Human Snakes!

Posted by: Dotsie

Human Snakes! - 07/29/04 07:08 AM

My 21yr old son, in college studying BusMgt w/psych minor thought he could save a human snake. I feel guilty since he didn't still this behavior. Many times over he's witnessed me in my 'save the world' mode. Unfortunately, we do have to learn from experience when it comes to issues like so.

This young man got himself into some trouble inside of my son's apartment building while he was away. Now my son's prop manager is considering eviction based on his affiliation to this human snake. Since there are cameras situated on every floor of my son's apt complex, he is cleared of any legalities.

Two problems now:

1. Eviction on his record (maybe)
2. I DO NOT want my son to have to move back home. We had our issues and we live and love each other better in separate homes.


Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 07/29/04 10:24 PM

Isn't it hard to wittness our children learning valuable lessons?

Does this human snake have another place to live?

If your son promises the property manager that the snake is out, will he give your son a second chance?

How sweet of your son to want to help a friend. He's just learning the hard way. I sometimes still learn the hard way even at age 46. [Eek!]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Human Snakes! - 07/30/04 12:01 AM

If your sons landlord won't listen to reason and plans to evict your son anyway...Go get another aptment before he is evicted and have him move. Nothing will be on his record then...He also needs to be more selective with his friends, just tell him this is his home not the city pound and he might be held liabel for anyhting his animalistic/reptillian guests do... [Mad]
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Human Snakes! - 07/31/04 08:44 PM

Charleen has a good suggestion - find another apt now. Does your son have a contract w/the apt complex he's in now? Will he be violating that contract if he moves out before he's evicted? That would go on his credit report too.

I agree, moving home isn't an option right now. Been there, still doing that. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/02/04 08:02 PM

Well, they let my son keep the apt but due to what this young man did, which was shot someone, we don't think it safe for him to go back there. The person that he shot is not injured bad but still remains, this person that my son was affiliated with shot him. Who knows what kind of retaliation methods he may be thinking of.

My son's been here for a week now and I am just tired and exhausted since I now have to share space that I dont want to nor am prepared to.

If he or I had the money for him another place, he'd be there this very moment. He is going to go away for school now instead of the local college. Thank God. But, that's even very taxing with my single income. The notice is just too short...needed to prepare for a rainy day but really didnt have the resources. Who would've ever thought this would happen?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/02/04 09:44 PM

I-yiyi, sugaree? Is your son safe? Please tell us what happened to the guy with the gun...

I'm glad your son wasn't involved.

I continue to hear about young adults moving back home. I guess it's a revolving door from the time we give birth. [Wink]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/03/04 06:10 AM

The guy that did the shooting, 'Fred,' is a very confused and manipulative young man. He is also afraid of what his bleak future holds for him. That is a bad combination if you ask me. He obviously has not been captured because he called here last night with a bit of threat in his voice. When my son heard me talking to him, he immediately snatched the phone demanding to know why he'd call his mother.

From what I could gather, since my son wont say so not to disturb/alarm his sister and I, is that this young idiot threatened me. I really don't know how to handle such a situation. I really don't. I've never had to purchase protection before. I don't know if this person is just blowing smoke or what.

I do know that now my son does not want to leave for college so that he can protect us. I feel horrible that my son was actually trying to help someone like him and that he has to learn trust issues in this magnitude. I am going to continue to pray for 'Fred' that he'll think before getting himself into even more trouble.

My uncle that is a retired police chief from a city in the south believes that we should be able to go to the police here. It's much more complicated in the city. I'm not going to say that they don't care, but since there so many more people, they normally act AFTER the fact.

I sure would like to know what has happened to values. I've wondered this before my family was in any sort of jeopardy. The young just don't seem to care empty or so, so... what's the word?

My son has been key in steering some of his peers in a positive direction. He really thought he could with 'Fred.' I am almost sure he had tears in his eyes when he realized the effects his 'save the world despite what mamma says about that Fred' would backfire like it has. I was so angry and concerned about my innocent daughter in her room laughing and talking like a teen should be that I forgot to hug my son and tell him that I still love him and to let it be a lesson well learned.

Pray with me please.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/04/04 07:29 AM

This scares me. I think you better get the police involved. I'd also do everything I could to get your son to go away to school. He shouldn't let this "friend" interfere.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/06/04 03:17 AM

I'm happy to announce that my dear son will be leaving for college tonight. We were able to pull some strings to get him in at the last minute. How stressful it is though trying to pull things together at the last minute.

Packing away here! Thanks for all of the suggestions/advice.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/06/04 03:19 AM

Hopefully, this was his last lesson in Human Snake relations. I pray that this is over...that the Human Snake will find God's peace and do the right thing from here on out. Let us all pray for him.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/06/04 02:45 PM

sugaree, praying for you son and his "snake" friend. I'm so glad he left for school.

When does your daughter leave?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/07/04 04:24 AM

Dots, with God's blessings, she will be leaving just around this time next year. Thanks for asking.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Human Snakes! - 08/13/04 10:13 PM

oops, I thought she was starting college this year. [Wink]