Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

Posted by: Dee

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/17/09 10:43 AM

I've noticed lately that when I say "Merry Christmas" to a store clerk, they smile and say "Merry Christmas" back. One young clerk thanked me for saying Merry Christmas to her. I think most folks in stores want to say Merry Christmas but are afraid to because of what they've been told by store management about offending those who will complain if Christmas is uttered.

Anyone else notice this?
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/17/09 07:57 PM

It's a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't. We send out an appeal for funds right after Thanksgiving, and we get nasty letters back saying they should be Christmas Greetings not Holiday Greetings; when we send out Christmas Greetings we get nasty letters about including non-Christians. There are people who don't celebrate Christmas - maybe it's Hannukah, or Kwanza, or Solstice, or whatever. I have no quarrel with any of them. I do have a quarrel with having any religion pushed on me.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/18/09 06:58 AM

There is always going to be some brain dead moron ready to spoil whatever holiday it is with their selfishness. Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, Solstice who cares; it is the season to be jolly and if thats too difficult for the party poopers around then they need to go home, shut their doors and shut the hell up already... Let those who want to celebrate whatever they want to celebrate do so. Personally I never allow religion to creep in at this time of year. I know what I believe and have no problem with what anyone else believes.
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/18/09 09:56 AM

I guess that's the bracing kind of cheerful, Chatty.....

Seriously, what does it mean to people in terms of importance when someone in a store says Merry Christmas? I enjoy Christmas and celebrate it, but feel that some aspects of it are almost embarrassing. I have no idea why we expect store clerks to say Merry Christmas to us. It's certainly nice, but Thank You, Have a Nice Day, and Happy Holidays are nice, too -- also 'we have that in the size you want.' They don't know us and have no idea why we're there except to buy stuff.

Besides, you know, Happy Holidays is from Happy Holy Days -- traditionally said to include Thanksgiviing, Christmas and New Year's (and whatever else people might be celebrating). There are Christians who observe Christmas until January 6 (Twelfth Night); are the clerks supposed to guess that as well? Some people observe St. Nicholas Day (Dec 6). Are we going to get ticked if they can't figure that out as well?

And these are the poor folks who have been listening to Christmas music since mid-October and explaining to crazy shoppers that they're out of that idiot hamster, or whatever is hot this year. I think they should get medals for not going bananas. Frankly, I think we should give something to them.

Dee, I think your practice of saying Merry Christmas first is the right thing to do. That lets the person know a bit about you in terms of greeting. I think this season is far more about being nice and giving thanks than greetings, so anything pleasant works for me. I use all the greetings depending on context and like them all, even "Hi: How are you?" We're not supposed to be nice only now, after all....

And I can feel chipper because I'm done with Christmas shopping, except for a pair of running shoes for my husband! Yay! Thank goodness for online shopping! Now onto cookies this weekend -- yum.
Posted by: Di

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/18/09 10:03 AM

When someone says "Merry Christmas" to me first, I say "yes, I too believe in Christmas...thank you". But we do say that as opposed to Happy Holidays. Since, for years prior, it was MERRY CHRISTMAS! I never changed things, so we remain steadfast in our greetings.

Funny......people "Christmas shop", yet they say "Happy Holidays". Can't figure it all out, so we stay with what we celebrate. If they don't they do not have to respond!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/18/09 12:14 PM

Ellemm, I was thinking the same thing with regards to what you said, "We're not supposed to be nice only now, after all..." But it is kinda cool that more people reach out in kindness and niceites this time of year. Too bad it doean't last all year long.

I say Merry Christmas or enjoy the season. I also chit-chat about their pins, scarves, ties, the line, etc. Just trying to spread some cheer.

DI, like your comment, people Christmas shop, yet they say happy holidays. Everyone's trying to be politically correct.
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/18/09 02:48 PM

I am now waiting for those out there to change the lyrics to the Christmas songs because it says Christmas... God I hope this doesn't happen.

Interesting enough, there are Jewish people who love Christmas and do not mind saying Merry Christmas. Our VP at my Co is Jewish and he is the most politically incorrect person when it comes to this stuff. He has allowed us to play Christmas music in order to boost morale. Maybe 2 people have complained and his answer was, it's only for a few days, it isn't going to kill you.

In the past, if I said "Merry Christmas" to someone and they responded with, "we don't celebrate Christmas, we celebrate such and such". I would then give them the appropriate greeting according to their beliefs. It shouldn't be that complicating and my goodness, are we so thin skinned???

BTW, we have another manager who is Jewish and he always gives us the best Christmas presents. He doesn't have a problem with it, and he didn't feel like Christians were trying to convert him when being greeted with "Merry Christmas".

Another interesting factor, the same people who claim to be offended, are the same people who do not mind taking Christmas day off with pay...

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/18/09 05:53 PM

Oh WOW! Now that is a real kicker that you expressed Cathi...Hipocrates galore roam around all puffed up and nasty but their hands are out for those Christmas bonuses and days off with pay.

I wish folks a very Merry Christmas and if anyone says I don't celebrate Christmas. I ask, okay then what do you celebrate? Then whatever they answer, I wish them 'Happy that,' whatever it may be. Kind of hard for them to complain then. Plus the smile I keep plastered on my face is probably kind of scary...he, he...!

As far as shopping goes, thank God for catalogs.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/19/09 01:39 AM

Cathi, it is the same at my firm. My senior partner is Jewish, as are four other partners. They are all Orthodox Ashkenazi. We have no problem with our respective religious festivities or traditions. I have a Crucifix on my desk. They have a Hamsa. I wear my cross pendant, they wear their yarmulke and we growl together on Purim. They wish me "Merry Christmas", I wish them "Happy Hannukah". We have a Christmas tree and a menorah with electric bulbs in the office.

The senior partner spearheads the Christmas card drive, chooses the most traditional to send off to clients. We are quite festive at work from Hannukah to New Year. The firm closes from Christmas Eve and we do not come back to work until the next working day of the New Year. The Jewish partners, take their days off during the Jewish holidays as well as observe a short working day to be able to observe Shabbat well in the winter time. Our Christmas parties are always kosher-catered so everyone can participate in the meal.

And then, we all leave work to join the mass of different thoughts and expressions. But, we go in the same way that Chatty does: we are secure in our faith, know what we believe and have no problem with what anyone else believes. However, I would add to that: as long as they do not keep us from what we believe and celebrate.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/19/09 09:59 AM

Lola and Cathi, sounds like you work with a bunch of secure folks. I think insucurities are the root of many of these issues. Sad, but true.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/19/09 10:51 AM

I am a happy holidays type of person. Chances are I will only see, or greet one person, one time over this season filled with celebrations. I like that happy holidays includes any and all holiday of the season.

As far as replying to anything - whatever anyone says to me is what I return. To me, it's just a reminder of everything we all have in common, rather that differences.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/19/09 02:58 PM

I agree, Anne! We send Christmas cards to our Muslim friends and they love being included...they put the cards up on a special table or even on the wall to show all their friends. We bring them gifts on their special days and they give us a little gift for our Christmas.

We live in a multi-cultural condo development, not everyone celebrates Christmas, but we constantly hear "thank you's" and happy comments from everyone here about how the Christmas lights brighten up the neighbourhood.

My former boss was Jewish but LOVED Christmas...while he couldn't celebrate the religious aspect, he respected those who did, and enjoyed everything about the season...even decorated his house with lights and had a Christmas tree. That never bothered me...the more the merrier I say!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/19/09 04:08 PM

I agree with Anne.

Let's enjoy the holidays and exercise happy judgement for each social encounter of whatever greeting we choose to use.

Alot of non-Christians just like the reason of holiday for getting together with friends and family. Isn't that good enough, the people who mean the most to us in our lives? Honour and celebrate that bond and with community.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/21/09 02:37 PM

I'm Jewish and I celebrate Channukah, but I love Christmas lights, especially the tiny white lights. What you don't know is that I am an excellent Christmas tree decorator and was asked to decorate a friends tree in LA every year.

The stores in Beverly Hills have those tiny white lights up all year round and they're beautiful.

Today I saw a beautiful decoration in my library. A real, green tree with some tiny white lights on a white cloth with fake presents and 2 reindeer made out of wire and white lights. The reindeer's necks were moving and I just stood there and enjoyed it.

While I was checking out some movies I mentioned it to my friend at the desk. She told me that a friend of hers has those same reindeer and they put them together so they looked like one was mounting the other. How's that for the Christmas spirit?
Posted by: orchid

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/21/09 09:29 PM

Saundra, occasionally other years, we made latkes (out of zuchinni, less heavy) and of course, I didn't connect it to Jewish food.

We enjoyed them immensely.
I wrote an article today about someone's other way of decorating Christmas trees.

We do have a powerful human inate need for light in the darkness of the night --worldwide. It's almost as if we would die, if human beings never saw any light whatsover for so long.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/22/09 11:45 AM

Orchid, I read and enjoyed your article/blog. I left a footprint.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/22/09 03:58 PM

Considering I'm not feeling festive this year, I have been telling folks Merry Christmas - even when I don't feel like it. Half the time, they appear to be dumbfounded or that which I said was ridiculous.

Last night the UPS man rang the bell with a package delivery for signature, I held my dog's collar in one hand and unlocked the front door with the other. My dog wanted out, my entrance rug was preventing the door for opening and I accidently slammed the door on the UPS guy! I hollered "just a minute"! Shooed me dog and tried the door again, which caught on the rug and I banged my head! Finally got the stupid door open and the UPS man must have thought I was the dumbest thing ever! I forget to say Merry Christmas and feel so bad for not!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/22/09 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: jawjaw
Orchid, I read and enjoyed your article/blog. I left a footprint.


smile I better post an Olympic fireworks photo to the blog next yr. in return. smile
Neat eh? Those lights can be invaluable. I have used this sort of light to help myself walking down a dark road to a construction site. Road had no sidewalk and there were transport trucks.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/22/09 05:34 PM

Yes on next year...for sure! I think the neatest thing was the dual purpose this man found for the lights. Bet he has a really creative mind, don't you?

Nice blog...didn't realize you had it. I'll be stopping by more. You should put a link in your signature so everyone can enjoy it.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/22/09 05:39 PM

orchid, I read your blog too. Very fun. We have several people in wheelchairs in the Towson area. The only place for them to go is the sidewalk which has ramps all throughout town. The ramps are relatively new becasue I recall pushing the stroller around when my kids werelittle and very few corners had ramps. Everything was up and down the curb.

Mustang, do your UPS people come at night?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/23/09 04:22 PM

Hey, thanks for asking - things are OK. Kind of looking forward to some downtime and may even hit the after Christmas sales this year! How are you? I imagine you have a nice warm fire and snow on the ground.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays - 12/29/09 06:58 PM

I always wish my customers Happy Holidays because I'd never presume to know what they celebrate -- but if I DO know, I just wish them that.

If someone says Merry Christmas, sometimes I say, "Thanks, same to you" and sometimes I wish them a Happy Hanukkah. Depends on my mood. Whichever, I always smile. I'm fine with any greeting that is positive.

Hanukkah/Christmas/Solstice/Kwanzaa are all about bringing light into what is the darkest time of year.

I have an Armenian friend who celebrates Christmas on January 6 (I think that's the date) so I don't say Merry Christmas to her until January.