Traveling Suggestions

Posted by: Dianne

Traveling Suggestions - 10/30/06 05:59 PM

We travel a lot (going to NYC this week end after a week in AZ!) so I thought it might be nice for all of us to share tips that make traveling easier.

I keep a small bag in my closet that holds all the items I need (shampoo, toothpaste, facial cleanser, etc.) so I don't have to pack what is in my bathroom. I just grab the bag and pack it. It makes it so much easier to pack.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/30/06 10:41 PM

I do the same. A day or two after I return from a trip, I refill all of the bottles. I also keep an older curling iron in there, rather than throw it away.

Whenever I try a new hair product, if I like it, I add a new bottle or replace an old one.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/30/06 10:42 PM

Oh, I forgot to mention, I always travel with one color scheme. Black for winter and white for summer. I bring black pants and skirts (or white) and colorful tops. This way everything is mix and match.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 03:48 AM

I've tried space bags, but I don't think they work all that well.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 11:58 AM

You girls are organized. I just throw the big bottle of product in, as is.

I have gotten better about taking only the clothes I need. Years ago, I would pack everything just in case I'd need it. Now, I really pack light.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 01:26 PM

I pack light too. I roll my clothes, if you can understand what I mean. It stops a lot of the wrinkles. I don't do it with cotton tho. I put tissue paper between clothes and that also helps with wrinkling. I use ziploc bags for my liquids in case they leak. It's become much easier now that I don't do carry on.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 01:43 PM

Lost luggage. Sound familiar? I carry a separate small bag in my carry-on of makeup. Base, powder, blush, mascara. If the luggage containing the rest of the tons of makeup I THINK I have to carry gets lost, then I'm still covered and dont' have to replace it. AND ... I don't run the risk of scaring small children.

If traveling abroad, I make a copy of my credit card(s) and who to call in case they are stolen/lost. And I also make a copy of my passport and put it inside each piece of luggage.

I also take a bread tie (preferably a red or yellow one) and tie them to something on each piece of luggage. Since mine are so similar to the bazillion other travelers, this helps me to quickly identify MINE. I have luggage tags, but sometimes even those are hidden when the luggage rolls around.

Another tip would be to put a picture of your grandchild or favorite pet on the flip side of your luggage ID card. Sometimes when the luggage rolls around, their picture helps to quickly identify your luggage.

I also buy phone cards in advance so I always have a way to reach out and touch my son who is at home throwing a party while I'm away....They're inexpensive and when your cell won't work, they will. Especially internationally.

If I'm going on a LARGE vacation and know that I'll be buying gifts for the entire free world, I pack another piece of luggage (one that folds up easily) and viola! I have an extra bag to carry home gifts.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 09:39 PM

Great ideas, JJ. I tie a scarf around the handle of my luggage to help identify what is mine. It also comes in handy for pulling back my hair when I wash my face.

In addition to keeping a copy of my passport in each bag, I also carry a copy in my billfold. That way, unless I want to cash travellers cheques, I don't have to carry the real passport on day trips.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 10:13 PM

I didn't know you could make copies of your passport. But, then again, I don't travel abroad. If you lose the original, will they accept a copy?

Posted by: diamond50

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 10/31/06 11:48 PM

JJ, I do the same things as well since we travel abroad
regularly. Also, one of my fav things to do is bring lots
of ziploc bags of both sizes -- they really come in handy!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/01/06 12:27 AM

Also, have a list of your prescription meds in your wallet. I do that because if anything happened, I know my husband wouldn't know what I take. For that matter, I always forget the dosage on them. This way, I have it. If I lose any one them, I have the numbers, doses, names, etc.

I also have emergency numbers with me in case my cell phone doesn't work.

Posted by: Anno

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/01/06 11:26 PM

Oh, the copy of a passport won't get you in and out of a country, but it will expedite getting a new one if you do lose yours.

The copy is good for checking in and out of hotels, Identification if you get in trouble, lost, etc. I carry a copy when I am walking around in a foreign country and keep my real passport in the room's safe. Less likely to lose it or have it taken.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/06/06 11:50 PM

My traveling suggestion today, after going to NY is: Don't travel. Especially if you have a herniated disk in your neck. Ouch. I'm beat up!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/07/06 01:24 AM

I just returned today too, and my advise is don't bring only heels, even if you don't think you will be walking all that much. My hips, back and feet are killing me. I did have a great time - a great wedding party!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/08/06 02:44 PM

I only wore heels when we went out to dinner. My sister runs me into the ground and it's hard to keep up with her so I had on my running shoes!

Gosh, it was so much fun watching the NY Marathon. That's a first for me. Of course, they were happy at the halfway mark but on the last two miles, some of them were hanging over the barriers, vomiting.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/08/06 06:25 PM

You watched the Marathon, Dianne? I read some 35,000 participated. Hope less than half were vomiting! Egaaaads. I think that would be the last thing I would want to participate in. I find it amazing that so many people want to run neck in neck with others. I'd be so cramped, worrying about stepping on someone's heel or, much more likely, that someone would step on mine.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 11/08/06 09:58 PM

I'm not a runner/jogger. Hate it plus, I get asthma every single time I've tried.

I heard there were 37,000 runners. They even had UPS trucks to keep their clothing in after they changed into their running shorts. The trucks were police escorted to the finish line.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 01/22/07 01:54 AM


I didn't know you could make copies of your passport. But, then again, I don't travel abroad. If you lose the original, will they accept a copy?


I don't think they accept copies at all at the border. I live near the U.S.-Canada border. People really need to understand in post 9/11, governments on both sides of our international border, have tightened up on the ID requirement.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 01/24/07 07:00 PM

I can't imagine them taking a copy. I certainly would never try it without asking.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 01/25/07 04:46 AM

Since I have gone on several cycling trips (combined withn camping) for several hundred kms. with my bike panniers full of clothing, some food on bike truly learn just to take the most critical pieces of clothing and enjoy experiences of landscape, weather, sights and people without worrying too much about looking pretty.

I even curse when cycling up a hill and know the curling iron is adding to this damn weight. But, I refuse to destroy my hair texture and natural black colour, with a perm.
Posted by: Phyllis0618

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 04/15/07 04:24 PM

Love your suggestions. I also keep the basics in a carryone. Last minute only the day to day items need to be put in. Keeping the clothing simple works well. Some tops never wrinkle so they are my first choice. With bad feet I say goodbye to heels. At a wedding, let them look at my dress and jewelry instead. Better to enjoy the event that have a scow on my face because of sore feet.

Great ideas for keeping a list of medications. I keep a list of credit cards and personal information on my computer and hate to think anyone could take that information in a travel bag or suitcase.

Happy traveling!!!!
Posted by: ShirleyValentine

Re: Traveling Suggestions - 04/29/07 11:08 PM

I'm liking the idea of black for summer white for winter, with matching items. I do that too, although I only just realised it

I also take a spare empty bag with me, as I always seem to return from the UK with much more than I left with! And even if it fits into your suitcase, if it exceeds 32kg (as mine did on one occasion) not only will they ask you to pay extra, they will also require you to transer it into an extra suitcase or bag for hold baggage, as the luggage people in the UK won't touch it if it exceeds 32kg on a single piece of luggage (which is fair enough, but had never occurred to me before).

I always travel in trousers and flat shoes, as I am usually travelling alone and don't get picked up the other end, so I need to feel comfortable.

If I am taking jewellery or valuables it always goes on me, never in luggage, as do iPod and camera.

I used to always carry my own small bottle of water on board.
We can still carry our own water on board if purchased in the air side shops (ie after passport and security controls), which I think you can't do on US flights?