Where to live

Posted by: Rachel2

Where to live - 05/26/09 02:22 PM

Recently , My wonderful man lost his job and has yet to be able to find another, I haqve applied to ssi and other government services, none of which have come in yet. We soon went to housing authority and signed up for section 8 or help with housing to get a place. Over the weakend they sent us a letter that says they have a unit available, we call this morning after the holiday and get the addy. Now because we had lost the car we are on foot so my hubby walked ( it wasnt far ) to where this place was too look at it, good so far right? Wrong / because between the time he left to go look at it someone else went by car to look at it AND took it. Yes while he was in route , made me so mad I wanted to cry. almost did if a friend here where I volunteer didn't give me a hug and change the subject. oh and what did I leave out - the current land lord has already said if we didnt have 2 weeks this week and last weeks rent, we were going to be asked to leave. Suddenly we are looking for homeless shelters.
Sometimes I wonder where I went wrong and who did I made angry/ Hehe. Oh well, I feel a little better getting it out. Will keep everyone updated. Anyother day in the life of the down and struggling in Kcks
Posted by: Lola

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 02:39 PM

You have all the reasons to be angry, Rachel. It's such an unfair practice that the unit was given so quickly when other invitees still remained to inspect and view the premises. How long would you have to wait for another place from the housing authorities? Would they pay your current landlord in the meantime? Where do you live? The reason I ask is because, there might be organisations close to you which might be able to help towards short-term relief.
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 03:43 PM

We live in Kansas ( land of oz). There is another place but we would need to pay my power bill in order for my husband to turn it on in his name( because the lease needs to have all adults on it) so the power co might see my name. I'm not sure what the wait list would be on another its like first come first serve. which sucks. And I really dont think the housing here would pay the land lord while we are waiting. Any short term that we could use has already be exhaused this year. And hubby is a vet, you think he would get more help then a quick thank you. Vets really do get a raw deal when they come home.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 03:58 PM

Listen to Lola. She's THE lawyer among us.

It's more than disgraceful that a man who is willing to die for his country might be homeless. I'm angry with you Rachel.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 03:59 PM

Rachel, I surfed the net and found this FAQ in Kansas. Hope Questions 5-7 help towards private landlords.

Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 04:40 PM

Thanks Lola, I am looking at it now. I wish the housing authority would wait at least 24 hrs to give us the chance to get old bills taken care of so we can consentrate on new. And I am disabled on top of it, I just dont want them to give us the heve ho because we ( well I) am asking too much.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 04:54 PM

Here's another link which might be able to help. Do try to phone them. Take the name of the person you speak to. If you are turned down, please PM me so I can call them.

Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 05:10 PM

Lola, I have tried these and they have helped me in the past, I'm not sure they will help with 2 weeks rent again this year.
( The Keeler womens center is also in the same building) a place that also helps. I'm not sure how many I have already asked for help.

Thanks again
Posted by: Lola

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 05:20 PM

Are you talking about the Catholic Charities, Rachel? Try them again. If they helped before, they will help again. Tell them you're on the waiting list for housing and explain your circumstances.

You're welcome. Anything to help a vet. My gesture of thanks from where I am. And, you're a BWS sister.

Heck, if I were there, I'd have twacked the housing officer from the unfair practice of immediately allocating homes. And, I'm not even a violent person. LOL!
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/26/09 05:31 PM

Yes I am talking about Catholic Charities, but I can always ask.
He he no it doesn't sound like they are being fair. But you know what we would do when we see an injustice and what 'they' would do are so different.

And my husband thanks you as well.
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/27/09 11:58 AM

ok, update, hubby's friend said we could store some of our stuff in his basemant and storage unit. He also said that if we wanted we can crash in one of their spare rooms and save cash.This way when they actually have a unit and it IS our not have us run all over town chancing having a unit and being garanteed a place.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Where to live - 05/27/09 12:16 PM

Rachel, I would take your friend up on his offer. I'm sure you would do the same for a friend, or perhpas you have in the apst. Being able to save some money is a great opportunity.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Where to live - 05/27/09 12:45 PM

That's great news, Rachel! I second, Dotsie. The opportunity will give you time to save. A wonderful thing it is when a friend steps in to help.
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/27/09 02:16 PM

Yea I agree. And I've always tried to help when I could, this way we can save and have a good nights sleep to boot. there will be no neighbors blaring their music at midnight. And yes the police are a reg sight there, now we will be on the other side of the street watching instead of being involved.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Where to live - 05/27/09 09:49 PM

Take your friend up on his/her offer and once there be sure to cook, clean and do everything you can, hubby too, to assure you'll remain welcomed guests.
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/28/09 11:06 AM

Yea, he started moving stuff over in the storage unit that the friend said we could use yesterday, the housing authority is keeping their eye out for a place in one of the high rises they also manage and will be letting us know when we actually have a place ( because we are on that list) so since we are on the high rise list, we are on the list to be called when one becomes available, its no we will give you an addresss to not only you, but others and the first one that says they want it gets it.
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/28/09 03:16 PM

oh happy day!!!!!!! we just got back from looking at our new place, its a one bedroom place, which looks like at one point the building was once a hotel. Theres a shower, plenty of counter and cabenet space, a shower (lol) with hand rails,and a seat where you can sit while showering and an emergency cord incase one of us gets hurt, the security will be notified and send help.Theres not much of a view, but it does over look the court yard. It's nice. why ? because its a roof over our heads !!!!!and a securred building kinda like the one Jerry seinfield (sp) lives in .... yay
Posted by: Lola

Re: Where to live - 05/28/09 05:28 PM

Really great it's come out well. When do you move in, Rachel?
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/28/09 05:52 PM

We have the keys now, so just have to finish packing. And find someone to help us move the stuff. I have seen it and it is so cute. , so we are packing the rest of our stuff tonight and Eric, my hubby, will take what we can store at his friends, then move the other stuff over there. I'm hoping by next week (friday ) we will be over there and settled.

Thank you so much for your help.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Where to live - 05/29/09 12:14 AM

Prayers are answered Rachel, I am so happy for you.
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 05/29/09 10:57 AM

Yes they were chatty, I am so glad my faith is getting stronger. WE should be fully in by the Monday
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Where to live - 06/02/09 10:27 AM

as of June 1st we are officially at the new place, it was so nice not having to walk up those stairs. This officially ends my whine for this topic of where to live ,,lol . Viva la hi rise.