Lola (and whoever else gets affected by huge mass events), I posted some comments here about the impact of the Olympics on our city:

What truly was abit incredulous and totally unexpected was the widespread goodwill, cheering, Canadian patriotism (Canadians are known to be more low-key and short-lived in rah-rah go Canada), HUGE crowds every day during the Olympics downtown where people had a good time. It has gotten alot of Vancouverites buzzing about how we should better manage/reconfigure our public space to encourage more people to meet, chat, more like Europen town hall centres where it's cafe culture, lots of walking and more relaxed. There was also street dancing, some it seemingly semi-planned but kinda neat.

People were really good-natured in crowds and lineups throughout our transit system. Transit system really beefed up their staffing to get passenger lineups moving, etc. But then the Olympics is a one-off, once-in-a-lifetime experience that maybe people will exercise more patience.

The police forces and liquor control board worked together to shut down liquor stores intermittedly for 4 days or so during the 2 weeks, on days after a major type of Olympic game (ie. hockey) or a weekend, where people might consume more liquor in open, public streets (which is illegal in Vancouver.) outside of restaurant property. The police were actually requesting people to dump their booze from bottles, coffee cups, down the sewer drains. And most people cooperated. It helped control the level of unruly drunkeness. I'm glad they did this. This would have prevented near riot situations and the crowds were extremely thick in downtown core. I'm also glad we had cooler weather that it was not a hot, muggy summer which would cause people's tempers to flare more easily.

London 2012 Summer Olympics is under pressure, to provide festive, non-violent fun that the crowds experienced here in Vancouver. What do you think? Do you locals would gladly dump their booze if the police issued the same controls in London area during Olympics? She's a well-known journalist that lives in our city and publishes in national and provincial newspapers and magazines. On how well the public and crowds responded to police...alot of people were thanking the police ..and local transit for managing the crowds. I saw a police officer last night high fived with some pedestrians. It's just amazing, we don't see much of the public openly thanking the police for their work--right there on the street and among crowds.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)