Famous people we can't stand!

Posted by: Bluebird

Famous people we can't stand! - 10/01/05 06:55 PM

Mrs. M's post about Carmen Electra got me to thinking of this topic.
I cannot stand Neil Sedaka! His face, his voice, yukkkkkkkkkkkk.
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/01/05 07:02 PM

I like Gwyneth Paltrow as an actress. And it's funny, I could never stand Meryl Streep!! Different tastes!
Posted by: Debra

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/01/05 07:32 PM

Tom Cruise comes to mind---takes himself way too seriously! The day I would take his advice, would be a very sad day indeed!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/01/05 07:36 PM

Don't like his politics or religious views, but I like him in movies...
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/01/05 08:34 PM

Unless I meet them in person, I can't say whether I like them or not. I might think one is a better actor than the other but outside of that, I am not that much of a fan or nonfan.
Posted by: Junebug

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/02/05 07:02 PM

The actors and acresses into the scientology and new Jewish kinda related, what is it, Kabuka or something. I want to make up my own religion to and spread it around, but alas I am not famous or rich, not even infamous! LOL Or am I infamous and you will never know????!!!! [Wink] LOLOL
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/02/05 08:54 PM

Junebug, I agree, it's any arrogant actor/actress who thinks because they are a "star" they have any influence in my decisions about religion, politics or anything else. The sad thing is they actually do influence some people, or else they wouldn't be celebrities. Same goes for the ones who participate in telethons rather than just give up their own money, which is really our money if we have purchased one of their cds or gone to a movie.

Posted by: KAY B

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/02/05 11:55 PM

I'm not fond of actors/actresses who use their "celebrity" to ram THEIR opinion down YOUR throat about certain topics. THEY AREN'T BRAIN SURGEONS!!!!
I tend to avoid movies/music where a person has turned my opinion off on them.
I'm not a big fan of "Gywnnie"!!!
Which brings up another topic...WHAT ARE THESE ACTORS/ACTRESSES ON WHEN THEY NAME THEIR CHILDREN?!!!! As I've said before...just call the child YEARS OF THERAPY!!! [Smile]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/04/05 08:22 PM

Frank Zappa named one his kids Moon Unit...
Posted by: KAY B

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/05/05 12:25 AM

They had a special on VH-1 about celebrities naming their kids weird names...yikes!!!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Famous people we can't stand! - 10/05/05 08:14 AM

And what about the trend of appropriating last names for first names, especially for girls? Hunter? Taylor?? What's next -- Butcher??
