Anyone else spending Christmas alone?

Posted by: chickadee

Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 06:35 PM

I am glad to have this place to come to today. Other half has to work through Christmas and I am making the best of it.Just wondering if anyone else is in the same situation.

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 07:14 PM

Hey there Chickadee, I'm glad to see you! Merry Christmas Eve!

I'm not going to be alone, but you can bet I'll be thinking of all my BWS friends today and tomorrow as we celebrate the season.

You should hear me explaining all my cards to my visitors - I explain the forum and the friendships, and some of them just don't get it. Those of us that are here for each other - we understand.

Take care...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 07:19 PM

I'll be home alone Christmas Eve Chick but am suppose to travel to my sons for Christmas day, across town. I adore my family but would rather stay home and not be out in that horrific traffic with all the nutty out of town drivers. Our traffic is so dangerous here in Vegas. Have a restful, peaceful day and know we are with you in spirit, as always.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 07:27 PM

My brother and step-daughter are here today and tomorrow. Both are late-sleepers, so I'll probably be here on the board in the morning, and then again in the afternoon while my brother has a wee nap in the living room.

And I will be carrying my BWS sisters in my heart throughout today, tomorrow and the Christmas week, especially those of you who I know are alone, lonely, grieving and struggling through rough patches right now. I know it's not quite the same as someone with "skin on", but I hope that the love and care from my heart and the hearts of the caring women here will somehow buoy you up and make you feel well-surrounded by love.

And Chick, I hope this doesn't sound too corny or weird, but I think of you so much more often than you can imagine - because of the Newfie connection - whenever I think of my Mom (and I do think of her constantly this time of year) that Newfie connection also brings my Newfie Chickadee sister to mind. So trust me, you'll be in my hearts and prayers throughout the coming days!!!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 07:37 PM

I'm home alone and it's okay. There were a few disappointments but I got the first season of MURPHY BROWN on DVD from the library. Anyone remember this TV show? I loved it and I do have the t-shirt (got it from my counterpart at ABC when I was working at NBC). I wasn't able to plan food because of my bad arm last week so I made a giant pot of chili yesterday. I have three days off and I want to eat, take naps, read, watch TV and check in on the postings here.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 07:46 PM

My husband's not feeling well today, so I'm kinda on my own. Just have to go in and check on him every once in a while. Right now we're watching the football game. I'm checking in with my boomer friends during half time. :-)

I'll be thinking of all of you warmly with happy, healthy thoughts. If you're alone, please enjoy your quiet time and reflect on all that you have to be grateful for in your life.

I'm thankful for all of my boomer friends. You're here for me whenever I need you. Just knowing you're only a click away makes it even better.

Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 11:06 PM

All of you are in my thoughts. I am so glad I found y'all!!! This is a wonderful community and I can't remember what it was like before I joined. My partner and I will go visit my mom Christmas morning, then we'll probably take a hike into the desert for a photographic safari if he's feeling better. He's been down and out for 2-3 days with some awful cold/flu thing but seems better today. I've been dosing myself with homeopathic preventatives in the hopes that I won't get whatever he had.

Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to all. May you be blessed with everything you need in 2007.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/24/06 11:35 PM

Still sick but wanted to drop by and tell you all I miss you. Spending Christmas on the couch. But have my beloved BBCA mystery movie channel to keep me company. Piorot, MidSummer Murders and the like.

Merry Christmas to all, Love JJ
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/25/06 12:07 AM

Merry Christmas to you all!

I will be alone some, but I volunteered to be a greeter for the 8:30 Christmas Eve service at my church. Some of my family and I went to the morning service, but the music was so awesome I will probably stay to listen to it again. I am so used to being alone on holidays, it's not a big deal.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/25/06 10:04 AM

Remember when I said I was suppose to go to my son and DIL's home for Christmas but wasn't looking forward to that long drive in holiday traffic....Well it looks like I will be 'home alone' after all, my DIL seems to have fallen ill with a bad flu, running at both ends and achy and can't stay awake except to throw up or have the trots. Soooo it seems my wish has come true, and I will spend the day with the dogs and the TV and relax. NO working on manuscripts for me on Christmas. I'm very sorry my DIL is ill, she's a sweetheart. So I will be toasting you all around 4:00 PM, listen for the tinkle of the ice cubes....
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/25/06 01:59 PM

Chatty, you're an awesome woman. I hope your day is tranquil, full of cuddles from your dogs and warm snuggles from all the cyber-hugs being sent your way.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/25/06 07:31 PM

Thank you Sharon, I slept in this morning and the house smells of baking apple pie and candles. The phone has rung off the hook with well wishers and a few friends wanting to stop by later for some eggnog and to give me a hug. My door is open so we will see what this day brings. It amazes me how close friends some of the local authors and I have become, while editing their books. They consider themselves and me family, I am both surprised and honored by this....I wish you could all visit me today and see the splendor all of your Christmas cards have created in my livingroom. It is awesome and uplifting. I am not normally a saver nor do I squirrel away items, but these cards will be with me forever more....HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND LOVE TO ALL!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Anyone else spending Christmas alone? - 12/26/06 04:41 AM

Just reading thru these responses gives comfort knowing how close we are in spirit during the holidays. Being alone is not lonely when you can connect this way.
Tinkling the cubes here too Chatty. I am toasting my Mom who passed around this time several years ago. Reminising about the wonderful friendship we shared and how grateful I am to have those special memories.

All is well.
