Although I am not a mother, I know a good parent when I see one. And, since I had wonderful parents, I know the difference! Each time I see a young mother doing her best to discipline her children, I always acknowledge them for doing great job!

Just today a young mother had two unruly little girls in the restroom. As I listened to all the words being said while I was sitting in the potty, I was grinning from ear to ear!

When I went to wash my hands, I leaned over to the mother and said "GREAT JOB! It is so beautiful to see a mother who really cares enough to discipline her children WELL". She was so thankful that someone recognized that. Our conversation went on about how there is not enough "correct" discipline "out there". She agreed and also said she does not tolerate misbehavior in public.

I think it's such a good thing to tell these mothers that someone sees it and appreciates that!

To quote from a previous post I had, "How will they know unless you tell them?"