Anybody sick of...?

Posted by: Bluebird

Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 12:12 AM

Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of:

Jared, the Subway guy?
Commercials about E.D.?
Donald Trump's hair?
Reality shows?
Shows about lawyers and doctors where all they do is talk about sex?
News shows where the guests just argue with each other and no one listens to the other?

And this has nothing to do with TV, but have any of you ever gotten your feathers ruffled by teachers who always send home these newsletters (unsolicited) that tell us how to be better parents? I have been tempted many times, to find something geared towards teachers, telling them how they can do a better job. I think they may get offended.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 12:21 AM

Here's a secret about me....

"ssshhhhhhhhhh"....I'm a reality show junky. Don't ask me why, guess I don't have enough drama in my life! LOL I also do like Dr Phil, and sometimes watch Oprah.

Other then that, I don't watch alot of t.v. I'm too busy making my first million! (or chatting on boomer women speak!)


[ October 11, 2005, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Danita ]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 12:34 AM

It's not even some of the shows themselves, but there's just so many of them!! But don't worry, your secret is safe with me....
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 12:48 AM

Oh no Danita! What are we going to do with you?
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 01:13 AM

I didn't tell her, I swear!!!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 01:57 AM

Who's Jared the Subway guy? and what is E.D.? Do I live in a cave? What did I miss? I like to watch Oprah and Dr. Phil, but that's just me. I don't get to see either one very often, but enjoy it when I do.

I've never been able to figure out why Donald Thrump can have so much money and influence, yet he can't find a descent barber.

Reality shows I don't like (Survivors, Joe Millionaire, etc.) and I mean I REALLY don't like these. But then again, that's just me.

I'm with you on the news shows where all they do is argue, one trying to out-scream the other. Nerve racking and nothing ever gets said/done.

If I'm going to watch TV, I love mysteries and old movies. Sometimes, cooking shows like Iron Chef. As long as you don't make me watch that girl, what's her name? Rachel or something?

That about sums it up. Oh wait... I like the Curb Appeal show on that!

Posted by: Pattyann

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 02:01 AM

Well, bb- I'm really not sick of all the tv stuff cause I just put the tv on for noise and pay no mind- I can also have the stereo on and ALLLL the lights and this drives the frugal husband nuts
But- I remember those be a good parent newsletters. I think I was a bit of a nutty mother- let the boys do what they wanted as long as it didn't hurt them or others - or cost me mega bucks in damages- this was OK when we lived in a bigger, more diverse city but when we moved to Lancaster PA- a bit of an uptight world I was bad mom personified! The one phone call I got put an end to that- seems the guidance counselor thought if my sons would dress more like their costudents and not be so ready to spout what was no doubt their liberalmother's misguided views they would get on better
Well- I let loose- told her the goal of education was knowledge and to open minds and accept that the world was not all like this corner of it so, no I did not want my children to conform
They never called again- my kids did fine- graduated up there in their classes and fled this county post haste and I am ranting and raving over something that happened years ago- hot flash alert! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 02:06 AM

JJ, Jared is the tall geeky guy with glasses that does the commercials for Subway sandwiches. He's been their spokesperson for years and I realized recently that I'm so sick of him (the sandwiches are good, though.)
E.D. is erectile dysfunction and they have the most obnoxious commercials for the meds.
Donald's hair just goes to show you can't buy class!
You don't love Rachael Ray??? I think she is so expressive and adorable! And I hate the Iron Chef! Different strokes for different folks!!
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 02:17 AM

My favorite reality t.v. shows are:

#1. Survivor - would cut off my right arm before missing it.

#2. Extreme Home make overs! Good for the soul!

#3. Extreme Make overs (helps me to know that beauty CAN be bought! (and when I'm rich, I can buy it too if I chose! rotfl))

#4. The surreal life - horrible but compelling.

I loove what not to wear - I have learned so much from that show on "What I should wear"..

Clean sweep - has affirmed my position on not having to much junk in the house!

I can NOT watch the kissy, smootchy "bachelor" type shows. Ugh. I'm 40 and I still can't stand to see people in a lip lock on t.v.

Isn't it funny how we all have different tastes.

Posted by: Sunrise

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 04:10 AM

Would't it fun to see a reality show of Donald Trump get a hair makeover?
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 04:28 AM

OMG! What an awesome idea! You should submitt it!

Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 04:48 AM

Are we sure Donald's hair is real?
Or a rug...made to look real.
Can't be the real hair thing ...lookin like that!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 05:13 AM

Donald and his fake hair both suck...

I am thoroughly hooked on House Hunters & Curb Appeal....I never miss Lost or Medium and Survivor usually. I am addicted to COPS whenever its on. I watch Emeril faithfully at midnight every night. I mostly watch Court TV when one of my reguloar shows isn't on. My TV broke and for a day I nearly went nuts. Scary how addictive it can be. Has anyone watched Changing Spouses? Thats where two moms changes places for a week living in each others homes with each others families? What a hoot!

Jared is the spokesperson for Subway because a few years ago he was 445 pounds and went on a Subway sandwich diet and exercise routine. He would walk to Subway for brunch and have a turkey or some meat footlong and then for dinner he'd eat a vegetable 6 inch Subway and nothing else but water. He sent them the photos and they were so impressed with his 250 pound loss they made him their spokesperson, I would say he earned the spot....go Jared.

[ October 11, 2005, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 05:36 AM

I love trading spouses! Have checked in on "nanny 911" that's a little TOO much reality for me!

Glad there is another survivor fan in the house!

Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 06:54 AM

Hardly ever watch tv during the day... my mother use to watch the soap operas, it got to the point she would draw the shades, lock the door, take the phone off the hook and dare to you talk over a whisper.

Afternoons while preparing dinner, you can catch me every now and again looking in on Judge Judy, Doc Phil, and Oprah.
My husband is a stickler for Law & Order and CSI, so we have seen every re-run 4 or 5 times... for sure.

My absolute favorite show is House, if only all doctors were like him. I find him to be very pleasing to the eye, not gorgeous just really appealing.

Favorite commerical is the baby, on Quiznos Sub's. What a cutie!
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 06:56 AM

Oh yea... Cops & America's Most Wanted.
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 08:21 AM

Well, this is hilarious !

I just spent this entire day on this website and I don't even care at this point - where have you guys been all my life?

You people spend way too much time watching Television, however, I like Dr. Phil, Oprah, HGTV, Food Network, (and Rachel Ray Is trying my nerves lately - a little too spunky for my taste, spunk has it's limits 'cause it gets to be fake spunk and it reminds me of me at her age, I'm much more sophisticated now) But not one of you mentioned the history channel, discovery, or CNN - you are indeed depraved and should immediately slap your own faces!

Well, at least none of us mentioned Judge Judy.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 08:33 AM


I believe you were warned that this site is very addictive! LOL

I soooo look forward to peeking in (about 20 times a day) to see what is happening).

Actually, irt watching t.v. - I probably watch about 5 hours a week MAX. I would much rather read a good book! (watching survivor is non-negotiable, actually!).

My husband and Son watch enough of that "good t.v." for the entire family. Can you say, "gag me with a spoon"? I prefer "la la land". No news, no history, NOOOOOO problems (I'm also a Parot head after visiting Margaretaville in Vegas).

Party on girls!


p.s. I hope MY spunk doesn't offend you! ROTFL!!
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 08:53 AM


what's irt, and ROTFL???? And what were you doing in Vegas where it seems you became a Parot head????? And your spunk isn't on TV at least yet, so no, I am not offended. (it really does take quite a bit to offend me anyway)

And also, la la land is definitely a pleasurable place and is to be visited as much as life will allow.

And I WAS warned and chose not to believe -- so much for my convictions.......
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 09:05 AM


Irt - is military for "in reference to"...

ROTFL = is internet language for "rolling on the floor laughing"

ROTFPMP = rolling on the floor peeing my pants

I was at an Arbonne conference and I stumbled on paradise (margaretiville). I am always threatening to run away there now! I would love to have a boomer babe convention there at maragaretteville - what a hoot that would be! huh, chatty! She'll be our hostesses (if we can get her to step foot on the strip)

"And your spunk isn't on TV at least yet, so no, I am not offended."

I'm so glad...sometimes I feel myself bouncing off the walls of this forum! wooo hoooo!

(it really does take quite a bit to offend me anyway)- Me too Searcher, Me too! (just don't insult me about my children, that's the only thing that puts me in a fighting mood)

"And also, la la land is definitely a pleasurable place and is to be visited as much as life will allow."

I live in la la land for the most part. Its just easier for me! Reality (except on reality t.v.) is just a real for me!

"And I WAS warned and chose not to believe -- so much for my convictions......."

Yup, that's how it starts, we reel you in...and the rest is history!

I hope being here has helped your day - hey - you ate choc. cake for dinner - that's a good sign!

Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 09:42 AM

Danita, Quick Writer,

You know, like Dan Light Feather - no offense to my American Indian friends, but even they think I'm funny sometimes , but only because I'm very white (pasty faced) with blue eyes and exceedingly curly hair with some Indian heritage so they think I am an amalgamation and don't really count anyway.....(see, we spent 18 years in North Dakota way up by the Canadian border, where only Indians and Norwegians live and also some really weird Irish/German/French/American Indian folks.)

Well, you are just tooo funny and I am just delighted since the only people I know are really way too serious and frankly drive me nuts - they always take me seriously when I am only trying to lighten a serious situation - how in the world can you go thru life being miserable in a miserable situation?

And yes, it has certainly helped my day, moreover, my convictions that life WILL get better!

More hugs,
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 10:00 AM

And Danita Quick Writer (Henceforth to be known as Danita Q W),

ROTFPMP is the only way I can appreciate good humor since my uterus has made a permanent liason with my bladder. Good insurance would be such a blessing!

Talk to you all soon
Posted by: Junebug

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 12:31 PM

I just realized! i don't watch tv anymore, unless i catch an older movie, or a new good movie. What are the chances of that? LOL I am like Danita, I live in lala Land! if I am not on the computer looking in here, I am on a poetry board, or writing poetry! i get lost and never think of tv! HUM! I do listen to 1 particular cd over and over and over though! LOL
Concerto for 2 violins in D minor
Concerto for violin in E major
Concerto for violin in A minor

Picked it up for $1.50 15 yrs ago and just love it! LOL

Don't worry, I throw in a little boot scootin' boggie every once in a while, TEXAS LIVES! LOLOL
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 03:24 PM

Okay searcher, I admit it. Occasionally I watch the history channel... uh huh. Do. eeek!

I don't watch survivior (please don't shoot me!) Sweeping my kitchen floor is as much energy as I expend daily, and those people just wear me out.

I do watch EVERY Sunday, Poirot, on the Biography channel and if you want to get my dander up, call me during one of his shows. I LOVE THEM! He's a Belgium detective and the stories were written by Agatha Christie... just my cup of tea... I like British shows, most of them, especially the mystery shows.

Course I still watch Matlock and Murder She Wrote too...

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 11:41 PM

My favorites are:

Any crime show - I should have been a forensic scientist.
Most of HGTV - I get good ideas for future projects.
Animal planet - I watch the dog catcher shows, then can't finish watching because I get too upset.
Fox News - but the debating shows are getting old. And when there is a catastrophe, I'm glued to the tv even though I cry and get all depressed.
No reality - life is enough reality for me. Plus, don't you think it's all fake anyway?
Every now and then I watch Oprah.
Sex in the City - I've only started watching after it started playing on reg. cable. Sometimes I cringe - they are all such loose women.

Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/12/05 11:51 PM


Thank you sooo much for my honorable Indian name. I will use it with pride!

I hope today is an even better day for you then yesterday was. (you know the old saying, "every day above ground, is a great one". LOL)

You said: "ROTFPMP is the only way I can appreciate good humor since my uterus has made a permanent liason with my bladder."

I say: You are soooo funny. A liaison, huh?

I saw this joke and thought of you (hope you don't mind)'s an (ahem) older woman in a red hat and she's saying...

"multi-tasking...I laugh, cough, sneeze and pee at the same time. That's multi-tasking, right?"

Great, big, joyful, boomer hugs at ya!

quick writer
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/13/05 12:06 AM

You women are nuts. And I love it. I've never heard ROTFLPMP. Danita, you must have teens!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/13/05 12:17 AM

I noticed no one mentioned watching "Desperate Housewives" I the only one who's hooked??
(Or the only one brave ebough to admit it?) [Razz]
Posted by: starting over

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/13/05 12:48 AM

I'll admit it. I love Desperate Housewives and Gilmore Girls. Those are my 2 shows.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/13/05 12:54 AM

I AM the woman they wrote the show about!(desperate housewives - and don't EVEN think about asking which one is me!!!!!!)

"buluah give me another grape" (mae west)

Of course it is awesome!

quick writer
Posted by: KAY B

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/13/05 04:40 AM

Clean Sweep/Mission Organization/Neat
House Hunters/Sell This House/Flip This House/Buy Me
King Of Queens--the show could be about my husband & I!!!
7th Heaven/Gilmore Girls/Desperate Housewives/Grey's Anatomy/ER/Hope & Faith

We also watch the cooking shows....
travel channel.....QVC/HSN....

AND THEN SOME!!! [Smile]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/13/05 05:19 AM

Ooops forgot Desperate Housewives, I admit to never missing it if possible....
Searcher I do also check in to the Travel and History channel on occassion BUT I spend a good deal of my time on this site and I actually passed JJ with posts, na-na-na-na naaa. (I love you Queen) I am coming up fast on 4000. Can't accomplish that unless you're here with fingers flying.....

[ October 12, 2005, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 07:12 AM

Well, I like desperate housewives too oo oo!

Danita Quick Writer, - so we could call it MTLCSP, right?

Dotsie, can we get paid to post on here? I figure at 10cents an hour ---mmmmm that's roughly the gross national product of Yemen.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 07:16 AM


Glad to see you back today - I missed you yesterday.

O.K., I bite -- what is "MTLCSP?

(I just got it!) ROTFPMP!


(but you can tell the other ladies in cyber-land what you are referring to!)
Posted by: Sherri

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 07:50 AM

I confess, that Thursday is my favorite nite for TV. I love Survivor, CSI and Without a Trace. I also watch Lost, Medium and that's about it. My husband always has on a sport channel.

Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 07:56 AM

All Right,

Ladies, Danita was telling me that ROTFPMP meant rolling on the floor laughing and peeing my pants - when I explained that peeing my pants was the ONLY way I could laugh anymore, she she told me a joke about a woman who could multi - task : Multi - task meaning laugh, cough, sneeze while peeing at the same time.(Thus, MTLCSP) Boy, the day that started, it was like getting my AARP card in the mail for the first time!!! 'member that?

And OK, I must tell you all that I cannot play as much as I have, because I am now unemployed (since losing Nichole) and must pound the pavement to pay the internet bill! But I can always share morning coffee and probably evening thoughts...

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 06:06 PM

Searcher, what kind of job are you looking for? We need to get this intenet bill paid so you can stay and play. I'm happy to prya for you. What should my prayer be in the job search department?
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/15/05 07:47 AM

Wellll, let's see

Here's a little of my background. I have a BA in Psych (worthless in the employment world without a masters), all my education classes except for student teaching for secondary ed, and a whole lot of credits in sp/lang pathology graduate school. All these are wonderful except at my age, I don't feel it is worth the expense to either finish up with masters in psych or to finish the masters in slp. Sadly, I had to withdraw from that program when Nichole became so ill. And now it's been so many years that I would have to begin nearly at the beginning I fear.

So in the past I was a Nursing Assistant to get me thru' school, a Bank Teller, an office assistant, made reservations for Choice Hotels, ran a residential cleaning service, a Program Coordinator for developmentally delayed, painted interior and exterior houses during summers (carrying around a 100 lb wooden ext. ladder in those days - looked pretty hot by summer's end) and my sister and I poured concrete for her footing business "Jackie Blue and her Concrete Crew". Just to name a few.

Right now I'm getting a little desperate so I might end up working for WalMart. But that's ok too, I would still keep looking for something more suitable.

At this point in my life, tho, I have declared that I will do nothing else again that I don't absolutely love to do. I'll set up a tent if I have to. Or a yurt - the Mongolians do it!

My druthers would be to find something a little offbeat - would like to do something involving history (I have a minor in this), gathering it actually - from oral stories to events long forgotten. I'm thinking I really would like to write but need to buy groceries until that could become a reality. I dislike being enclosed in offices etc. (well, who loves it?) so maybe something involving some travel. Oh, I used to give recruiting speeches to high schools - motivational. I enjoyed that but the college I was working for no longer exists.

So basically, the world is my oyster and I'm just waiting until something really strikes my fancy. I have long term plans to begin an alpaca ranch - self supporting to hire disabled and to make it into a weekend destination spot peddling the alpaca products(some of which are artisan clothing, sofa throws, rugs, etc.) and to supplement with herbs which we grow along with other growing things. Perhaps a little lunch spot and a shop for all our products. But obviously, this is down the road aways.

I would love to work from home right now, but anything in that department requires a bank roll until money begins to come in - so I am thinking for the present, I will just take anything to build up that bank roll so that other things are possible.

To answer your question - ANYTHING for now! Oh, and Dotsie, you probably know by now to be careful when you ask me a question - the response might take you all morning to read!

Thanks for asking
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 08:26 PM

Searcher, I work from home and I am a manufacturer's representative for an office products co. But there are mfg. reps in all sorts of business, just about any product you see in a store, there is probably a local rep like me who oversees the product. I work on the commercial side so I deal with sales reps who sell our products to businesses, schools, government etc. I train them and make sure they have all they need to promote MY product rather than my competitor's.

Just an idea for you to ponder. It sounds like you would have some of the needed skills.

Posted by: Sunrise

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/14/05 08:58 PM

Searcher, You have done so many different jobs so far......but don't we all!

I was thinking about your teaching and history knowledge and was wondering what the tourism in your area is like.

There are people that like to hire private guides to take them around and tell them about the local sites and history.

Just a thought....

And to add my input about TV, we just have basic cable, and I would just LOVE to have the Food Network, History channel, Comedy channel, HDTV. Sometimes when we travel, the hotels have the special channels, and they are so much fun!

I would love to watch Desparate Housewives, but for some reason when Sunday evening comes around, I am getting ready for Monday, and always forget about it!

So I will probably watch it when they come out on reruns, I do manage to watch Lost.
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/15/05 07:14 AM


So how on earth does one FIND this employement? and thanx for thinking about it.

Sunrise - that's a very cool idea too, think I'll call the city or the county, state or something. And thank you too

Girls: keep em coming - never can have too many ideas.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/15/05 07:21 AM

Searcher. I designed a flyer (cheaply) and had some made and took them around to real estate offices near my home area. It simple said I'll do your tediuos paperwork leaving you free to list/show/sell real estate. There is NO out of pocket expense to you and they drop off the work and pick it up when finished. Its discustingly easy and anyone can paste on a label and fold a flyer or seal an envelope. The work is tredious and takes hours of their valuable time. One of my Agents just dropped off 2800 calendars today that need to be stuffed into envelopes and labels attached. I should clear a cool $350. bucks when finished. PM or email me if you are interested. Its very easy money with no lack of customers.

[ October 15, 2005, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/15/05 08:16 AM

I got mine from a newspaper ad, but I already had experience in my industry. Here are some companies that may give you some ideas. You can go to their websites and usually they will list job opportunities. For instance, my company is located in Chicago, but there are about 22 people like me covering the U.S.

There are office furniture companies, such as Steelcase, Herman Miller, Krueger, Hon, United Chair, etc. Avery, Hewlett Packard, Bic Pen, 3M, etc.

One friend got an offer from Liz Claiborn. Food companies call on grocery store chains, Quaker, Proctor & Gamble, Coca Cola, Pepsi, 7Up. What about a pharmacuetical company, your experience as a nurse could benefit you there.

I don't have any inside knowledge of these companies, but I do know there are many opportunities you just have to find an opening in your city.
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/15/05 10:51 AM

Oh You Girls(notice the girl part)

Are just the best! I'll follow up on all these ideas and see which one comes out on top - but Chatty, how LONG does it take you to do 2800 envelopes? I'm not really sure I have the patience, and then they would end up thrown all over the floor, or out the window? Or even worse, AT someone? I might seem somewhat tame, but after all, I AM Irish.......

But oh, hey, I just saw Hewlett Packard, Daisy, they LIVE here! Their compound is so big they have their own lake. With geese running everwhere and also a tennis court, a baseball diamond, parks, and on and on........I wear Liz Claiborn almost exclusively as I fit into their demographics perfectly (NOT ==I do wear Liz but only because my extemely wealthy friend from high school is the same size I am and buys a seasonal wardrobe 4 times a year and then sends them to me at the end of the season! Bless that girl). Pharmacueticals I would think would take a particular expertise, but you know- maybe not. I just need to check this stuff out. But this is getting to be really fun. I feel like I'm being poked just a little to rouse myself from the grief of Nichole. And that's a good thing - she needs to be where she is and I need to be where I am. So.

And again, thanx
Posted by: Junebug

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/15/05 11:53 PM

After dinner, I watch my husband sleep and listen to him snore! Action (his chest rises and falls, and head bobs around), surround sound (snoring, I mean snoring), I am a captive audience, what more could be asked for! LOL Does that count for watching TV shows?! Hey gals, I am trying to fit in here! Cut me some slack! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/16/05 08:06 AM

I like what chatty is doing. she gave me the scoop, but I haven't followed up. June, you made me laugh. something new with my husband is the sound of him entering or exiting a chair. oooh, ow, ugh...
I'm mad at him right now because he gets the mail and it turns out he's been deciding if my mail is important or not, and if not he is throwing it away without consulting me. GRRRRR. What is this thread about? LLL
Posted by: Pattyann

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/16/05 06:01 PM

My husband does that mail thing too- he holds it all in his hand and proceeds to read his stuff and THEn gives me mine- makes me mad if I have a real letter from a friend- whatever happened to real letters anyway? I used to have bunches of penpals and would get letters every day- guess we're just all too busy [Confused]
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 07:08 AM

LOL, Lynn! I guess it's become things our husband's do that we're sick and tired of!

Mine reads the newspaper and then, throws it away. Like, I don't read? [Confused]
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/16/05 11:46 PM

Yeah, well, when we get into our house instead of this apartment, I'll be the first to get the mail. I still write snail mail letter. It freaks people out because they think they have to respond in kind instead of email. D, why wouldn't your husband ask you if you wanted to see the paper? Men!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 12:08 AM

This thread is about lots of things!

Now back to searcher...

I think that if the alpaca ranch is a dream you should consider what you can do to wrok i nthat direction? What is your first obstacle? Do you already live on a piece of property you could use?
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 12:29 AM


You are so considerate!

I would love to work in that direction, and I am going to take your advice, and call some ranches in the area to see if there would be anything I could get paid to do there. If not, maybe if I just hang around, something might come up.

But to answer your question, no, I don't have property - alpacas are spendy little devils (reeeeeeally spendy)so that is why this is a long term goal. It is possible that several months down the road, I could take in other disabled adults and that would be a starter toward the ranch. But I will need a larger house and one that is up to code in all respects - hence, down the road. But you know, baby steps.

Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 04:46 AM

Search, maybe there is a foundation that will help you fund your dream.
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 06:33 AM


We're going back and forth on this board all day - ain't it fun?

Did you get my PM?

And yes, I AM thinking of a foundation, or Oprah, or one of those reality shows, Extreme House Makeover or whatever it's called - just got to get my nerve up. (That shouldn't be too hard eh? Nervy little boomer that I am)......

Enjoying your posts

Posted by: Sunrise

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 07:04 AM

My husband started complaining of neck pain....

I told him that in the evening he fell asleep and his head was bobbing and all. Thought maybe that might be the cause of that pain!

What do you think?
Posted by: Sunrise

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 07:10 AM


My above response is from page 3 from what Junebug wrote!!! Mde me think of my hubby...

I am still trying to get used to this site. Sorry if this came out, a bit out of context!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 05:43 PM

Sunrise, I saw her post too. Maybe he has whiplash form all the bobbing.

Searcher, I have a friend who loves horses. She started out by hanging out at this barn and volunteering with the horses. She eventually bought one of the horses for a very good price. Now she hangs out there and hleps, but they allow her to keep the horse there for free. "When there's a will, there's a way." That's what Mom always said.
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/17/05 06:36 PM


Moms are ALWAYS right!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/18/05 03:43 AM

Sunrise, most of the men I hear about ARE a pain in the neck, maybe he's feeling his own pain instead of giving it to someone else...just a thought.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/18/05 09:18 AM

Search, I don't think I got a pm from you. There is me, Lynn 329 and I usually sign Love and Light Lynn or LLL and then there is another Lynn. I wanted to change my user name but the instructions say I can't. I suppose I can and just start over.
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/18/05 10:34 AM


I've been thinking I was talking to the same person ! Well, you know, senior moments....
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/18/05 06:21 PM

Lynn329, When Bluebird first started here she started off being Jackie, then changed to Western Bluebird...when she did that, all her old posts changed her name automatically to Western Bluebird. Have you checked lately?
Posted by: Sunrise

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/18/05 08:54 PM

Chatty Lady... you are soooo funny!
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 04:08 AM

This needed to go on another forum...but, I didn't want to interupt the I post here.

Check your drivers license...

Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own!

I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! [Eek!]

Thanks Homeland Security! Privacy, where is our right to it? [Mad]

I definitely removed mine, I suggest you all do the same!

Go to the website and check it out. Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file.
After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove".
This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.

[Big Grin]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 04:20 AM

Brenda, thanks for the's a jungle out there!

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

[ October 20, 2005, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: Western Bluebird ]
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 04:32 AM

Sure is...never know what to expect!

[Big Grin]
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 07:04 AM

OMG! I looked up my old boyfriend! He hasn't changed a bit!

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 07:15 AM

I looked up a friend of mine in Colorado, and he HAS changed a bit!

Scary stuff!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 09:35 PM

Too funny!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 11:50 PM

My drivers licence came up with the wrong birthdate...I'm peeved!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/21/05 11:56 PM

But Chick, I looked up your license and you look divine for your age...whatever it is...
Posted by: Searcher

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/22/05 12:13 AM

NO KIDDING!!!! I'm looking up mine right now - and Danita, my old boyfriend's as well ! Good Grief, Big Brother is watching.......Is Nothing Sacred anymore?....

And how do you look it up?

Posted by: Danita

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/22/05 12:27 AM


I saw your new license! You are one hot babe!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/22/05 03:21 AM

Oh my God talk about a bad hair day Brenda, what a hoot, still laughing my rear end off....I'm going to have some fun with this one.
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/22/05 06:51 AM

Picture just didn't do me justice.
[Big Grin]
Posted by: Junebug

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/23/05 05:32 PM

Brenda, cool! LOL [Big Grin]
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/24/05 08:17 AM

I didn't have to take a new picture until this year, and the old pic was 25 years old!!!!

Maybe that's why some people haven't "changed a bit?"
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/24/05 04:41 PM

Ladies, check this out. It is unbelievable.
Posted by: Sherri

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/25/05 01:08 AM

That is just way tooooo funny. [Wink]
Posted by: Debra

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/26/05 07:46 AM

Hahaha! Funny! But on a more serious note, if you type in your phone number on Google search, your address and a map of where you live can be found!! My sister found this out from work, and we all removed ourselves promptly!! Scary!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/31/05 02:48 AM

You know what I'm sick and tired of? Patching and repairing my body! I get one thing fixed and something else falls apart. Last week I had two PT appointments and then had to go to the dentist. This is not to mention the roots I now have! I can't even get into my guy to take care of them!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/31/05 04:33 AM

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired....
Posted by: DallasGal

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/31/05 04:40 AM

I really need a new hair style on my driver's license picture - but my SMILE is so great...hmmm...decisions, decisions.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anybody sick of...? - 10/31/05 07:00 PM

Smile is waht it's all about! I bet you'll have your same smile even if you get a new hair style.