 days tonight since I arrived.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/05/07 11:23 PM

Have you written to them yet, Song?

Didn't Jet Blue just have some bad press for something recently? And aren't they trying to build their rep back up?

It's time to play a bigger card, here, Song. Bring it up a notch.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/06/07 08:50 AM

As you know my luggage was lost on my trip back from Dotsieland. They did find it the next day though and all is well. I totally understand the sick feeling in the pit of your tummy, cause that's what I had when I realized that pictures of my family were in those bags!

But all is well on my end. I hope and pray they find yours!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/06/07 10:08 PM

Song, they should at least tell you where it was last checked in. They computerize it. Way too long to still be on this. I agree, tell them you want some answers and soon.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/07/07 08:17 AM

One should NEVER pack anything that is "un-replaceable" in their suitcase they are checking. This include medications you desperately need to take.

The "baggage system" is not as systematic as you might think. The only thing that is really kept track of - is where it is checked in and where the tag said it was going. There is no tracking in between (contrary to popular belief).

Even on DIRECT flights - baggage mishandling occurs.

So, I've learned through working at the airport - if you are going somewhere and not having your swimsuit would be a catastrophe - then pack it in your carry on bag.

The financial daily restitution that the airlines gives you for lost bags is PATHETIC. You couldn't even begin to replace missing items (I'm talking about what they will allow you to spend when you are away from home and your bags did not arrive).

Posted by: Songbird

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/08/07 10:56 PM

Yeah, I went through that ordeal in 2005, when my bags arrived 3 days later and I'd had 5 presentations by then! Only $50.00 approved for emergency spending! It's a shame! I thank God that I didn't cancel any engagements, and was able to borrow a couple outfits to help the emergency! - Talk about surprises in life

Good thing I had my soundtracks, Bible and other most important items in my carry-on bag, but still lost things that are valuable for different reasons.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 12:19 AM

Songbird, I've been reading this thread and am frustrated by what you've gone through here. Of course, some things are more personally valuable than others, but it's still unconscionable for the airlines to screw up like this.

I really, really hope your luggage returns home soon
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 10:31 AM

Songbird, any luggage yet?
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 11:32 AM

Meredith, thanks!
This is indeed frustrating, thou I am waiting, trying not to get anxious over this.
At last I got a form to fill and give them info of my belongings. But the lady had the nerve of saying : "You need to send me receipts of your items."

Uhuh, Yeah, like I was expecting to have my luggage dissapear and have a receipt for each and every item!!!! So, am I supposed to buy everything new before I travel so that I may have receipts if anything like this happens?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 02:31 PM

Have you visited the airport since you arrived home? This may sound ridiculous, but perhaps your luggage is sitting in a pile right outside the office and on one has looked for it. Do you think that's a possibility?
Posted by: Laurel

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 05:15 PM

That's crappy. Who saves receipts for everything they buy? We'd all be swimming in paper.

Posted by: chickadee

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 06:08 PM

We used 2 reciepts when my daughter lost hers. We got back 1200 dollars. You don't really need them, I don't think.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/10/07 11:50 PM

Well, Anything is possible, Dotsie!

I'm sending the paperwork and hope this all does some good! Thanks to all of you for being so caring!
Posted by: Danita

Re: Luggage Issues - 04/11/07 12:40 PM

It's to the airlines advantage to find your bags....

We had a situation where someone had mistakenly picked up someone else's bag - figured it out - and instead of bringing it back to the airport - left it on a city bus. Argh.

Your bag isn't at the airport - it is somewhere in between. At this point - the airline has looked high and low for it.


Posted by: Songbird

Re: Luggage Issues - 05/01/07 03:49 PM

Over a month and I still have no idea what happened. I have not received any more info from this airline. Calls, emails, nothing seems to work.