Okay, I about fainted when I looked at the price of a pattern these days. I remember them being $1.50...and I think the most I ever paid for one was around $4.50. A couple of years ago I began making shirts for Larry and almost fainted when I saw how much they are. Twice a year (approx.) Hancock's Fabric has a pattern sale in which their patterns are 99 cents. I'm in the sewing mood (must be a full moon)...and dashed down to the sale...I came out with $100 worth of patterns for $7.77. I received an additional 10% discount for being in the quilters guild. Whoa! I found some cute patterns for the grandbeauties (JJ...I'm borrowing that term from you...it's adorable)!!! I found a very cute dress and a little red riding hood cape that will make up so cute for Christmas. Adrianna's favorite color is pink so I'm going to see if I can find some fabric with pink and brown and have her cape a tiny cordoroy in brown with perhaps some kind of pink trim to match her dress. I can see it in my mind but need to look for the fabric.
I envy ladies who live in great big cities where they have lots of fabric stores/quilt shops to choose from.
Is anyone else shocked by the price of patterns?
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards