
Posted by: chatty lady

Predicament - 05/18/04 10:50 PM

Well, now I've done it. I faxed my resume off the night before last about 11:00 pm. Then yesterday morning at 8:15 am I got a call from the General Manager of The Employment Guide where I sent the resume. He was very excited and said he hadn't had anyone apply with my diversified experience. When could I come in to chat? Immediately I began to back pedal. I never experted such a fast response. We set an appointment for Thur.@10:00 am. My problem is I have worked at home for so many years now I'm not sure I can do this again. [Frown] I work in my shorts and long t-shirts and very rarely do I put on shoes or a bra. I would certainly need the wear both for this position. It is a great opportunity money wise, $40,000.00 a year. I know I can do the job itself its the getting there on time, and all that I'm concerned about. Oh well, just blowing off steam I guess. [Roll Eyes] Maybe I'm too old to change my ways now? Any advice from you working women? [Confused]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Predicament - 05/19/04 11:20 PM go girl...getting jobs you're not even sure you want. That's great!

What to do. I'm a big proponent of prayer and lists.

Seek guidance from our Lord and really listen.

Make a list of all the pros and cons.

There are advantages to being out in the work world AND working from home. You just have to figure out if you're ready for a change.

I believe life goes in cycles. There are so many stages and perhaps it's time for you to begin a new stage. [Roll Eyes]

I say go to the appt. with a good attitude and you will get a gut feeling for whether you are ready for change. You'll also have more to base your decision on.

I wish you luck chatty and please keep us posted.

Isn't it nice to know you're wanted and needed? [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Predicament - 05/19/04 11:21 PM

Next time you walk through your bedroom, get a bra out so you don't forget to put it on tomorrow! [Eek!]
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Predicament - 05/20/04 03:00 AM

If you faxed off your resume, then subconsciously you were ready for change. Listen to that subconscious and go for it! I'm sure you'll do fine.
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Predicament - 05/20/04 05:35 AM

Hey Chatty --- what Dotsie & Meredithbead said.

Plus...bras aren't so bad. Heck, it's no worse than having your feet bound!

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Predicament - 05/20/04 02:39 PM

I can't wait to hear the outcome of this. I agree with the Divine Ms really want a change. And this sounds like a good financial move, is it not? So go, listen, wear a bra, and then decide. An interview doesn't mean you HAVE to take it. Sounds like you are in the drivers seat, not them. What kind of job is it? Can I ask that? Seems like it is either chicken or feathers...either the jobs are there for ya, or you couldn't find one if you needed it! Ain't that the way? WEll...YOU got feathers now, so I say go for it. Keep us posted. I'm sure you will make the right decision for you. We're with ya gal...

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Predicament - 05/20/04 06:04 PM

Chatty, sdid you don your bra for the interview?

How was it? The interview, not wearing a bra! [Razz]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Predicament - 05/20/04 09:21 PM

Interview was short and sweet,just a formality actually, had the job offer before I even got there. JJ, the job was for a newspaper called The Employment Guide and it contains help wanted ads from business's all over the Las Vegas area. I would be contacting employers to get those ads. I have been watching the paper for some time now and noting the size. I have been in ad sales for more years than I can remember and there aren't enough ads in this paper to generate even half of $40,000.00 and there are three other sales people, so how can anyone make that kind of money. Not possible....I'd have to work from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily. It would also be a 45 minute commute one way. I politely and happily said thank you, but NO thank you. I may not make a fortune on the phones working from home but I also have No gas bills, NO cleaners bills, No hair and make-up exenses ( I hardly use any) so I don't need to earn as much. I am comfortable, and content and my time is my own. I guess I was experiencing some sort of a flashback to my younger more agresive days, well that won't be happening again any time soon....Those people are slaving away right now, I'm headed out to the pool... I made the right decision for me at this stage in my life. Thanks for caring. [Cool]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Predicament - 05/21/04 04:07 PM

Originally posted by chatty lady:
I Those people are slaving away right now, I'm headed out to the pool... I made the right decision for me at this stage in my life. Thanks for caring. [Cool]

Great attitude! [Big Grin]

Chatty, I applaud you for knowing yourself so well. This is something that comes with age that we need to be thankful for. In our younger days we may have taken the job for all the wrong reasons. At this stage in life we know ourselves better and are able to make choices based on what truly sits well with our soul.

Put the bra away! [Razz]
Posted by: DreamrKate

Re: Predicament - 06/26/04 09:35 PM

I want a pool! You notice, girls, that she said absolutely nothing about the bra. I'm thinkin' she didn't wear it.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Predicament - 06/27/04 03:18 PM

Kate, thanks for bringing this back.

Chatty, what's happening with the job? I'm gathering from another post that you're still working from home?
Posted by: DreamrKate

Re: Predicament - 06/27/04 11:11 PM

I think she burned it.

Kate [Big Grin]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Predicament - 06/28/04 04:20 AM

Yep Dotsie, still working from home and after reading some of the post from those working outside the home I plan to stay at home, if the good Lords willing, and the creek don't rise. [Wink]