Well allow my narcissitic post on my bike trip.. since this is the travel section. smile

Last Friday...got up at 3:00 am ..and eventually got onto bike, cycled 15 kms. to a bus stop where bus took bikes and us to ferry dock.
After ferry ride from vancouver to Saanich which is outside of Victoria on Vancouver Island. We biked 5 kms. more to a U.S. ferry to take us to Anacortes Island in Washington state.

Then cycled 80 kms. about 60% of it in rain. By that time it was too late to put on my rain gear. I thought it would stop raining... so cycled at times in pouring rain in my shorts with my gear.

Friday- 100 kms. and abit more. Holiday Inn never looked so good at ..7:30 pm There were a few hills.
Saturday-- 68 kms. to Seattle downtown. It was sunny.

met up with other boomers we met via the Internet. 2 boomer women who have taken up cycling mid-life. And their also cycling-oriented hubbies. One of the hubbies the next day cycled 225 kms. (or over 180 miles) in 10 hrs. He must around mid-50's in age.Had shared a great dinner, trip experiences, etc.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)