Oh I'm so grateful for this forum...you are all so wise, so kind....please give me a hug, I really need one...

I'm in the middle of lots of changes to my circumstances, lots of emotional stress, and now my whole faith is being rocked. I currently go to a church which is fairly strict, (KJV only, wine is a sin, every other religion/denomination is wrong, etc, etc) and to be honest, I'm exhausted.

Every time I read my bible (gone back to my NIV for simplicity of reading), I just keep seeing the differences between my current church's doctrines and the ones I used to go along with (spiritual gifts, healing, tongues, etc). I don't know what/who to believe anymore...everyone has a strong opinion/set of beliefs and I have no idea what I believe myself. I feel so confused...like I'm back at the start of my faith, if you know what I mean. I feel like screaming!

My daughter has been going through some problems recently and she is going to be going to a women's retreat weekend soon for some time-out and pampering. I'm so glad for her...she deserves and needs it...but I wish it was me going! I wouldn't suggest joining her because she really needs to get away on her own...but I feel like I'm on the edge.

My dearest hubby is in the middle of a huge change of circumstance workwise and is absolutely absorbed in it.

My Mom is recovering from a major illness.

I'll just keep praying and hugging the dog I guess!!

Thanks for letting me vent off...you're the best!
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.